My dad's life

Chapter 249 Old Friends

"Yes, a native of Qiongzhou." Fang Yuan put down his chopsticks and said with a smile.

"Where are you from Qiongzhou?" Ding Xiuyue asked in surprise.

"Donghu Town, an ordinary town below Yecheng." Fang Yuan said casually.

When Fang Yuan said this, he suddenly thought of something. In his memory, there was only one family named Ding in Donghu Town, and it was also his good friend Ding Heping.

And Ding Heping has an older sister. I don’t remember the specific name Fangyuan, because his older sister has been studying in Xia Jing and has been to Donghu Town several times, but everyone called her sister Xiaoyue.

Thinking of this, Fang Yuan's impression of the little girl with a long ponytail gradually overlapped with Ding Xiuyue in front of him.

"Are you Sister Xiaoyue?" Fang Yuan stood up in surprise.

"Are you Fangball?" Ding Xiuyue asked a little uncertainly, mainly because his current image is very different from when he was a child.

"Yes, Sister Xiaoyue, I didn't expect to meet in this situation. How is Ding Heping? I haven't heard from him for a long time." Fang Yuan asked a little excitedly.

Fang Yuan, Chen Chao, and Ding Heping had the best relationship at the time, but with the passage of time, everything is just a childhood memory, but this beauty will never be forgotten. Whenever I think of it, there is always a sweetness in my heart. The corners of your mouth lifted quietly.

Lan Caiyi gently pulled his hand next to Fang Yuan, and Fang Yuan realized that she was a bit rude.

"Sorry, it was really unexpected. I said that I felt a little kind when I first saw Sister Xiaoyue." Fang Yuan hurriedly apologized.

"It doesn't matter, I didn't expect that you and Xiuyue are still old friends. Today is really happy." Mayor Lin said very happily.

"The ball..., I'd better call you Fangyuan. In my impression, you are white and fat. That's why everyone called you the ball. I didn't expect it to be completely changed when I grew up, so I didn't recognize it for a while. "Ding Xiuyue said with a smile.

"Where is it? This nickname was given by Chen Chao's kid, so he and Ding Heping often call me like that." Fang Yuan hurriedly defended, he was not fat at all when he was a kid.

"Sister Xiuyue used to live in Donghu Town? I haven't heard Fang Yuan say about this." Lan Caiyi asked curiously.

She was mainly curious about how Ding Xiuyue was born in a small place like Donghu Town, how she knew Lin Liqin and became the daughter-in-law of Mayor Lin's family.

"I don’t live there, but I’ve only been there a few times. At that time, my dad was transferred to Yecheng to work, so my mother took my brother with him. I was about to go to high school, so I stayed in Xia Jing, live with grandparents." Ding Xiuyue explained.

"Yes, this kid Ding Heping was transferred to our school in the third grade of elementary school. At that time, Chen Chao and I often fought with him. Later, I gradually became friends. I also met Sister Xiaoyue several times during summer vacation. Time didn't remember it." Fang Yuan interjected beside him.

After hearing this, everyone suddenly realized that there is still this relationship.

"It seems that you and Xiaoding's family are very fate!" The mayor's wife sighed beside her.

Fang Yuan also felt very fate in his heart. Xia Jing was more than 2,700 kilometers away from Qiongzhou, and the people on two parallel lines met in this way. After many years, he unexpectedly saved Ding Heping's nephew by coincidence.

It's a pity that he is not a woman, and he also has a blue color dress, otherwise this is definitely a tie by a thousand miles of marriage.

"What Ding Heping is doing now, I haven't heard from him for many years." After really knowing the news of the other party, Fang Yuan calmed down instead. Time will change everything, including people.

"After graduating from university, he went to work in the Central Security Bureau. Work is very busy, and we haven't seen him for a long time." Ding Xiuyue said.

"Even into the Central Security Bureau?" Fang Yuan was a little surprised, knowing that those who can enter the Central Security Bureau are generally officers and cadres who are awarded military ranks.

The Central Security Bureau may not be familiar to everyone, but Jet Li’s "Bodyguard of Zhongnanhai" should be familiar to everyone. He actually belongs to the Central Security Bureau and is only responsible for the defense of Zhongnanhai.

"He has fulfilled his father's wish." Mayor Lin laughed.

"Uncle Ding?" Fang Yuan had a vague impression of Ding Heping's father. He didn't see him a few times throughout the year. He heard that he was working as a security guard in Yecheng.

After Mayor Lin heard Fangyuan's doubts, everyone except Fangyuan's family laughed.

"Did I say something wrong?" Fang Yuan was a little confused.

"You're right, the Central Guard Corps is not just a security guard." Mayor Lin said with a smile.It turned out that Ding Heping’s father was from the Central Guard Corps, who was responsible for protecting national leaders.

Speaking of this, Fang Yuan suddenly remembered one thing. Wasn't there a big leader who was governor of Qiongzhou ten years ago?

That being said, Ding Heping is a really big boy now.

During this meal, the adults had a great time talking, the little ones had a great time, and everyone had a great time.

Fang Yuan wanted to leave, but Weiwei finally put down his guard and started playing with Xinxin, so he stayed for a while at the repeated request of Mayor Lin's family.

After Weiwei put down his guard, he took out his own rail train and shared it with Xinxin, but first, the two little guys had to piece the long track together. The adults sat down on the sofa and watched them chat. Ding Xiuyue gave it to everyone. I sat down after pouring a cup of tea.

"What is Xiaofang's business? Will stay in Xiajing in the future, or go back to Qiongzhou to develop?" Just now, the dinner table was all talked about. Mayor Lin has not asked Fangyuan about his current situation.

"I started a company in Lushi, this time I mainly came back with Caiyi." Fangyuan took Lan Caiyi's hand.

He didn't want to explain too much about Lan Caiyi's affairs, after all, it's not very nice to talk about pregnancy after unmarried.

"Is Cai Yi Lan Lan Heng's daughter?" Mayor Lin actually knew about Fangyuan's situation a long time ago, and naturally also knew the relationship between Fangyuan and He Daowu.

"Yes, my dad is Lan Lan Heng." Lan Caiyi Luoluo said generously.

"Little Fang is so lucky." Mayor Lin said the truth. He roughly knows what's going on at Fangyuan's family. It's really a lot of fate to get together with Lan Caiyi.

"By the way, I don't know what Brother Lin does?" Fang Yuan didn't want to talk about him, so he turned to Lin Liqin who was sitting aside.

Lin Liqin is not as good at dancing with long sleeves as Mayor Lin. He speaks less all night and has a very restrained personality.

"I'm doing research work at the Chinese Academy of Sciences." Although Lin Liqin was not good at words, after all, Fang Yuan saved his son, and he was still quite enthusiastic in his words.

"Big Brother Lin is amazing." Fang Yuan gave a thumbs up when he heard that, there is no easy way to enter the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

But this also explains why he has fewer words. Shouldn't all those who do technical research be like this?

When it was almost nine o'clock, Xinxin finally yawned and rubbed her eyes, so Fang Yuan stood up and left.

But Weiwei was a little bit unhappy and looked very unhappy. Ding Xiuyue put him in his arms and comforted him softly. Fang Yuan originally wanted to ask her for Ding Heping's contact information, but after thinking about it, he swallowed.

On the way back, the little guy finally couldn't hold it back, and fell asleep lying in his father's arms, Lan Caiyi also looked a little tired, and fell asleep with her square arm.

The dim light from the roadside came in from the window of the car, and fell on the cheeks of the mother and daughter, Fang Yuan felt extremely peaceful in his heart.

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