My dad's life

Chapter 1019 The First Day Of School

The national school season starts on September 1, Xiao Zhuzhu and the others are naturally not surprised. On this day, parents or grandparents sent them to school.

The happiest ones are probably only the kindergarten children. After all, there are more friends in the school who can play together without homework.

However, Xiao Zhuzhu is not happy today. When he arrives at school, he still wants to find sister Xiaoshan and sister Ai Cai to play with them.

But after looking around, there was no one, which was strange. There were still so many big class kids I knew disappeared.

"Because they are all in the first grade, of course they are not in the kindergarten, but Yaoyao is still with you." Fang Yuan told her.

The little guy blinked his eyes, his little mouth deflated, a little to cry.


But before she could cry, Yaoyao was already crying first.

Little Pig was taken aback by her, and she forgot to cry too.

"Okay, stop crying. When you go to elementary school next year, you can play together again." Ning Yuting hurriedly hugged her in her arms.

On the first day of school today, most of the parents came, and Ning Yuting was no exception.

In addition, Lan Caiyi also came today.

So she also helped and comforted her: "When school is over, you can still play together."

"School time is so short, and next year will be long and long." Yaoyao didn't speak yet.

Little Piglet screamed first, and while talking, he gestured with his hands. It was so long.

Yaoyao, who was just about to stop, started to "wow" again.

Little Zhuzhu was sad when she saw Yaoyao crying, and also followed the meaning of "Wow".

At a time, the two little guys "wow" and "wow", it's so lively.

But it didn't attract the attention of other parents too much, because kindergarten children cry too normal, and they are not the only two.

"What's wrong, why are you two crying?" Suddenly a voice came over and asked.


The two little guys were like chickens pinched around their necks, and stopped at once, with teardrops still hanging on their little faces.

"Mr. Dong." Fang Yuan greeted with a smile, turning around.

"Mr. Fang, what's the matter with the children?" Teacher Dong came up and asked.

Teacher Dong is still very prestigious. When she came, the two little guys became obedient. Although the corners of their mouths were still twitching, there was no sound.

"Tell the teacher, why are you crying?" Teacher Dong knelt down and asked the two little guys.

Fang Yuan, Lan Caiyi, and Ning Yuting saw the two little guys wanting to cry but didn't dare to look like they wanted to laugh a little, and it was so hard to hold back.

After all, Yaoyao is a little more introverted and naturally has a deeper fear of the teacher, so when Teacher Dong came, she immediately hid behind Xiao Zhuzhu.

Little Pig Zhutian was not afraid, and choked with sobs: "Sister Aicai and Sister Yaoyao, they are all in the first grade, so no one will play with us."

"How come, don’t you have a lot of good friends? And this year will come in more new children, you will also make a lot of new friends, the teacher believes you, you are the best, there must be many children who want to follow You guys played."

Teacher Dong took out the napkin from his pocket and wiped the tears for the two of them.

She keeps wet paper towels and napkins in her pocket all the year round, because children often need them.

"But...but..." Little Pig has been around for a long time, and there is no such reason.

In short, I just feel sad not to see Sister Xiaoshan and Sister Ai Cai.

When the students start school in September, the busiest is probably the new parents.

And like Little Pig, it's nothing more than going through the field.

The teacher held a short meeting for the parents, and then they could go back to each house.

Classes officially started the next day.

So at noon, Piggy went home directly with his parents.

Then I made an appointment with Yaoyao and came to her house in the afternoon to play.

I have forgotten that the little pig who was sad in the morning jumped into the house.

"I'm back." The little guy announced loudly while standing at the gate with his waist in his waist.

"Wash your hands when you come back, and we will have lunch right away." Fang's mother said with a smile.

"Come on, come to Grandpa. Starting today, you are in the big class. Tell your grandpa what is different in the big class?" Father Fang beckoned her.

Hearing this, the little guy scratched his head, thought for a while and said: "It seems there is nothing different."

Suddenly I remembered something, "It's just that the sign on the door is different. I am now in the sophomore class."

"The original sister Ai Cai's class has now become a small (3) class."

After the little guy finished speaking, he sighed deeply. She didn't know any of the kids from the third class.

"Don't worry, grandpa believes in you and will soon become good friends with them."

Everyone agrees on this point. Little Pig has a lively and cheerful personality, and he is born with an affinity. He can get along with anyone, so he has a lot of friends.

"Well, they will all become my good friends." Little Pig nodded very confidently.

Then she rushed to find her grandma.

"Grandma, I'm in a big class, I'm a big kid now." Little Pig found the grandma in the yard and said happily.


Grandma doesn't know what Taipan means, she only knows the first and second grades.

At that time, there were no kindergartens in rural areas, and they started from the first grade.

But it doesn't matter if you don't know, she smiled and took Xiao Zhuzhu's hand and said: "That's an older child, and the older child has to be better, more obedient, and learn more new things."

"Oh, oh, oh~"

The little guy nodded as if he knew nothing, and then took the grandma's hand and said, "Grandma, you go play with me."

"Okay, what do you want to play?" Too grandma replied without even thinking about it.

His eyes are full of spoiling.

"Let's play hide and seek." Little Pig thought for a while and said.

"Okay, let's play hide and seek." Grandma said with a smile.

"What are you playing hide-and-seek, let your father play with you, how can grandma play hide-and-seek with you?

Mom, you really are, how old you are, and still play with Xinxin, squat down, and be careful not to stand up."Fang's father complained while walking away.

"Grandpa, you are really a bad baby, why don't you let your mother play? Huh? Huh?" The little guy asked, thrusting his waist.

Seeing the piggy appearance, Father Fang touched her head and said, "Because grandma is too old and in poor health, I can't play hide-and-seek."

"Why does grandma get old?"

"As long as you are human, you will be old."

"Am I too?" Little Pig asked nervously.

"Of course, everyone will."

"Huh?" Little Pig Pig was very surprised when he heard this.

"Then... Then can't I play?" Little Pig asked nervously and sadly.

"You, I'm still a kid now, it's still a long time, don't think about these things, just grow up happy!"

Although Grandpa said so, Little Pig was still in a bad mood.

It was not good until the time to eat, before he became a happy baby again.

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