My dad's life

Chapter 1014 Daily Life (2)

Fang Yuan took the stack of manuscript papers in Lan Caiyi's hand and flipped through it.

The child's world is indeed beautiful.

Because they are pure and simple, the paintings they draw have a kind of immature beauty that adults don't. It can be said that every child is an artist.

Crown, square blue logo, island, and sun.

Fang Yuan flipped through it carefully, and felt that the crown was most like the painting of Little Pig, because Little Pig always wanted to be a princess.

The crown can be said to be a symbol of the princess.

But when I look closely, I don't think it looks like it, and I think the island is painted by a little pig.

Because Emerald Island is in the shape of a heart, and Little Pig likes painting ❤.

No matter what it is, it will draw a ❤ to represent her love.

As for the variation of the Fanglan logo, Fangyuan is directly excluded. The style of the painting is straightforward and the details are particularly rigorous, unlike the paintings drawn by Xiaozhuzhu.

The other is the last remaining one, the national flag with the sun.

Fang Yuan thought about it for a moment, then pulled it out and asked, "Is this this one?"

Lan Caiyi was a little surprised, "How did you recognize it?"

"Because the color of this painting is the most comfortable, very similar to Xinxin's color scheme."

Looking at Lan Caiyi's surprised expression, Fang Yuan knew that he was right.

"Do you need me to explain the meaning of this painting?" Lan Caiyi asked with a smile.

"Oh, there is a meaning?" Fang Yuan was surprised when he heard the words.

Children draw pictures casually. It is true that there is a story, but the meaning is too profound for them.

"A few little guys are very careful, these paintings are meaningful." Lan Caiyi said.

To be honest, the other paintings are very easy to understand. The crown represents the princess, and the square blue logo needless to say. As for the island is the emerald island, it is very vivid, and you can understand it at a glance.

But only this one, painting a sun, what does it mean?

"The sun represents you, isn't it a circle? The blue sky represents me, and the stars are naturally happy." Lan Caiyi explained to him with a smile upon hearing the words.

Fang Yuan was overjoyed when he heard this. My daughter is really the best and has ideas.

There was a feeling of sweetness in Fang Yuan's heart at this time.

"That's it, you find someone to make the national flag and national emblem based on Xinxin's painting." Fangyuan directly decided.

"Okay, I'll take the time to modify it this afternoon." Lan Caiyi took it over and said.

"Revision, why amend it? This is great?" Fang Yuan asked in surprise.

"Just use it directly?" Lan Caiyi said in surprise.

"Of course, otherwise, why should I still paint with Xinxin, can I just let you come?"


Lan Caiyi didn't know what to say anymore.

Is the picture my daughter drew good?Of course it’s good, but after all, it’s just a few-year-old kid painting. The sun is like a fried egg and the stars are like Pan Daxing. Can this thing be directly hung on the wall?Also facing the world.

"No, let's just use the original image. Use the blue textile fabric for the flag, and then add the sun and stars according to the original image."

"Is this all right?" Lan Caiyi asked in a low voice.

"What's wrong? I think it's great. Such a flag is not only full of childishness, but also meaningful. There is nothing better than this."

"Okay, whatever you want, you can pet her."

Lan Caiyi's tone was slightly angry and authentic.

I don't know if the other party is angry because of his casualness or because he is jealous.

"Well, Xinxin's is yours, and yours is yours." Fang Yuan said with his arms around her shoulders.

"The man is talking, a deceitful ghost, and you said the opposite, it should be Xinxin's mine, and Xinxin's is Xinxin's." Lan Caiyi gave him a white glance.

She was not really angry, after all, Xiao Zhuzhu was also her daughter, and Fang Yuan's kindness to her was the best answer to her love.

"Okay, let's go to eat." Fang Yuan took her and said.

When the two went out, Dai Xiaolan, who was sitting behind her desk, looked at them with some envy. After so many years, their relationship has remained so good.

Think about it and feel bad.

"Xiaolan, aren't you going to eat?" Lan Caiyi asked.

"No, I have this." Dai Xiaolan pointed to the vegetable salad on her table.

"Eat this at noon?" Fang Yuan frowned slightly.

"If you don't exercise all day, people will get fat, so I eat vegetable salad every three to five to reduce weight." Dai Xiaolan shrugged.

"I think I'm a little bit fat too." Lan Caiyi said after touching her belly.

"What nonsense, I think you look the best right now. You don't need to go on a diet to lose weight or anything. Go and eat with me." He just pulled Lan Caiyi out.

"I'm the best looking now, meaning I didn't look good before?"


"Haha, teasing you."


Listening to the sound of going away outside the door, Dai Xiaolan sighed and sat down to eat her vegetable salad. I don't know why. She thinks today's vegetable salad is a bit bitter. Is it bad?

The two came to the cafeteria, looked around, and soon found a group of little guys.

The four of them really sat in the place where Xiaoshan often stayed, touching her belly and groaning.

It seems to be eating up, but the children exercise a lot and will consume it soon.

However, their cute appearance attracted many employees who came to eat secretly to take photos and videos.

Nowadays, many idlers on the Internet like to watch the children of Fanglan Group, holding their mobile phones every day, watching them cheerfully, with a feeling of raising a daughter.

"Dad, mom." Seeing Fang Yuan and Lan Caiyi, Piggy didn't even bother to get up.

"Look at you, can't you eat a little bit less?" Fang Yuan said silently.

"We have all eaten a little less." Little Pig said.

The others immediately nodded in agreement.

They really only ate a little bit, a little bit of each.

"Okay, I've already eaten them, and what's the use of these? Go get the food and I'll accompany them here." Lan Caiyi stopped Fang Yuan who wanted to say.

Fang Yuan was right to think about it, and turned around to take the meal.

"President Fang, you also come to cook dinner yourself."

Fangyuan, who was cooking food, suddenly heard a familiar voice behind him, and turned his head, it was really Jin Yao and others.

Fangyuan hasn't been to the program department for a while, and has seen them less often.

Now that Jin Yao said this, he felt cordial, and said with a smile: "That is, I not only cook, but also eat."

Several people looked at each other and laughed.

"How's it going, everything is going well recently?" Fang Yuan asked with a smile.

"With a boss like you covered, what's wrong for us?" Jin Yao said with a red face.

He was telling the truth. Everyone knows that these old people in the Program Department have a special relationship with Fangyuan. Not only the colleagues in the department, but also the leaders above, they are also polite to meet them, so can it be bad?

Moreover, the wife who had been nagging him before, saying that he didn't know his mind and that he had nothing to do with his employees, who resigned and worked with his employees, is now a change of conversation, boasting that he has foresight, unique vision, and his status in the family has risen a lot.

"Let's go, now that you see it, let's have a meal together." Fang Yuan said with a smile.

"Don't, we won't disturb you." Jin Yao said with a smile while looking in the direction of Lan Caiyi.

"Besides, if we haven't seen you for so long, we just have a meal in the cafeteria to send us away. Why do we have to invite us to a barbecue, Jiang Tao, are you right?"


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