My dad's life

Chapter 265 Typhoon is coming

Fang Yuan and the little guy had a fight, mother Fang brought all the dishes out of the kitchen, and the little guy didn’t want to take care of his father, so she ran to the table and lay on the edge of the table to see what grandma had cooked. My belly is already deflated from hunger, and now I need food urgently.

Fang Yuan moved the chair over, then took her to sit on it, and let her continue to "enthrone".

"Dad, the baby does this chair very fast?" Fang Yuan said to the other's father during the meal.

Looking at the workmanship of the chair and the carved animals next to it, they finished it in a few days when they went out. It definitely took a lot of effort.

Father Fang smiled awkwardly when he heard the words.

Mother Fang gave him a white look and said, "Originally, the woodworker was hired by the decoration company to make furniture. He had to ask someone to make him a chair, or else he would replace him. The woodworker didn’t want to lose his job. A chair that can rush day and night is made."

"Dad, don't use chicken feathers as an arrow. People did a good job. If you are a carpenter who cut corners while working, you will lose more than you gain." Fang Yuan was a little dissatisfied, put down his bowl and chopsticks.

Fang's father was a little frustrated when he heard that, so he was really ready to say something. Mother Lan said first, "No, the chair is not made by the carpenter for nothing. Don't look at this little thing. Your father paid 10,000 yuan. The money’s wages can be enjoyed by the carpenter. I wish your dad would do more."

"Dad, you are really generous." Fangyuan had to sigh.

Since I was a child, I did not buy more than two hundred yuan for him. I actually spent 10,000 yuan to make a chair for the little guy. Is this rich?

"What do you know, this work is worth the money, look at this wood, it uses huanghuali, the whole chair does not use a nail, all uses the tenon and tenon structure, and the zodiac signs are also the craftsmanship of the master." Fang Dad said proudly.

"Well, you just have to say yes."

I don’t know much about other areas, but he has heard of the name Huanghuali. This kind of trees unique to Qiongzhou is extremely precious, and the growth conditions are harsh and slow, so even if there are not many locals in Qiongzhou, plus the past few years Naturally, the number of felling is extremely scarce, and the price has naturally risen.

"Okay, stop talking, let's all eat, it's only 10,000 yuan, and the baby sits comfortably." Mother Lan gave a final word.

Fang Yuan can only complain in his heart when he hears this. The local tyrant is the local tyrant, although 10,000 yuan is not much for him now, and he does not feel sorry for the money, and he is willing to spend more on the little guy.

But when I heard that a chair costs 10,000 yuan, I still subconsciously feel that it is expensive. After all, I can’t change it after being poor, and my realm is not enough!

After eating, it was almost five o'clock, and now I’m probably off work when I go to the company, so that’s it, I decided to go to the company tomorrow morning.

As soon as the little guy had eaten, he ran to open his little suitcase and took out all the presents he brought to sister Ai Cai. He watched his father help Fang’s mother clean up the dishes, so he asked Lan Caiyi to take her to the next door. Sister's house.

Lan Caiyi didn't know her next door very well, so she was a bit reluctant, but she couldn't help but drag her out.

"Mom, I want to see Grandpa with Lan Caiyi." Fang Yuan said while helping Fang's mother clean up the dishes.

After his death, my grandfather was not buried in Donghu Town. Instead, he used his remaining savings to buy a piece of land in Lushi Cemetery and buried it in Lushi, which is regarded as the fallen leaves back to their roots.

But the cemetery is said to belong to Deer City, but it takes more than an hour to drive on the highway.

"In two days, I'll go with you in two days." Mother Fang paused when she heard the words to clean up the dishes.

"Why take two days? I just need to go directly tomorrow, and there is nothing to prepare." Fang Yuan asked strangely.

"Because the typhoon is coming, the weather forecast says what seabird is this typhoon called." Mother Fang said.

"Typhoon again?" Fang Yuan was a little surprised. He was in Xiajing these days and he didn't pay attention to the weather in Lushi.

There was a typhoon in early June, but the little guy hadn't come back.

The typhoon caused great losses in Yexiang and Wanzhou, but Lushi was considered good. The number of typhoons suffered by Lushi over the years ranked third overall in Qiongzhou.

And the place where they live now is better, no matter whether the sea is rising or the wind hits, it basically has no effect on them.

Speaking of typhoons, Fang Yuan suddenly thought that the little guy saw a typhoon for the first time, and he didn't know if he was afraid of it!

After helping Fang's mother clean up the dishes and chopsticks, she was kicked out, saying that he was tired from the journey, and asked him to rest.

As for Father Fang, he was moving the things by the swimming pool to his home. It was not safe to leave these things outside when the typhoon came, so Fang Yuan also went to help him.

Although Dad Fang looks strong and strong, but after all he is getting old, he feels a little breathless after moving a recliner. Seeing Fang Yuan have one hand, he quickly packed everything into the house, and he had to lament that he was old.

After the things were moved, Xinxin and the others hadn't come back, so they went straight upstairs, passing by the door of Mother Lan's room, seeing that she was packing things, said hello, and went straight to the study.

The computer in the study was always on. When he left, he specifically explained to Fang's father and Fang's mother that the computer was always powered on.

Although Fangyuan’s desktop computer was configured a few years ago, its performance can’t keep up, and it’s not enough as a server. Fortunately, there are not many people in the company and there are not many data exchanges. Knowing whether Fatty Tian has fixed the server, I forgot to ask him these days.

Fang Yuan turned on the monitor and checked Jin Yao's work progress over the past few days.

Jin Yao's additions to the "Fanglan Engine" function will eventually be saved in the server, so Fangyuan can directly open it and you can see it. Not only can you see the source code, you can also see them from the exchanged data files and time. The workload and work efficiency these days.

Fangyuan looked around, and it seems that everyone is very hardworking. In a few days, a lot of functions have been added. In addition to the script editing function made by Fangyuan, it also adds collision system, physics system, particle special effects, scene management and so on.

Of course, these engine functions are not original, they are the existing functions of other engines. Of course, they cannot write all these codes. They just add some functional logic, and then transfer them to the server. These logic optimizations generate code.

Just like writing a novel, they write the outline and the detailed outline, and the intelligent program is responsible for enriching the story content, so the speed is very fast, otherwise, how can it be so versatile in a few days, and it is not the god of programs .

The most troublesome thing after the function is generated is the function test, because as long as the logic is written by humans, there may be logic errors or logic conflicts, etc., and the workload is still not small.So the biggest workload is on functional testing.

Fang Yuan was sitting in front of the computer and was thinking about whether he could build a batch testing tool. When he saw the little guy quietly sticking his head in, he knew that he didn't have time to think about it tonight.

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