My dad's life

Chapter 260

After Dad Lan came back that night and told him about the incident, his reaction was rather flat. He felt that they should also go back. The company's business should not be lost, especially the optimization of Dabai.

Because of this, Mother Lan was very unhappy and reprimanded him for not caring about his daughter at all, and Father Lan could only smile wryly.

Things that can't be stopped will happen sooner or later. Although I feel reluctant, there is no need to act as a little girl. Besides, the days in the future will still be long. If they don't come back, they can't pass it.

So men should be more rational, and daughters are more emotional, but there is no difference in love for their daughters.

Everyone got up early the next morning. Although the air ticket was over eleven o'clock, the airport was far away, and the light journey took about two hours.

And Mother Lan also packed an extra box of things for them, all of which were brought to Father Fang and Mother Fang, she had already prepared them.

Second cousin He Weiyang heard that they were going back, and drove them to the airport early in the morning. He was particularly heart-warming and passionate. I heard that he was recently talking to Dad Lan about the export of intelligent sweeping robots overseas.

However, the voice system inside needs to be reset with Fangyuan's help. It is best to make it into multiple languages ​​in one step, which can be selected through the mobile APP.

Although I packed a lot of things yesterday, I didn't bring much today. Lan Caiyi and Fangyuan shared the same suitcase. Mother Lan brought one by herself, and then there was a little bee trolley suitcase dragged by the little guy.

The trolley is filled with gadgets bought in Xia Jing and some of her favorite things, most of them are her own, a small part of them want to go back to share with Ai Cai and Xiaoshan, Fang Yuan also follows her, let her own Drag to exercise her self-care ability.

As for the other luggage, Aunt Sun will help send it away. Aunt Sun didn't think much about Lan Caiyi's departure. Although she has not been in Lan's house for a short time, she didn't have much contact with Lan Caiyi.

In the past, Lan Caiyi University used to live with her grandfather's house. After college, she saw fewer meetings. Then she went abroad to study for a few years, so it was better for Lan's mother to leave her sad.

Because of the second cousin’s private car, they arrived early at the airport.

"Fangyuan." As soon as Fang Yuan entered the airport lobby, someone called him.

"Ding Heping." Fang Yuan turned around and was pleasantly surprised to see someone coming. He just told him last night, but he didn't expect him to come to see him off.

"Unexpectedly, you ran to the airport to see me off. I was so touched." Fang Yuan walked over and hugged him.

"Fart, what do you think you are? I'm just going to be on a business trip today, so I just happened to send you off by the way." Ding Heping hammered him slightly on his shoulder.

"I'm going, I was moved in vain." Fang Yuan pretended to be annoyed.

"I am not in vain, I can send you by the way, you already have a lot of face." Ding Heping also jokingly said.

"Cut, your face is really big enough." Fang Yuan said disdainfully.

"Okay, I won't tell you anymore. You bothered too much about Chen Chao, and you helped me bring this to him." Ding Heping took out a bank card from his pocket and handed it over.

"What are you doing? I didn't tell you, I will be responsible for Chen Chao's medical expenses." Fang Yuan directly pushed him back.

"I know, if I want to be responsible, I can't afford to be responsible. There are 100,000 yuan in it. It is my kindness for you to help me bring it to Chen Chao." Ding Heping handed it back again.

When he said this, it would be difficult for Fang Yuan to refuse. After all, this was given to Chen Chao by Ding Heping, and it was difficult for him to make a decision on his behalf.

"That's OK, I'll help Chen Chao put it away first, but you have to be measured yourself, don't take out your wife's book, or Sister Li knows, don't kneel on the washboard." Fang Yuan said with a smile.

"Nothing, you think everyone is as afraid of a wife as you are. I have the final say in my family, let alone not married yet." Ding Heping said stiffly.

"After getting married, if you can still be so tough, I will convince you." Fang Yuan joked, patted him on the shoulder.

"But when are you going to get married? That day, I listened to Sister Li, her family seemed to urge her to be anxious? After all, she is older than you."

"I think too, but you also know the nature of my job. Although it is dangerous, it is not great. The key is to run around all year round and there is no chance of having a family. If I really get married, I can't let her See your husband once in ten days and a half, right?" Ding Heping was also very upset.

"In this case, you should make it clear to her that if she understands you and is still willing to marry you, then all of your worries are unnecessary, and it is not a problem to save people like this."

"Well, Daqingsheng, you know so much, tell me, how many girlfriends have you talked to?" Ding Heping said with a smile.

"How many? I'm not talking to you, I've talked with more girlfriends than you have ever met..." Fang Yuan patted his chest and boasted.

"Really? Then tell me, which women you talked about, I don't know at all?" Suddenly Lan Caiyi's voice sounded behind him.

"Haha, I'll just blow a cowhide." Fang Yuan turned around and smiled embarrassedly as he looked at Lan Caiyi, who was smiling at his waist.

Ding Heping laughed loudly beside him, and then patted him on the shoulder, "I have to leave beforehand. When Chen Chao decides when the operation will be done, you must tell me in advance so that I can arrange a break."

"I see, get out." Fang Yuan was angry that he deliberately cheated him just now.

Ding Heping didn't mind, and left with a big laugh.

"Let's go, don't delay boarding." When Ding Heping left, Fang Yuan said as if nothing had happened.

"Do you still want to ascend the throne? It seems you want to marry three thousand wives, you can do it!" Lan Caiyi teased in his tone.

"Okay, stop skinning, Xinxin is still waiting for us." Fang Yuan took her shoulders and walked in the direction of Mother Lan.

The little guy is riding on Mother Blue's suitcase, looking over here.

Lan Caiyi booked the air ticket online. Because there are child tickets, seats cannot be selected, so when the baggage is checked in for the boarding pass, the staff adjusts a row by the way.

It happened to be enough for three people in a row. Fangyuan wanted to let Mother Lan and Xinxin sit together, but she didn't expect Mother Lan to take the initiative to give Fangyuan the seat and let the three of them sit together.

To make it easier for the little guy to look out of the window, she sat in the innermost position by the window, Lan Caiyi sat in the middle, and Fang Yuan sat in the aisle.

When everyone was seated and the plane began to taxi on the runway, the little guy finally asked the first question after getting on the plane.

"Dad, when shall we eat?"

Fangyuan: "..."

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