My dad's life

Chapter 256

She is familiar with this old grandfather, who looks a bit like the old grandfather in her father's house, and father said he has gone to heaven.

But that old grandfather is older, and this old grandfather looks a bit younger.

The photo the little guy looked at was not exactly Lan Caiyi's personal photo, but that of his grandfather.

Grandpa and the little guy felt that the familiar grandpa stood in front of a big rock. Behind them there were two children squatting and playing in the sand. The boy was facing away from the camera, and the girl was facing the camera. You can see that she It was my mother when I was young.

"Grandpa, who is this?" The little guy pointed to the familiar grandpa and asked.

"This..., grandpa needs to think about it." Grandpa can't remember clearly, it's been too long.

"I remembered, this old grandfather met his grandfather in Lushi, almost 20 years ago. At that time, your uncle and grandfather were working in Qiongzhou. I took your mother to see your uncle and grandfather, and take your mother by the way. I went to look at Tianya Haijiao. Look, there are no two words on the big stone behind this, these two words are Tianya." Grandpa pointed at the big stone behind the photo.

The little guy hugged his little arm and nodded seriously, pretending to be an adult. He didn't know if he really understood it.

Seeing her cute little appearance, grandpa smiled and touched her head and continued, "I don't know this grandpa. At that time, your mother should be slightly older than you, about six or seven years old. Then we just I met this old grandfather and brought his grandson to play at the end of the world. I don't remember what the name of this old grandfather is."

"But this old grandfather planted a lot of fruit trees. Your mother and I stayed at his house for several days. At that time, the people were very simple and hospitable, unlike now..." Grandpa said here, and suddenly stopped. , Looking at the little guy with his neck up, blinking eyes and curious face, he suddenly smiled, thinking I'm telling you what to do, how do you understand this when you are so young?

"So don't you know this old man?" The little guy was a little confused.

Mom knows Dad, and grandpa and grandmother also know grandpa and grandma, so shouldn’t the grandpa of mother’s family also know the grandpa of dad?What is the "four"?Little baby can't understand it!

"Of course I don't know each other. Didn't Grandpa say it? I have forgotten his name. It took too long." Grandpa said with a smile disapprovingly.

The little guy wanted to continue to ask what else, when my father's voice sounded outside the door, "Xinxin, I asked you to tell grandpa out for dinner, how about you?"

"Dad." The little guy jumped off the edge of the bed, trot over, and threw himself on Dad who was standing outside the door.

"I want you to call Grandpa Grandpa to eat. Where's Grandpa Grandpa?" Fang Yuan stretched out his hand and gently squeezed the little fellow's fleshy face.

"Grandpa is looking at a picture of his mother when she was young." The little guy reached out and patted his father's hand. The baby doesn't like others pinching her face!

"Pictures of your mother when she was young?" Fang Yuan was very interested when she heard the words.

"Yes, the baby still saw an old grandfather in his father's house. But the old grandfather said he didn't know the old grandfather of his father's house." The little guy told his father of her great discovery.

Fangyuan was a little dizzy when he was surrounded by the little guy, "What grandpa, grandpa from my father's house, what are you talking about?"

"Is my father taking photos of the old grandfather in the computer room?" The little guy was anxious.

"Are you talking about Dad's grandfather?" Fang Yuan reacted after hearing this.

In his hometown in Donghu Town, there was a picture of his grandfather in his room. The little guy asked who he was.

"Yeah." The little guy nodded repeatedly, indicating that what the baby just said was what he meant!

Fang Yuan felt strange when he heard the words, grandpa's photo?Does the grandpa know grandpa?So I stepped in and my grandpa was packing the album.

"Grandpa, Xinxin said I saw my grandpa's photo in the album, do you know my grandpa?" Fang Yuan asked directly.

"What's your grandpa, grandpa?" Grandpa was also a little dizzy when he was surrounded for a while.

Fang Yuan reorganized his language. Grandpa was a little surprised. No wonder the little guy asked me if I knew the person in the photo. Could he be Fang Yuan’s grandfather, and the little boy would be Fang Yuan.

Hearing the words, the grandpa took a closer look at the area, because the time was too long, and the age was a little older, and his memory was a bit vague, but after reminding him, it seemed to be a little impression.

"Grandpa?" Fang Yuan looked at him in a daze, and couldn't help calling out.

"The little guy is talking about this photo, right? Are you looking at your grandfather?" Grandpa reacted when he heard the words, took out the album again, and turned to the photo that the little guy had just questioned.

Fang Yuan recognized it with a glance. The man was his grandfather's right. Looking at the appearance of the little girl facing the camera, the memory began to emerge from his mind like a tide.

This is what happened when he was five years old. According to normal people's memory, most of the things that happened at the age of five should have been forgotten long ago. Unless special genius, Fangyuan is not a genius, so naturally he has forgotten.

But because there is a universal education system for infants and young children, since this system, Fangyuan’s memory has risen sharply. Basically, he will remember everything he has seen, heard, smelled, etc. It is no exaggeration to say that his brain just It records everything like a high-definition camera.

But before he obtained the system, he did not have this ability. Now when he sees the photos and the people in the photos, his memories also emerge. With the help of the system, those forgotten memories are finally clear again. After all, people's memories will be forgotten. , But will not be deleted, it just lurks in the deepest part of my mind.

Fang Yuan was brought up by his grandfather when he was a child. At that time, his grandfather hadn't moved to live with them, and there was no kindergarten in the countryside before going to elementary school, so he stayed in Deer City with his grandfather and watched the orchard with him.

Usually when he is free, my grandfather likes to ride his twenty-eight bars and take him to play along the beach. At that time, unlike now, there were very few people who came to Deer City to travel. Come forward and have a chat.

In addition to hospitality, it is also an important channel for contacting foreign information. Once my grandfather took him to Tianya Haijiao, where he met a young lady and her grandpa.

That young lady is Lan Caiyi. Thinking of this, he suddenly thought of the last time Ding Heping invited to dinner. He said that when the uncle was working in Qiongzhou, he had a weird feeling in his heart and Lan Caiyi's deep smile.

Did she recognize herself long ago?

Then he thought about not long ago when he asked Lan Caiyi why she liked him, she let herself guess and smiled.

"Fangyuan, is this your grandfather?" Seeing him in a daze, the grandpa's words interrupted his thoughts.

Fang Yuan was about to speak when Lan Caiyi's voice came from outside the door, "What are you two doing? The little one is missing, why is the big one silent?"

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