My Dads A Celebrity

10 With Daughter.

Teddy didn't want to know anything else they had plan so why they were distracted thinking he picked up Beth who was more than glad to explore more of the house with him. For the rest of the afternoon he took her all over they also enjoyed playing a game of hide and seek before he decided it was time to put her down to sleep they still had to set up for his mother's birthday tomorrow so he wanted to get some shut eye.

"Just one daddy?" Beth pleaded as she held her little arms around her bear, she wanted another bedtime story after he had already told her two but she wasn't satisfied with those she wanted a new one.

Thinking it over he decided that it was fine if it was one story so he thought of making one up and his mind didn't let him down as it immediately came to him, "Once their was a handsome prince who was sad all the time.. when asked why he was sad he would give the same answer... he didn't know why.... his father sick of seeing him sad told him to leave the kingdom until he could return with a smile and not until then.... following his father's words he traveled to the furthest part of the world but has yet to smile until he met her, she was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen... she was in the streets smiling while playing with a little dog....."

Teddy stopped telling the story there since he looked down and noticed that she had fallen asleep with a small smile while holding the bear as tight as she could. Teddy kissed her forehead before watching her for awhile after he went to his bed that was across the room and slept soundly.


Next Morning...

When Teddy woke up the first thing he felt was a body in his arms but after finding out how small the body was he opened his eyes to see him little chipmunk sleeping on his chest which was now covered in drool. She was still sleeping soundly and he wasn't going to be the one to mess up her dreams so he laid there watching her sleep letting the puddle of drool increase.

"hehe no daddy I want mango... hehe mango yummy...." Beth whispered still sleeping.

This glutton was for some reason dreaming of him giving her a mango even in her sleep she couldn't stop eating but he couldn't help but find it adorable, she had an ear of her bear in her mouth at this point. It wasn't for another thirty minutes until he woke her up since he couldn't let her sleep the day away he still needed to go buy his mom a birthday present since he forgot about it, Beth though still wanted to sleep and clung to him like a koala letting him carry her from place to place.

First he washer her face then brushed her teeth before putting her in a light blue dress and black flats, he didn't have knowledge before but after watching a WillyVideo (YouTube) he found something to do to her hair. It now looked like she had to small chipmunk ears on her head making her giggle in the mirror, "Daddy why am I ch- chipmunk?" she asked tilting her head waiting for his answer.

"Because of these," he said poking her adorable chubby cheeks making her laugh harder, "My beautiful daughter has such cute chubby cheeks how can she not be an adorable chipmunk?" he said tickling her just because he loved to hear her laugh.

For the rest of the morning after he made her a breakfast of oatmeal and fruit which she ate three bowls of (seriously where does she put it all away) he took her out shopping with him to get his mom a gift. They walked around the mall and caught a lot of attention since he was a devilishly handsome man holding an adorable little girl with a plus of not wearing a wedding ring, but since they didn't want to disturb his time with his daughter they left him alone.

Teddy was just finished when he thought of how he would finally start his Streaming in a few days on WaffleLive but for now he wanted to start off as a masked celebrity before releasing what he looked like. Walking into a costume store he bought a blank white mask, paints, and a giant Teddy Bear footsie.

Beth seeing what he got was interested, "Daddy why buy that?" she asked looking longingly at the footsie he bought.

An idea popped up into his head and after it planted he decided to make it a reality, "Do you want to do something fun with daddy?" he asked and she immediately nodded, "Great let's get you one too."

After that he spent the rest of his money buying a a bear footsie in her size and another smaller blank mask he would put her in the streams too but he wouldn't let her identity be known until his was. Of course he also was going to use his skills to alter both the mask and make the streams suitable for her so she could also contribute.

"Daddy we need to hurry back, granny said I can eat cake later." Beth said in a pleading tone while pulling him by the hand towards the exit. He could only sigh what was he suppose to do with this little glutton.

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