My dad's life

Chapter 1062

Father Fang, who was sitting downstairs looking at his mobile phone, stood up directly when he saw Fang Yuan down.

Then he said to him: "Is it all right?"

"No, what can I do?" Fang Yuan asked strangely.

What happened to one or two today?Just now Fang's mother did the same.

"It's fine if it's okay. A man has to stand up if he has something to do. There is no obstacle." Father Fang patted his shoulder.

"It's really okay, but, Dad, what are you looking at?" Fang Yuan asked curiously.

Fang's father seldom looks at the cell phone, but Fang's mother looks more.

"I'm going to buy a bicycle for Xinxin. She has to learn to ride. What if she doesn't learn to ride?" said Fang's father.

"By car?" Fang Yuan said strangely.

"If there is no car, it will always be easier to learn." Father Fang said.

"Xinxin can ride a bike?" Fang Yuan thought for a while and said.

Piggy used to have a small three-wheeler. This year, she has grown up a bit. The small three-wheeler doesn't fit well, so she rarely rides.

There is also a balance bike. Although she has no pedals, she rides very slippery, and the balance bike is very helpful for riding a bicycle.

What's more, Fang Yuan has seen her riding on her children's bike in the community.

"It's better to buy one, and let her ride." Father Fang said.

"That's OK, take your time, I'll pick her up." He turned and walked out the door.

Father Fang looked at his back, shook his head, and continued to look at his mobile phone.

After leaving the door and not taking a few steps, I saw sister Lei with a parasol in front.

She also went to pick up the child.

"Sister Lei, wait for me." Fang Yuan trot a few steps to catch up.

Sister Lei turned her head when she heard the sound, and she looked surprised when she saw Fangyuan, "How come you have time to pick up the baby today?"

Fangyuan hasn't picked up the piggy from school for a while.

"When things are over, people will be free." Fang Yuan stepped up and walked forward side by side with her.

Sister Lei subconsciously leaned the parasol to Fangyuan.

"No, I have a thick skin and don't care about this sunshine." Fang Yuan walked a little aside.

Sister Lei laughed when she heard the words "pouch".

But he didn't say anything, but continued: "A company your size, can there be time when things are finished?"

"Of course not, but some people do it, or else what do you want them to do?"

"Damn capitalist." Sister Lei said with a smile.

"What about Sister Lei, aren't you boring to be so idle every day?" Fang Yuan asked curiously.

"It's a bit." Sister Lei said quietly.

"Sister Lei doesn't really consider finding a boyfriend?" Fang Yuan glanced at her.

"I thought, but good men have husbands. You can't let me be a junior, right?" Sister Lei looked at him quietly.

"Uh-how come." Fang Yuan smiled awkwardly.

"There are still many good men," Fang Yuan said.

"It's a lot, but I haven't met a few, so let's forget it. I think it's pretty good now, and I am at ease by myself." Sister Lei said.

Fang Yuan didn't say much after hearing this, after all, this was someone else's private matter.

As soon as people arrived at the fountain square, they saw Lin Qiaoyun and others chat together.

Seeing Fangyuan and them, Lin Qiaoyun greeted them directly: "Fangyuan, you are here, do you want to try the snacks made by Lao Du Xin?"

"Really? What is it, let me try it." Fang Yuan was not polite, and reached directly into the bag and took a piece.

It turned out to be shrimp, with seasonings, air-dried and deep-fried, which not only tasted good, but also kept the original Q bomb.

And Fangyuan has eaten it, and Fangyuan’s condiment formula is added to it.

"It's really good. If this thing can be made into vacuum packaging, you should not worry about sales." Fang Yuan said with a smile.

"You and Lao Du have thought of going together. He has this idea, but he is just trying to see if he can open the market." Lin Qiaoyun said happily.

Since the last Xiaozhuzhu’s birthday, Fangyuan finally let go and authorized the trademark of the original sauce brand to Du Yutang. After ten years of profit sharing, the trademark was automatically transferred to Du Yutang.

This has made Du Yutang very happy. Now sauces occupy a large market. Through the brand effect of sauces, other products should be able to open the market soon.

So he has been doing various product research and development, so Lin Qiaoyun and his fat son Du Tianhao will have a good time.

When everyone was talking, the school bus came over.

"Huh, did they get a new school bus?" Fang Yuan asked in surprise as he looked at the school bus that was approaching.

The original yellow school bus is now dressed as a chinchilla, with two pointed ears on the top of the school bus.

"What's the change? I just re-decorated." Lin Qiaoyun said next to him.

"Dad." The school bus hadn't stopped, and Little Pig had already waved to each other from the window.

Fang Yuan hurriedly waved after hearing this.

Piggy then asked: "What are you eating, don't finish eating."


Fang Yuan took the last shrimp ball that was just about to be put in his mouth.

Then, in the happy expression of Little Pig, he threw a mouthful into the air to catch it.

Little Pig: (⊙ˍ⊙)

Moreover, Fang Yuan raised his hands up and turned back and forth badly, indicating that it was completely gone.

Therefore, the piglet who had not got off the car was completely offended by him.

As soon as the school bus stopped, she stepped on her short legs and bumped her head into Fang Yuan's arms.

Then he opened his mouth with his hand and looked inside to see what delicious food he had eaten without leaving it to himself.

Fangyuan was amused by her.

"You are so delicious, what do you do when you grow up? You will become a little fat girl."

"No, I do exercise every day. Grandpa said that exercise can lose weight." Piggy raised his fleshy little arm and gestured in a fit posture.

"No matter how you exercise, you won't be able to keep up with your eating speed." Fang Yuan said, and she was a little worried.

He suddenly thought of the advertisement of Sony cameras in Thailand.

The first shot is that the camera is playing a very beautiful little girl, putting on a white dress, trying her mother's high heels and cosmetics.

It's exactly the little cute and little angel in Dad's eyes. Dad who is watching outside the camera is naturally smiling.

Then the camera turned, and a fat and fat yellow-haired non-mainstream person appeared in the camera.

This is his current daughter, and his father really wants to cry without tears.

Thinking of this, Fang Yuan shuddered involuntarily. If Piggy became like that, he decided to blind his own eyes and keep the good memories now.

"Dad, what are you eating? Why don't you keep some for me." Little Pig put his nose up, sniffed and asked.


Fang Yuan suddenly felt a gloomy life in his life. If he continued like this, he would really become a fat girl.

"Xinxin, I have something delicious here, do you want to eat it?" Lin Qiaoyun asked loudly from the side at this time.

"Did Daddy just eat it?" Little Pig Pig asked happily immediately after hearing this.

"Yeah, do you want to eat?"

"To eat."

Hearing this, Xiao Zhuzhu immediately struggled to get off Fangyuan.

Life is really gloomy!

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