My dad's life

Chapter 271: Songs in Memory

Song Xue hugged Xiaoshan in her arms, leaned forward, and walked hard against the wind and rain.

She is a little girl herself, and she is holding a child, which makes it even more strenuous in such weather.

She felt a burning sensation in her lungs before she walked far, but she didn't even dare to pant hard, because opening her mouth would only let the rain fall.

The rain kept on her body, taking away the only heat in her body, making her cold outside and warm inside, consuming her energy rapidly.

She felt that she was going to be unable to hold on anymore. In the heavy rain, her eyes were blurred, as if she saw a little girl carrying a girl younger than her, singing and staggering in the heavy rain.

She seemed to have really heard the singing in her ears, the familiar voice, the voice of dreams, she thought she had forgotten.

She lowered her head, walked hard, and sang along with the familiar melody in her ears.

Only mother is good in the world,

A child with a mother is like a treasure,

Into the arms of mother,

Happiness cannot be enjoyed.

No mother is the most distressed,

A child without a mother is like grass,


Until a song was finished, she and the little girl murmured at the same time, "Mom."

Following this voice, the two seemed to look at each other in the air, and both saw fear and sadness in each other's eyes.

"Mom." Suddenly a voice rang in her ear, and she thought she was hearing hallucinations.

"Mom, you are tired, I can walk down by myself."

It turned out to be the voice of Xiaoshan in her arms.

"No, you are so thin and so small. If your mother doesn't hold you tightly, you will be blown away by the wind." Song Xue lowered her head and tenderly refused, while her mouth widened for a few breaths.

She glanced at her feet at the same time, the sea was getting deeper and deeper, and she could no longer see the road ahead, she could only guess to go forward.

As long as she persisted for a while, she would be fine when she walked out of the depression in front of her, and she secretly cheered herself up.

Xiaoshan did not ask any more, she buried her head on her mother's long neck, and her hands were tight.

Song Xue did not speak, and gently pressed her cold cheek on her little ear.

As Xiaoshan's crisp childish voice sounded in the heavy rain, Song Xue, who was cold all over, could only feel the warmth in her chest.


If there is a beach on the coastal road, the opposite is basically a hotel. If there is no beach, except for some low trees, it is basically deserted.

Fang Yuan was not worried about the beach. If something happened, Song Xue would definitely take Xiaoshan to the hotel to hide. What he was most afraid of was the deserted area in front of him. He couldn't find a place to hide.

Fang Yuan exerted all his strength and ran all the way in the direction of the Sea View Garden. The rain seemed to be thrown behind him, and the sea gradually began to rise. Some low-lying places had been submerged by the sea, but he could not stop him. pace.

Suddenly Fangyuan saw the electric car parked on the side of the road. It belonged to Song Xue. He couldn't be wrong. He saw her riding, but what about them?

"Song Xue, Xiaoshan." Fang Yuan shouted, turning around the coconut tree, his eyes falling on the surging sea not far away.

"Song Xue, Xiaoshan." Fang Yuan shouted loudly, but couldn't hide the panic in his heart.

At this moment, Fang Yuan heard a childlike singing in the wind.

"Xiaoshan." Fang Yuan yelled into the distance.

"Huh?" Xiaoshan, who was singing on Song Xue's shoulders, raised her head.

"What's the matter?" Song Xue lowered her head to resist the wind and rain that whizzed past.

"I really want to hear Uncle Fang's voice." Xiaoshan tried to look behind her, but the continuous rain blocked her sight.

"You must have heard it wrong, how could Uncle Fang be here in such weather?" Song Xue gently patted her back and comforted.

Then she continued wading forward, which made her more strenuous.

Xiaoshan said "Oh" and continued to sing, but she still had some doubts in her heart. She put her arms around Song Xue's neck and tried to watch the road behind her.

Fang Yuan ran forward following the sound, but soon couldn't hear it. Just when he was puzzled, Xiaoshan's singing sounded again, so she speeded up and ran over.

Slowly, he could vaguely see a staggering figure in front of him, moving this body step by step.

"Song Xue, Xiaoshan?" Fang Yuan shouted again.

"Uncle Fang." Xiaoshan yelled in surprise. She confirmed this time, because she had already seen Uncle Fang running over.

Song Xue also heard the sound. When she turned around, she held Xiaoshan in her arms. She felt a burst of relief in her body when she saw the circle coming from strides, or it might be because the wind behind her was against her. The tired body made her feel a little relaxed.

"Fangyuan." Song Xue called out weakly.

"Uncle Fang." Xiaoshan beckoned to him.

Fang Yuan, who was running over, saw that Xiaoshan was very drenched, but in good spirits. Instead, Song Xue's face was pale and crumbling, and the rain rolled down the ends of her hair sticking to her cheeks.

"Okay, it's okay, leave the rest to me." Fang Yuan reached out and took Xiaoshan from her.

When Song Xue relaxed, she felt her whole body soft, and sat down in the water. Fang Yuan looked down, only to find a bright red in the water.

"What's all this?" Fang Yuan couldn't help but said, why everything caught up.

Although he said this, he didn't dare to delay, so he held Xiaoshan in one hand, and picked up Song Xue with the other, and ran forward in strides.

The sound of the huge waves slapped to the shore one after another, and more water began to rush to the shore.

But none of this affects Fangyuan. His two legs directly cut the sea water and went forward through the waves.

It’s not far from the Sea View Garden, and Fangyuan didn’t dare to delay at all. The two women are now wet and cold. This is the most prone to get sick, especially Song Xue, who also has "big aunt" on her body. It is not surprising that she can say that she is in good health.

Fang Yuan exerted all his strength, so he ran very fast, and he arrived at the sentry box at the foot of the mountain within ten minutes.

The security guards in the sentry box are no longer there, and the electric gate is also open. You can't stay here at this time. I have already returned to the property office building because it is dangerous to stay in the sentry box. Maybe you will be driven away by a typhoon.

Xinxin took a small bench and sat in front of the glass wall on the second floor, with her small face attached to the glass.

Watching the huge waves rising from the sea below the mountain.

Watching the trees under the mountainside are blown into green waves by the strong wind.

Listening to the sound of the wind and the crackling of rain on the glass.

The little guy was both excited and a little scared.

She had never seen such a strong wind, such a heavy rain, and such a big wave.

Suddenly, she saw her father running back from a distance, she stood up excitedly, and ran downstairs quickly.

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