My dad's life

Chapter 1049

Although I was pregnant with a pregnancy test, I went to the community clinic for a check during the insurance period, and finally confirmed that Lan Caiyi was indeed pregnant.

This made everyone really relieved.

Then she was protected as a national treasure panda.

After dinner at night.

He Liuqing picked up a dish, and Xiao Zhuzhu immediately put his small bowl together.

But when grandma changed hands, she put it in her mother's bowl, piggy face was like this.


"Why don't you give it to me?" Little Pig was surprised.

Fortunately, at this time, grandma gave her a clip, and Little Pig no longer cares. After all, kids, they can eat some, so why do you think so much?Aren't you tired?

After dinner, it was the air time for the piggy every night.

"Caiyi, don't go, just rest at home and watch TV." He Liuqing.

"Mom, can you don't do this? I'm just pregnant. How can there be so many problems? Besides, when I was born with Xinxin, it was not good to be alone? I will take care of myself." Lan Caiyi Somewhat unhappy and authentic.

"You blame your mother for not taking good care of you? But you can't blame me, who told you to hide from us...?" He Liuqing showed a sad expression.

"Well, you are really, there is nothing wrong with exercise after a meal? Besides, it's not too early to be there? Wouldn't it be possible to eat and sleep at home later? Eat after sleep? What is this?" Finally the old man said, He Liuqing This was relieved.

In fact, this is not the fault of He Liuqing. After so many years, the incense of the Lan family has almost become her heart disease.

Now that there is hope, she naturally becomes nervous, for fear of an accident.

When we went out, Piggy ran ahead, and everyone followed behind. When we saw Piggy, we naturally greeted her first.

"Xinxin, are you out to play?"

Then Little Pig saw someone and said, "My mother has a big belly."

Lan Caiyi made her feel embarrassed.

"Xinxin, you don't need to tell everyone." Fang Yuan grabbed her.

"Why? Is this a secret? Do you want to drop it quietly?" Little Pig asked curiously.

"Uh_, it's not it." Fangyuan didn't know how to explain.

"Since it's not a secret, why can't you tell others?"

Piglet finished speaking, turned around and ran away.

"Auntie Lei, my mother has a big belly."

"What? Your mother has gained weight?" Sister Lei said with a puzzled expression.

"No, my mother has a baby." Piglet raised his neck and waist, with a look on my face.

"Really? Congratulations, you are now a sister." Sister Lei said, touching her little head.

"Oh, I don't really want to be a sister. Children are so troublesome." Piggy's mouth is full of disgust, but the happy smile on his face can't hide it.

"Really, then you have to teach him well, you are the elder sister, to be an example." Sister Lei said.

"Well, I will teach him well and make him obedient." Little Pig clenched his fists.

Then seeing Du Tianhao and his mother coming, they ran over immediately.

"Mother Du Tianhao, my mother has a baby." Little Pig said.

"Really? Congratulations, you are going to be a sister."

"It's nothing, it's nothing, kids are so troublesome."



That night the whole community knew that Lan Caiyi was pregnant.

Even Luo Jiacheng received the news and called specifically to express his concern.

A bunch of gifts were delivered the next day.

There are a lot of nutrition products, fetal protection, maternity clothes, radiation protection, etc.

And Lantian Heng flew directly from Xia Jing.

At the same time, I brought an aunt with a nutritionist.

"Dad, this is absolutely unnecessary. There are many nutritionists in our company. Just one person is enough." Fang Yuan was also a bit shocked by the reaction of Lantian Heng.

Understand their concern, but feel a bit too much.

"You don't understand, dietitians and dietitians are also different. Aunt Zhou is a dietitian who specializes in caring for pregnant women. I finally hired it."

"You have to know that human life is actually divided into four seasons. Spring, summer, autumn and winter, spring is when human beings grow from birth to adulthood. At this time, like everything grows, there is a kind of'birth' power in the body, and because of this power, people To grow.

When it comes to adulthood, it is Xia. At this time, there is no longer the power to "birth", so people will no longer grow, and everything is fixed. Even if there is damage, incompleteness, etc. later, it is because there is no power to "birth" to repair , Can only go on.

After a woman is pregnant, the child in the abdomen will have vitality. As long as it is well nursed, with the help of this power, it can even repair past dark diseases.

This is why a woman needs to confinement after giving birth, because the power of birth has not disappeared, as long as it is used well, it will be of great benefit to women..."

Lantian Heng said a lot, and after Fangyuan heard it, he suddenly felt that it made sense.

He has also heard people say in the past that many women have given birth to children, and some confinement is good, they will recover very quickly, some of the discomforts on the body in the past will be cured, and some will stay behind if they don’t sit well. Some minor problems.

For example, Fang’s mother, she has been sitting for a little longer now, and her waist is numb. It is said that it was due to the sequelae of the confinement when she was born in Fangyuan.

So Aunt Zhou stayed.

Aunt Zhou is not only good at caring for pregnant women, but also the cooking is delicious.

With her, Fang's mother felt a lot easier.

Once people have nothing to do when they are free, they will be bored, and when bored, they will naturally find ways to pass the time.

and so……

They started playing mahjong.

Fang's mother, He Liuqing, Lu Shouyi's mother Gao Aizhen, and Yaoyao's grandmother just made the table together.

Sometimes replaced by Yaoyao's grandfather, Fang's father, and old man.

It's smashing every day.

But for fear of disturbing Lan Caiyi, they usually go to the new house or Lu Shouyi's house.

These are all things later.

After Xiao Zhuzhu went to school the next day, before school was over, Lan Caiyi received messages from Teacher Dong and Teacher Wang.

Congratulations on her pregnancy.

Lan Caiyi is annoyed. I had known it to her when she went to school in the morning. I am afraid the whole kindergarten knows it now, right?

In fact, it was exactly as she thought.

As soon as Xiao Zhuzhu went to kindergarten, he first told Teacher Wang, and then ran to Teacher Dong's office to chat with her.

So the teachers in the entire office knew that her mother had a baby.

That's not a big deal, Xiao Zhuzhu told the children everywhere that she was going to be a sister.

So after Xiao Zhuzhu was over from school that day, the man in blue color clothes had received countless messages before he got home.

So as soon as he got home, he broke out, standing at the door with his waist yelled: "Fang Xin..."

"What are you doing?"

Little Pig, who was playing with his little ass, raised his head and looked ignorant.

She still didn't know that a squally rainstorm was coming.

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