My dad's life

Chapter 219

In the next few days, Lan Caiyi was busy with staff recruitment, job arrangement, and mobilization meetings of various departments.

As for Fangyuan, it eased, and if the tasks were assigned, there was basically nothing left to do.

Because the project has not yet been established, the current main work of the program is to expand the "Fanglan Engine" function written by Fangyuan. They were really surprised by the powerful functions of this editor, but Fangyuan didn't say how it came about. no problem.

Of course, the source program and source code will definitely not be open to them, and trust will not work. This will be the basis of his blueprint, but it cannot be opened to the outside world. All operations are called from the server, because Tian Ruiyun’s server does not It is in place, so all the computers in Fangyuan’s home are called, but because there are currently few people, the problem is not big. When there are more users, it will definitely not be enough.

Fangyuan only opened up the calling and interface permissions to them, and then added the functions he wanted in the game according to the protocol and standards he gave.

As for the planning, he not only needs to be familiar with the scripting function of the engine, but also put forward functional requirements, and also needs to submit a complete game world view.

As for a few art girls, the task is much simpler. Each of them needs to submit several original drawings of scenes and characters, and then determine the final game style based on their drawings.

Of course, the materials of the entire game will definitely not be made by them. It is impossible to finish it if they are exhausted, but as long as the style is determined, it will be easy to handle. It can be outsourced to other art companies. They only need to do the final review and style unification. , Of course, this is something later, but in general, the entire company is up and running, no one is idle.

There is one exception, Zhang Xiyue, the front desk of the company. Fang Yuan always thinks that this girl is weird, she looks cute and cute, but in fact she has a very hearty personality and is very enthusiastic about herself, but he clearly perceives the indifference behind her.

This kind of enthusiasm is not because she is the boss, but a very strange enthusiasm. For example, she rushed to sit next to Fangyuan for two dinners in the company. She didn't care about the existence of the blue color clothes, making Fangyuan feel uncomfortable. .

As long as Fangyuan came to the company, she would greet him enthusiastically. During lunch, she would ask him what he wanted to eat and take the initiative to help him order food. In short, she was a bit too enthusiastic and felt more like his wife than Lan Caiyi.

This makes Lan Caiyi very tasteful, but because the company has just opened, she can’t just fire the other party. Besides, she didn’t make any mistakes. This makes Lan Caiyi very depressed, and all her grievances spread. Fang Yuan body.

As for Jin Yao and Zhou Xiaoya, they are not too troubled, they are all looking at the excitement, which makes Fang Yuan distressed.

He also talked to Zhang Xiyue, told her that he had a wife and children, and didn’t have any thoughts about her, etc. But when she said that, she listened obediently, and the same thing happened in a blink of an eye. This made Fang Yuan think about dismissing her. The company hasn’t been established yet, and the family’s unrest caused by it will not be worth the loss. The key is that he hasn’t eaten the meat, right?

But she can’t fire her as soon as she arrives, and she does a very good job. Not only does she know how to program, she also knows how to draw, she also knows everything about her work, and she integrates with other people in the company, especially Jiang Tao’s single dogs. She is interested in Fang Yuan, and she has long been interested in pursuing her.

Looking at her ability, no matter whether she is an administration or anything else, she is absolutely fine. Moreover, she is a top student who graduated from the National University of Defense Technology.

Because Fangyuan had nothing to do with the assignment, she reduced her time to the company, no matter what her background and purpose, she let her resign after one month.

No, Fangyuan didn’t go to the company today. He took Xinxin to see Chen Chao when he was bored at home. Chen Chao’s energy and spirit have obviously improved a lot, and his whole body has gained a lot. It looks like a shadow of the past. , It happened that Xiaoshan was also there, after watching him.

Fang Yuan took the two little guys to the water park to play together. The two little guys held hands and were in high spirits, especially Xiaoshan, who hadn't been out for a long time.

On weekdays, either went to work with Song Xue or accompanied her father in the hospital. Song Xue bought a lot of picture books for her. Chen Chao himself was not busy, so he read stories to her and taught her how to read. Not bad.

But Xiaoshan is still a child after all, and there are no children who don't like to go out to play, so Fang Yuan said to take her to the water park, and naturally he agreed.

