My dad's life

Chapter 234 Skynet (Part 2)

"Xiao Fang, then your technology is now mature? Can it be used in the Skynet system?" The uncle asked nervously. This matter is not only related to the problem of the detection rate of the national police system, if it really becomes , Can be regarded as one of his achievements.

"Of course there is no problem. If we really want to say that it is mature, it must be an exaggeration. The technology is endless. There has never been a truly perfect technology. One day it will be replaced. But if you want to apply it in the Skynet system, it should There is no problem."

The two main functions of the Skynet system are identification and comparison, and these two technologies, whether it is only a sweeping robot, or the later Dabai system, are widely used. Even before Fangyuan invaded the Japanese Gyoukou computer to query the data of the three sisters At that time, they all used such techniques to quickly find their hidden identities.

"Then do you sell this technology to the outside world? Or if I ask you to re-upgrade the Skynet system, how much will it cost?" The uncle did not directly let Fang Yuan work.

After all, the Skynet system belongs to the country, and Fangyuan's technology is obtained through hard study. You can't always use a patriotic sentence and let others contribute for free, right?In fact, He Daowu is particularly disgusted with this approach.

We ancients already had this kind of wisdom. At that time, there was a rule in the state of Lu that all people who saw Lu state became slaves. If they can redeem them to the motherland, they can receive a lot of rewards from the government.

Everyone knows that since Confucius was a native of Lu, Confucius had a student named Zi Gong. Zi Gong was one of Confucius’s proud disciples. It is very rich because of business exchanges between countries.

Once, Zi Gong redeemed a Lu nationality in a foreign country and refused to accept payment from the state after returning to China. Unexpectedly, Confucius did not approve of this incident after hearing about it. He said to Zi Gong: What you have taken is not something worth encouraging. From now on, the people of Lu people will not redeem themselves for their own compatriots who have become slaves.

Just because you didn't get the state's reward, others would be morally condemned by others if they redeem the reward, but if you don't receive the reward, you will lose money again. In the long run, naturally no one will be willing to free slaves.

The same is true for technology. You can't let others contribute for free just because you are patriotic. If things go on like this, naturally no one will be willing to delve into new technologies.

The uncle understood very well, so he asked about the value of Fangyuan, but Fangyuan himself didn't know the value, so he was a little confused.

So I thought for a while and said, "You can ask Caiyi about this. I'm really bad at this one."

When the old man heard the words, he laughed beside him, “It’s good if you’re not good at it. If you’re good at doing business, you don’t have the mind to learn. All these are given to those girls in Caiyi. Have a talent for business."

"Okay, I'll talk to Caiyi about this. Then you see when you have time, go and help us solve the problem." The uncle was a little impatient.

Fang Yuan smiled bitterly when he heard the words: "Uncle, things are not as simple as you think. After all, the Skynet system was developed by another company, and it is still a project under study. Suddenly, I didn’t intervene well, and no one else Maybe open the source code to me."

The uncle frowned when he heard this, feeling that he was a little taken for granted. This system has cost hundreds of millions of funds, and the development company is also very backgrounded. How could he let it out because of a single sentence.

"Then there is no other way?" The uncle felt happy for nothing.

"It's not impossible." Fangyuan thought about it and said.

"What way?" The uncle was overjoyed when he heard the words.

"You can apply for a common interface from the system development company. I write a recognition and comparison extension program to hang on this interface, so that neither the source code of the other party nor the damage will be caused to the other party's program."

Not to mention the old man, even the uncle was a little confused when he heard the words. After all, he is a policeman, and he does not know the technical terminology of computers.

"You can think of the Skynet system as a truck, and the small program I am going to do now is equivalent to a section of the carriage. As long as the other party agrees, I can hang this section of my carriage on the other side's buttocks." Fang Yuan thought about it. , Using popular prophecies to explain to the opposite two.

In fact, everyone should know this kind of thing very well. Those that are authorized are called extensions and assistants. Those that are not authorized are called plug-ins.

Usually, the small programs that the official does not approve of the games we play are called plug-ins, but many built-in plug-in functions of the games are called assistants, because the official gives the interface, which is called the assistant legally.

"This is easy to handle. After I go back, I will ask the technical department to apply, and then you will help me make that extension." Uncle said excitedly.

Fang Yuan could only nodded with a wry smile, what else could he say?

"If you really have this program, there will be hope for catching that trafficker." The old man said with emotion.

"Master, what you think is a bit simpler. Although there are ready-made identification and comparison source codes, Skynet is not a sweeping robot after all. Fortunately, it needs to be re-adjusted and optimized to make it more compatible with the original Skynet system. ."

The uncle nodded when he heard the words. This is reasonable. A Skynet system doesn't know how many years it has been developed. No matter how powerful Fangyuan is, it is impossible to immediately produce a finished product.

"But if my uncle allows me to call the police station's internal surveillance video, I can directly analyze the video with the existing software, and there should be results soon."

"It's okay, do you think it will work now? You will go to the bureau with me now." The uncle hurriedly stood up and said impatiently.

"Are you not eating lunch?" asked the second aunt.

"Stop eating, let's go." Uncle greeted.

Fang Yuan hurriedly explained to Mother Lan, otherwise he would be sad when the little guy woke up and couldn't find him.

"Really, so busy? I don't eat a bite of rice." The second aunt said a little dissatisfied.

"Let them go, children are the most important." The old man said to the side to help.

Fangyuan arrived in the police car of his uncle. When he got out of the car, and as soon as his uncle entered the door, he saw an old man with gray hair sitting on a chair beside him. He looked like he was in his sixties, and he looked a little haggard. , A young policeman was talking with him.

Seeing He Daowu coming in from outside, he immediately stood up and greeted him. He couldn't wait to ask, "How about Xiaohe? Any clues?"

"Mayor Lin, didn't I tell you, let you go back first, and I will notify you as soon as I have news." He Daowu hurriedly stepped forward to support him.

Mayor Lin looked at him bluntly when he heard the words, his face a little ugly.

Seeing Mayor Lin's expression a little ugly, He Daowu hurriedly said: "But don't worry, I should have a clue soon."

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