My dad's life

Chapter 1012

How to draw the flag?

Little Pig held her little head and thought, she suddenly thought of a good idea.

First, paint the color of the paper blue, which represents mother.

Then draw a round and glowing golden sun, which represents Dad.

A circle of stars around the sun, which represents her.

Father, mother and me.

Ha, I am really a smart little baby.

The little guy thinks about it, getting more excited.

As for the national emblem, it is even simpler. A golden sun is shining, with a blue box in the middle and a golden star in the box.

Father holds mother, mother holds baby.

Wow, I'm such a smart baby.

I'm really great.

How could there be such a great kid?


Piggy made a loud noise.

Even the people of Ai Cai craned their necks and looked over curiously.

Of course, Lan Caiyi was also attracted by Piggy's laughter.

"What's the matter, are you finished? I'm so happy, let my mother see, how are you painting?" Lan Caiyi came over curiously.

"You see."

Little Pig directly handed it over, with an extremely proud expression.

As mentioned before, piglets are very sensitive to color.

The combination of various colors makes people visually very comfortable.

For example, the two paintings she is painting now.

The blue sky, the orange sun, and the golden stars, visually, give people a pleasing feeling.

The picture is simple and clean.

The same national emblem is also similar to the national flag, and you can see that it is a set.

"Can you tell me what these representatives mean?" Lan Caiyi asked.

"Of course." The little guy is proud.

Then he pointed to the blue background and said, "This is mom."

Pointing to the orange sun and said: "This is Dad."

Pointing to the golden star and said: "This is a baby."

"Dad, mom and me."

"This is Dad holding mother, and mother holding me."

Little Pig explained one by one.

Lan Caiyi's eyes brightened as she listened, and felt that the little guy's idea was really amazing.

Its meaning is similar to Xiaoshan's, but it is more suitable as a banner than Xiaoshan's design.

And it is also completely different from the logo of Fanglan Group.

"Very great, well, now you can go out and play." Lan Caiyi couldn't help but put her arms around the little guy and kissed her on the cheek.


After hearing the words, the few little guys cheered, turned around and ran out, leaving a mess.

Piggy ran out of Lan Caiyi's office, and when he passed by Ning Yuting's office, he thought for a while and knocked hard on the door, "Aunt Ning, Aunt Ning..."

Ning Yuting's assistant heard the sound, opened the door, and saw a few little Maotou standing outside the door, slightly surprised, but not too surprised.

Everyone in the company knows that Mr. Fang's daughter has been playing in the company these days.

"President Ning has asked for leave and hasn't come to work yet." the assistant said.

"Oh, oh, Aunt Ning hasn't come back yet?" Little Pig scratched his head.

"Goodbye Auntie."

Then they ran away with Ai Cai.

"I want to call my sister." The assistant reminded, dumbfounded.

But Little Pig and the others ran away long ago, like a gust of wind.

"Xinxin, where are we going now?" Ai Cai asked.

It is not the first time that she has come to Fanglan Group. The aunt sent her here last time.

"Shall we go to the children's center to play on the slide?" Little Pig thought for a while and said.

"But, I want to go to my mother. She hasn't seen me for a long time, so she must be anxious." Doudou whispered.

"Then let's go find your mother first?" Xiao Zhuzhu waved his small hand and said boldly.

"I also want to see my mother." Xiaoshan also said.

Piglet scratched his head when he heard this. You are embarrassing my little baby.

"We can want to see Xiaoshan's mother, and then Doudou's mother, and it seems to be about to eat." Ai Cai whispered beside her.

"Yes, yes."

Piggy's eyes lit up, um, it's dinner.

So a few little guys rushed into the elevator and went straight to the infirmary.

Because the little guy wears a small wristband on his wrist, the road is unimpeded, and there is no access control to stop them.

When she arrived in the infirmary, Xiaoshan yelled "Mom." and ran in.

And Xiao Zhuzhu stepped on the small fence of the child care center and looked inside.

There are also many children today.

"Xinxin, do you want to come in and play?" Liu Meng Liu saw her and beckoned to her.

Little Pig shook his head and said, "I will accompany Doudou to find her mother in a while."

Liu Meng heard this and glanced at Doudou who was squatting next to her. Basically, she knew that the children who had been to the care center had their parents in the department of the company.

Besides, Doudou is now a small celebrity of Fanglan Group.

It is even a little celebrity on the Internet, very hot.

Many colleagues in the company like to take short videos of Doudou's work and upload them to the Internet when they are eating, and they have accumulated a lot of fans and popularity.

However, there are exceptions, such as Ai Cai. Liu Meng remembers that she came once, but she never knew which department her parents belonged to.

Only knowing that she and Fang Zong's daughter are good friends, so she didn't bother.

At this time Song Xue led Xiaoshan out of the infirmary.

"Xinxin, Doudou, Ai Cai also come to play."

"Aunt Song."

Several little guys greeted her politely.

"It's so good, Xiaoshan said that she would accompany Doudou to find her mother. You can go now, and I will go to you later for lunch." Song Xue touched Little Pig's head and said.

"Okay, see you Aunt Song." After hearing the words, several little guys took Xiaoshan and ran away.

"Slow down, don't fall down." Song Xue exhorted loudly.


Several little guys rushed into the automatically opened elevator without looking back.

However, there was an accident in the elevator, and Little Pig immediately braked and almost fell.

The people inside hurriedly helped her.

"Xinxin, what are you doing in such a hurry?"

"Hey, Uncle Huang." Piggy saw the person in front of him clearly and said in surprise.

It turned out that Huang Haodong was in the elevator with a few unknown people.

"Mr. Huang, your Fanglan Group still has such a small employee. It is illegal to hire child labor." One of them joked with Huang Haodong.

"Haha, I can't afford to hire these small employees." Huang Haodong said with a smile.

"No, this is Doudou, isn't she." Another person recognized Doudou.

"She was specially approved by President Fang." Huang Haodong said with a smile.

Then he continued to ask Xinxin: "You haven't told Uncle Huang, where are you going? Children can't run around in the company."

"I'm going to the cafeteria to find Doudou's mother." Little Pig said with his neck up.

"Oh, well, Uncle Huang will help you..."

He wanted to help them press the elevator, but accidentally discovered that the elevator button on the canteen floor was already on.

"Is it the central intelligent control system?" Huang Haodong thought.

Many people know that Fanglan Group has a very intelligent central control system. This is not surprising. After all, Fanglan started with artificial intelligence, but he did not know the existence of three years old.

Several other people also noticed this small anomaly, but none of them asked.

When the elevator reached the first floor, Huang Haodong and his party got off the elevator first.

"Goodbye Xinxin, goodbye kids." Huang Haodong smiled and waved to them.

"See you, Uncle Huang." Piggy also waved to him.

"Mr Huang likes children very much," said with a smile to the person behind him when the elevator closed.

"That's Mr. Fang's daughter." Huang Haodong said casually, then took the lead and walked forward.


Everyone hurriedly followed.

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