My dad's life

Chapter 237 Baby's Adventure (Part 2)

Xinxin put her hands back and imagined herself like a small plane, her mouth ran forward with a "woo", she decided to go to Grandpa selling candied haws to see if her father was there, because in the morning Dad said that Grandpa Candied Haws sold candied haws It's delicious, she thinks too!

"Woo" bypassed an aunt.

"Woo" avoided an uncle.

"Woo" more than one young lady, oh, there is a little cat on the young lady's clothes, so cute.


The little guy imagined himself as a small plane along the way, passing through many obstacles.

Suddenly a small dog ran out of the alley and nearly knocked down her small plane.

This is a bichon frise that is completely different from the popcorn at home, with curly white hair, like her toy bear, the little guy immediately became interested in it.

He opened his arms to hug it, and the Bichon Frise saw the little guy's crazy aura and turned his head in fright and ran.

"Puppy, don't run, let's play together, okay." The little guy stepped on his calf and chased after him.


"what happened?"

The talking is a middle-aged couple, they are resting on the edge of the alley. The man is dressed plainly and looks loyal and honest, and the woman is fat and kind, but has a frowning eyebrow. Speaking of it, it was a bite of fine triangle teeth, which looked a bit scary.

There is a baby carriage beside them, but it is tightly covered.

"The little girl who sang in Beihai Park in the morning." The middle-aged man stood up straight as he spoke.

"The one with a young man and an old man in the morning?" the middle-aged woman asked next.

"Yes, let's follow up and take a look." The middle-aged man said, turning around and chasing after Xinxin disappeared in front.

The middle-aged woman hurriedly pushed into the stroller and followed.


"Xinxin, grandma helps you heat up the dishes, come and eat." Mother Lan called out in the kitchen.

To be honest, I really embarrassed Mother Lan in order to get food for the little guy. Don't look at her almost fifty years old, but since she was a little girl, she opened her mouth for food, and she has never bothered her a little.

In order for the little guy to eat well, Mother Lan put each dish on a small plate and reheated it at noon. She was afraid that the skewer would not taste good. She also asked her second aunt how to use the steamer and fear that it would heat up in the microwave. It's not delicious, it can be said to be a painstaking effort.

Mother Lan yelled, she didn't hear a sound for a long time, she felt a little strange. As long as she shouted for dinner, the little guy was the most positive.

"Little baby has eaten." Mother Lan shouted again, and then went out of the kitchen door.

Seeing that the little guy was not in the yard, Mother Lan had a bad premonition. She hurried to the living room and shouted, "Xinxin, come out to eat, don’t scare grandma."

But there was no one in the living room. Mother Lan hurriedly looked for rooms one by one while shouting, "Xinxin, don't hide, grandma is very worried about you, come out soon."

She was going crazy. Suddenly she felt dizzy in her brain when she thought of the traffickers her uncle was talking about these days. She turned her head suddenly and saw the wide open courtyard door. She hurried to the door, but the long laneway was quiet. Yes, where is the trace of her little baby.

Mother Lan’s anxious eyes came down, and while walking outside the alley, she took out her mobile phone to call her uncle, because he was a policeman, and then remembered Fang Yuan who was going out with her uncle, and hurriedly dialed Fang Yuan’s number. .

"Little brother, how long will it take to get results?" Since the software was tested, everyone has no doubt about the effect of the software, so Mayor Lin can't wait to provide a photo of his grandson.

"Looking at the size of the video and the number of times the child appears in the video, I believe there will be results soon. It is useless to worry now." Fang Yuan comforted.

"Thank you, thank you." Mayor Lin thanked Fang Yuan, shaking his hand.

"You are polite, if you really want to thank me, thank me after the result is obtained, and the child finds it back." Fang Yuan joked, trying to relieve everyone's tension.

Just then Fangyuan's phone rang.

"Auntie, is Xinxin awake? I'll..." Fang Yuan said through the phone.

"Fangyuan, Xinxin is gone, I...I went to the kitchen..." Mother Lan cried bitterly on the phone.

Fang Yuan felt his heart squeezed, and hurriedly supported the table next to him.

"Is the little ladybug on Xinxin's head stuck on her head?" Fang Yuan asked suddenly, thinking of it.

"Issuing the card? I clipped her after she got up just now." Mother Lan didn't know why he asked, but she replied choked up.

Fang Yuan breathed a sigh of relief when she heard the words, and then she felt like she was sweating all over her body, "Auntie, since she has a hairpin, you don't have to worry too much. Her little hairpin is a locator, I'm here Check it out on your phone, you call your uncle first."

After speaking, he hung up the phone and hurriedly turned on the phone, ready to start the little ladybug tracking function.

"What's wrong?" Uncle asked from the side.

"Xinxin is lost." Fang Yuan replied casually, but stared at the phone nervously. Don't go wrong at this time.

The uncle was shocked when he heard this, and just about to continue to ask, his cell phone rang.

"Big brother, Xinxin got lost, I went to the kitchen to warm up her food, and then people disappeared, woo..." As soon as the phone was connected, Mother Lan cried to her uncle.

"Don't cry first. Tell me more about the story. When did it happen?" The uncle is a policeman after all. People have to be calmer and crying won't solve any problems.

"Just now, my dad went for a walk, and my second sister-in-law went to the supermarket to buy food. I stayed at home and waited for the little guy to wake up to get her food, but in a blink of an eye, woo woo..." Mother Lan stopped on the phone. She couldn't hold back tears. If the little guy is really lost, she feels that she can't live anymore.

"Don't cry, I will mobilize the police to conduct a carpet search in Mao'er Hutong. In such a short time, I should not have gone far." Uncle comforted on the phone, but it was actually just comfort. Mao'er Hutong extends in all directions. It's not easy to find someone inside.

For the first time, Fangyuan felt that his mobile phone was too scumbag, and the software loading speed was too slow. When there is a chance in the future, he must invent a mobile phone with better performance and faster speed.

Finally, while Fangyuan was waiting anxiously, the positioning software obtained the real-time position of the little guy, "Uncle, she is still in Mao'er Hutong, heading towards Beihai Park."

Fang Yuan shook the phone at his uncle.

"Xiaoqing, Fangyuan has found her. She is heading towards Beihai Park. Don't hang up, just follow that direction." The uncle hurriedly explained.

At this time, Fangyuan remotely turned on the camera function of Little Ladybug through his mobile phone.

Through the video sent by the little ladybug above the head, you can see that the little guy is raising his neck and talking with a middle-aged couple.

Fang Yuan suddenly felt that the couple was a bit familiar. He now has a strong memory. After thinking about it, he remembered that the two were the couple he saw in Beihai Park in the morning, and they were still holding a child in their arms.

"Director Jiang, do you have a picture of the missing child in Beihai Park today?" Fang Yuan's heart moved as he raised his head to the Director Jiang who was observing the computer next to him.

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