There are a lot of people in the water park, so Fang Yuan brought a big sunglasses to cover it to prevent it from being recognized. Isn't it the same on TV?Those celebrities go out to bring sunglasses and change clothes, as if they have given everyone a wit, even if they are face to face, they can't recognize them.

But reality is not TV. Fang Yuan was recognized as soon as he got out of the parking lot. Everyone raised their phones to take pictures of him. Fang Yuan's surface was calm and panicked. To be honest, he was rarely seen by so many people since he was a child. Watching it makes him very uncomfortable.

But this is just the beginning. I changed into swimsuits and changed into swimsuits. The perfect figure of Fangyuan finally made those girls no longer restrained. They all came up to ask for photos, WeChat, and phone calls. It feels better than a man sees a woman. To be crazy, some even touched a few on his chest secretly, some were more excessive, and grabbed his lower body directly in the mess.

Frightened Fang Yuan hurriedly hugged the two little guys and fled, Xinxin thought that the big sisters were playing games with her father, and she hugged her father’s neck and laughed very happily. After being taken away, she waved goodbye to the group of fairies. She didn't know that her father was almost eaten.

Xiaoshan is much more quiet. She has never seen so many and such a large water facility. She feels that her eyes are not enough. When Dong Qiao took a closer look, she was full of surprise.

Suddenly the dispute between the previous few people attracted Fang Yuan's attention, because one of the fat guys who turned his back to him looked a bit like Tian Ruiyun in body shape, with black fat, not the white fat guy.

Fang Yuan first put the two little guys on the water trampoline next to him, and then quietly walked over. It was Tian Ruiyun. There were several people standing opposite him. There were men and women who seemed to be arguing about something, while the school girl Lin Shuya shrank on him. Behind him, close to him, a very sexy bikini fully showed her sexy figure, Fatty Tian really had a good eye.

"Lin Shuya, don't hide behind this fat man. You tell me why you broke up with me. How is this fat man better than me?" I saw a young man in the crowd opposite Tian Fatty pointing behind him. Lin Shuya shouted.

The young man looks pretty good. Although he has no muscles, he is still well-proportioned. At least he is much thinner than Fatty Tian.

"Fatty is fat, why are you calling me to die?" Fatty Tian became unhappy, and slapped his hand to the side.

Don't look at Fatty Tian as people grow fat, but people also grow taller, like a bear, and it's still very stressful for ordinary people to stand in front of him.

"What, do you want to do it?" Several friends of the young man took a few steps forward to embolden him.

Lin Shuya also grabbed Fatty Tian from behind, fearing that they would fight. Don't look at other people's fatness, but her personality is not nasty, and her temper is very hot. If she doesn't agree with each other, he will do it. He was the only one who fought with people at school.

"I already told you that I didn't feel anything for you, so I broke up. As for who I am with, what matters to you?" Lin Shuya shouted at the young man.

"Then you should find a better one too, you see he grows like this, hehe, I think you are for the money? Green tea bitch." The young man sneered and scolded.

"Which looks like? I just like him being fat, can't I like him to be ugly?" Lin Shuya was a little excited when she heard that.

Fatty Tian: "..."

"Bah, you treat me as stupid." The young man angered and slapped her over with a slap, but Fatty Tian next to her was faster than him. He slapped the opponent's head directly and gave him directly. The fan was stunned. Fatty Tian's palms were fat and big, making hitting people particularly painful.

The young man’s friends also reacted, and they all rushed to fight Tian Fatty. Fang Yuan just watched and did not come forward to help, because he knew that Tian Fatty was particularly good at fighting because this was every time he went to his girlfriend. It's done by fighting more frequently.

Sure enough, he did not let other people get on the ground a few times. Although he suffered a few times, his skin was thick and fleshy, and he didn't feel at all. Then he hugged Lin Shuya and walked away, and used him. The fat hand touched Lin Shuya's hip, deliberately disgusting the young man.

Fang Yuan didn't call him, take the child by herself, so don't disturb his interest, but looking at the few people lying underground, it is estimated that he will not let it go, but Fatty Tian is experienced and should be able to handle it.


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