My dad's life

Chapter 273: Afternoon Time

Song Xue opened her eyes and followed the sound. She saw Xiaoshan lying half-length by the bed, shaking her arms, tears and fear in her eyes.

"Mom is here, don't cry." Song Xue said weakly.

Xiaoshan heard her mother's voice, raised her head and found her mother was watching her, she was immediately surprised, and called out: "Mom."

Song Xue tried to raise her hand and touch her, but she felt sore and weak, and she didn't have the strength to lift it up.

"Aunt Song is awake, Aunt Song is awake." Xinxin, who had been standing by her side, shook her arms and hurried out while carrying her little rabbit doll.

She was asked by her father to wait for her mother to wake up with her sister Xiaoshan, and then notify them.

The little guy happily accepted the task, and carried it out very seriously, without slipping away.

During the heavy rain yesterday, Xiaoshan, the little guy, did nothing. Instead, Song Xue fell ill and developed a high fever. Fortunately, there was a doctor on duty in the infirmary of the community every day, giving her a drip.

In the evening, when the wind and rain eased, Fangyuan returned to the company to pick up the blue color clothes. At the same time, he informed everyone that they would not be used to go to work these days, and they would return to work after the typhoon passed. Naturally, they received unanimous support.

But apart from Jin Yao, who has a family and a mouthful, the program department didn't go back. Anyway, they went home to play games online, so it's better to stay in the company.

Not only can you surf the Internet, but you can also brag together and play qualifying together, so staying at home is better than staying at the company.

This morning, because Fang Yuan didn’t have to go to the company, Fang Yuan stayed in the study to deal with the problem that Jin Yao and the others submitted yesterday. In order to be afraid of being disturbed by the little guy, she fabricated a task and handed it over to her. Sure enough, the little guy was recruited with a strong Responsibility and mission went with my sister.

"Xiaoxue, how do you feel? Is it better?" Fang's mother asked when she entered the room and looked at Song Xue who had woke up.

Xiaoshan, who has been unhappy since yesterday, didn't know how happy she was smiling, and kept sitting on the bedside holding her mother's hand.

"Auntie Liang, except for lack of strength, I feel much better." Song Xue said in a weak voice, appearing to be a little lacking in breath.

"It's fine. You have had a high fever since yesterday. Now that the fever has subsided, it is normal for you to have no energy. When the aunt makes you something to eat, she will be fine soon." Mother Fang helped her cover it. The blankets on her body are neatly arranged.

"Thank you, Auntie." Song Xue was really touched, and it was these people who had never known her before that she felt the warmth of the whole world.

A high fever reminded her of a lot of things from her childhood, these memories she thought she had forgotten, and remembered that her sister gave everything for herself. Compared with her sister, she is undoubtedly lucky and always meets kind people. Help her along the way.

"Don't be polite with Auntie, just treat it as your own home." Fang's mother said that she turned around and went out to make food, Xiaoshan looked after her.

"Grandma Liang." Xiaoshan caught up and put her little hand in the palm of Fang's mother.

"What's the matter?" Mother Fang lowered her head and asked in confusion.

"Grandma Liang, thank you." The little guy raised his head and said seriously.

Fang's mother was stunned for a moment, and then smiled and stroked her head, "What a sensible little girl, can you cook good food for your mother with grandma?"

"Good." Xiaoshan agreed happily.

Mother Fang is also very happy. In fact, in life, there are two things worthy of being happy. One is money, and the other is helping others. The first is to meet my material needs, and the second is to meet my spiritual needs.

But the first is a necessary survival requirement. When one's own survival needs are not met, how can we talk about other things?

This is why the rich are willing to help others, while the poor are unwilling to help others.

It is because they have not yet met their own survival needs.

After Xinxin completed the task, she naturally went to make trouble with her father. Her father hadn't played with the baby all morning. She wanted her father to play with her.

"Dad, Aunt Song is awake, can you play with me now, right?" The little guy broke in from the door.

"Oh, is Song Xue awake? Then let's go take a look." Fang Yuan stood up when he heard the words.

"Mom is talking to Aunt Song, the baby is very boring alone, can you play with the baby?" The little guy took his hand and said coquettishly.

"Aren't you playing with Sister Xiaoshan?" Fang Yuan said, rubbing her little head.

"Sister Xiaoshan wants to accompany her mother, so she has no time to play with me!" the little guy said sadly.

Looking at the little guy's pitiful appearance, Fang Yuan knelt down and took her hands and looked into her eyes, "Well then, what do you want to play, I will play with you."

The little guy was very happy when he heard this, his big eyes turned and said: "Then let's play hide and seek."

"Hide-and-seek? Although there is a big place at home, there are not many places to hide. It's easy to find."

Hearing the words, the little guy swept his eyes around the study, and saw the empty study, as if there was really no place to hide.

"Then you can shoot the ball with me?" So the little guy thought for a while and said.

In fact, what the little guy said about shooting the ball should be a catching game. One person throws another person to catch the ball. It is a particularly simple interactive game. The process is naturally monotonous, but for children, it has unimaginable fun and is particularly successful. The joy after catching.

"That's fine, let's play the ball." Fang Yuan stood up and walked out after the little guy.

So the little guy walked in front, Fang Yuan followed her.

But walking and walking, the little guy felt something was wrong, because every time she took a step, Dad took a step and followed her step by step.

"Dad, what are you doing?" The little guy stopped and asked curiously.

"I am your shadow now. I will follow you wherever you go." Fang Yuan said with a grin.

The little guy's eyes lit up when he heard that, he could still play like this.

So he stepped forward and ran forward, trying to shake off the shadow behind him.

But Fang Yuan is close to her, where is so easy to be thrown off.

So the little guy ran from upstairs to downstairs, trying to get rid of the shadow behind him.

She also forgot to shoot the ball, which was very interesting. She ran to the living room and hid behind her grandpa, but was still caught up by her father.

She ran into her grandmother's arms to hide, but still couldn't leave her father behind.

So she ran to the kitchen and hid behind her grandmother. Finally, her father was driven out by her grandmother, and the little guy laughed triumphantly.

"Sister, do you want to play with us?" Xinxin said to Xiaoshan who was handing her grandma the tableware.

"But I want to cook for my mother." The little guy said wisely, but his eyes were full of longing.

"Go and play, the rest of the grandma will do it," Fang's mother said next to her.

At this time Lan Caiyi also came down from upstairs, "Xiaoxue is asleep again, keep your voice down, don't wake her."

Fang Yuan nodded, "Then we can play downstairs, Xinxin, what do you want to play?"

"I want to play the eagle and catch the chicken." The little guy grabbed Lan Caiyi's hand, obviously wanting her to play together.

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