My dad's life

Chapter 206 Conflict

The little guy is standing outside the isolation wire rack, with his toes, craned his neck and looking forward to seeing his mother soon. The little guy can’t hide his excitement in his heart. The baby misses his mother, although he can call and chat. .

But the baby wants mother to hug and kiss, and I also want to hug and kiss mother.

Fang Yuan stood behind her, put her hand on her little head, and looked forward to it.

At this moment, I heard someone yelling from behind, "Jin Zhengtao is coming out from here, and all the fans of the Golden Boy fans are here." Then I heard a group of noisy footsteps.

Fang Yuan looked back and saw a group of men and women rushing forward, blocking him tightly.

Some of these people held up Jin Zhengtao's support sign, some held up their mobile phones and prepared to take pictures, and some reporter-like people held up their cameras on standby.

"Are you sure it's A3 exit? Didn't you say B2 before?"

"It must be A3. Before, everyone thought Zhengtao was filming in Dongyang City, so he must have flown from Dongyang City, but someone in the Golden Boy fan group said that he saw him at Xiajing Airport this morning, and today Feilu There is only this Xiajing flight in the city, so Zhengtao must have come out from here."

"Wow, you are amazing, are you also in the Golden Boy fan club?"

"Yes, I am the owner of the Golden Boy 6 group. Later I will invite you to drink milk tea. Do you want to be together?"

"Of course, as long as we are fans of Golden Boy, we are a family."


Fang Yuan was a little surprised when he listened to the chaotic conversation behind him. He also knew something about the star Jin Zhengtao. He is one of the traffic stars this year. He has never heard of any work. The only advantage is that he is beautiful.

Hearing the sound, the little guy turned his head and glanced. Seeing so many people, he was a little at a loss for a while. Fortunately, Dad blocked her behind. Otherwise, would she be crushed?

"It's out, it's out."

Suddenly the crowd screamed, and the little guy was also attracted and looked at the exit again.

At this time, five big men in black shirts came out first, surrounded by a boy wearing a hip-hop style. His hair was dyed in black and white, his face was fair and his features were delicate, just like a woman.

"Zhengtao, I love you."

"Zhengtao, welcome to Lushi."

"Zhengtao, I want to have a monkey with you.

"Zhengtao, don't you do anything? I'm super durable..."


Seeing the idol come out, this group of fans was excited, climaxed, and squeezed forward frantically. Fang Yuan hurriedly opened his arms to protect Xinxin to prevent her from being squeezed.

At this moment, one of the bodyguards pointed at the crowd and shouted, "Go back! Stay away."

Fang Yuan frowned. The security guard is really overbearing. The airport belongs to him?

However, the fans behind him stepped back obediently, Fang Yuan did not move, because Xinxin had already seen her mother coming out of the exit.

Immediately stood on tiptoe, waved his arm, and shouted: "Mom, baby is here, I see you."

Lan Caiyi just came out of the exit with his suitcase. The neat 7-point pants and sleeveless striped top look very refreshing and capable, with a kind of charm of working women.

As soon as she came out, she heard her daughter's voice, and when she raised her head, she saw Fang Yuan and Xinxin, so she also beckoned to show that she had seen her.

Seeing his mother beckoning, the little guy thought he was calling her, so he directly lowered his head and ran across the isolation line.

A bodyguard suddenly saw a shadow coming out of the crowd. He didn't even want to lift his knee and ran into it. This is an action in combat. Raising the knee and hitting the chest, usually the opponent will hit the elbow and hit the knee.

When I saw it was a little girl, I couldn't stop it. If it was an adult, it would hit the other's chest. Not to mention a few broken ribs, it would at least knock people out.

However, Xinxin was short, and if she hit her head or chest, she would definitely kill someone if she hit it. The crowd of onlookers shouted in exclamation. Lan Caiyi threw the suitcase behind and rushed up.

But someone was faster than her. When the bodyguard started to lift his knee, he slammed out with his left foot and jumped over the head of the stupid little guy.

The same raised knee and chest, but the action was more fierce and swift. The opponent's knee had not yet landed on Xinxin, and Fang Yuan had knocked it out with a "bang".

Knocked the opponent to the ground, and slid back a certain distance, and landed at the foot of Lan Caiyi who was running over, so she gave him a kick on his stomach. Lan Caiyi likes sports and has practiced taekwondo. The other party who kicked directly with bitterness and force, let out a painful cry.

The bodyguard just broke a few ribs directly by Fang Yuan, and the abdomen blocked his chest, but this kick helped him.

But his cry of pain reminded the remaining four bodyguards, one of them blocked Jin Zhengtao behind him, two of them rushed over, and one rushed away in blue clothes.

The fans outside the crowd exclaimed, worried about their idol, but those who remembered and the paparazzi were excited.

Fang Yuan touched the little guy's head and comforted: "Don't be afraid, there is Dad."

Then, before she could answer, one turned and rushed to meet the two bodyguards, one elbow hit the opponent's side neck, the other slammed his back on the opponent's neck, the two big bodyguards fell to the ground, one forward and the other backward. Everyone hurts looking at it.

He is fast and powerful. The battle has ended before everyone reacted. In order to fear that the remaining bodyguard would hurt the little guy, he turned back and grabbed Xinxin on his arm and ran directly at that. He was punching Lan Caiyi's bodyguard, pinched the opponent's neck from behind, picked him up, and at the same time put Xinxin into Lan Caiyi's arms, and then volleyed the opponent to the ground.

All of a sudden, although the bodyguard was not dizzy, his brain was buzzing, and he couldn't stand up even when lying underground.

Fang Yuan got up and walked towards Jin Zhengtao. The remaining bodyguard hurriedly blocked him behind him, with some stern expressions: "I tell you, now it's a legal society, and beating people is illegal."

At this time, airport security had already arrived, and I don't know if it was the fans who called, or heard the movement.

Fang Yuan ignored him. When they started just now, why didn't they say that beating people violated the law, the celebrities were amazing?

So he stretched out his hand and pushed him away. The bodyguard wanted to struggle, but with Fangyuan's strength, there was no chance.

Some brain-dead fans also reacted at this time, for fear that Fangyuan would hurt their Ouba, yelling and cursing, but no one dared to come up, Fangyuan was so annoyed that he stared at him and dared not to do it again. Beep, be quiet.

Looking at Jin Zhengtao, who was a little pale in fright, hiding behind the bodyguards, Fang Yuan didn't embarrass him. Instead, he was condescending and asked with a cold face, "Do you want to be public or private?"

"What?" Jin Zhengtao was so frightened that he couldn't turn his head, a little stupid.

Fang Yuan is about to repeat it again.

At this moment, a large group of security and airport police squeezed in.

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