My dad's life

Chapter 277 Birthday Preparation

"Do you want me to arrange? Who are you inviting? Do you need to find some outsiders?" Lu Shouyi was particularly excited when he heard the party.

"Go, go, what are you thinking about? It's my family's birthday party." Fang Yuan gave him a white look.

"Whose birthday? Lan Caiyi or Xinxin?" Lu Shouyi asked casually, with no interest.

"Xiaoshan's, you and Xiao Qiu will also come then, there will be more crowds," Fang Yuan said.

"Hey, would you like to invite me too? I am embarrassed to say that I am from my own family." Lu Shouyi said very cheaply.

"What do you want? Let you come, mainly for the yacht dignitaries, I won't!" Fangyuan Tan said.

"I bought a recreational yacht, which is very simple to operate." Lu Shouyi said.

Speaking of Lu Shouyi’s yacht, Fang Yuan has never been on board once. Although Lu Shouyi has invited countless times, he has not agreed. He feels that it does not belong to his own world. What if he went to see it?

I also felt that I was ignorant, lacking in appearance and money, and it was impossible to play with the people who were invited to the boat by Lu Shouyi. Although he and Lu Shouyi were able to cheat or cheat it was very simple, but no significance.

The above are all tall and tall sayings, but to put it bluntly, it is a little inferior.

"Well, after going home today, I will ask the property maintenance staff to take care of the yacht." Lu Shouyi said.

"Huh, our community also helps to maintain the yacht?" Fang Yuan asked in surprise.

"What a novelty, our community has its own wharf, which not only serves our owners, but also rents out many foreign customers. Moreover, these talents account for the bulk of their revenue, and there will naturally be professional maintenance staff."

"But our owner's fee is cheaper. I originally docked the yacht at the yacht club, and I had to pay a large amount of management fee every year."

"Well, let me see what else I need to prepare. I can't have nothing by then?" Fang Yuan thought about it.

"Don't worry about these things, I will contact the Party undertaking company, and they will all help them." Lu Shouyi waved to him.

"There is still such a company?" Fangyuan felt like he was a terrified.

"Then you think I always make parties by myself? Don't be kidding, how can I have so much leisure time?" Lu Shouyi is also speechless, isn't this common sense?Fangyuan didn't even know?

"In this case, I don't care, let's go and accompany me out." Fang Yuan stood up.

"What are you doing?" Lu Shouyi said, but he still stood up.

Fangyuan drove the car and took Lu Shouyi straight to Wanda Studios, where he took Xinxin and Xiaoshan to see "Big Hero 6" last time.

Lu Shouyi glanced around. It was not a day off. The cinema was empty with two or three kittens.

"Fangyuan, don't you want to invite me to a movie? Just the two of us?" Lu Shouyi asked with a weird look.

Fang Yuan glared at him without saying a word, and went straight to the ticket office.

Lu Shouyi followed and continued, "I tell you, I am a man you can't get. Don't even think about it, no, you can't even think about it."

This guy had a thicker skin than a pig, and his voice didn't know how to converge. He was particularly eye-catching in this empty hall. The few people turned to look at them.

The special ticket sales girl is tall and pretty long. After hearing it, not only did she have no disgust, she even beamed her eyes and said with surprise, "Sir, what movie do you two want to watch? We have a couple seats here. In the private room, I can borrow my membership card for you to swipe it, and internal staff will have a 20% discount."

"Don't need a couple bag, just ordinary... Bah, I'm not watching the movie, is your manager there?" Fang Yuan was confused by her.

"Manager, why are you looking for a manager? I just said casually, don't you need to do this?" The ticket sales girl looked sad and authentic.

Fang Yuan looked at her up and down when she heard the words, and unexpectedly found that she was not too old, but she seemed to be a part-time student, "What are you thinking about? I have something to ask your manager."

"Oh." The ticket sales girl breathed a sigh of relief when she heard the words, and then shouted to the nearby shops in the distance.

As soon as Fang Yuan was about to pass, Lu Shouyi stepped forward, arched him away, ready to start the sister-in-law mode.

Fang Yuan grabbed him by the back collar and dragged him back. How could this guy want to tease when he saw a woman? What's wrong.

"What are you doing, can you not ruin my good deeds, I tell you, this girl looks like this without makeup. If she puts on a little makeup, she is definitely a big beauty, and she is still a young girl. I haven't met for a long time." Lu Shouyi patted Fangyuan's hand dissatisfied.

The theater manager is a fat middle-aged man. He can't hold his stomach in a blue suit. He looks very kind. I heard that Fang Yuan was looking for him.

"Are you looking for me?" The manager looked at the two young men with some confusion.

He has a wide range of knowledge. Looking at the clothes of the two young people, he knows that he should be a rich man. Not to mention that Lu Shouyi is a luxury product, but Fangyuan is not bad now. Of course, these clothes are all blue. I bought it for him.

It’s not that he doesn’t want to buy it himself, nor is he low in taste. It’s mainly because he didn’t have this consciousness when he was poor before, and he didn’t even know some luxury brands. Naturally, he couldn’t talk about goodness. So before I went to Xiajing last time, the blue color clothes Take care of him.

"Yes, manager, on August 20th, we want to book a show. Which movies do you have that day, I can book all the tickets." Fang Yuan went straight to the theme tunnel.

"Oh, my god, you actually have such a bold moment." Lu Shouyi said with a loss next to him.

Fang Yuan ignored him, or he was even more energetic.

As soon as the manager heard about the reservation, he immediately became enthusiastic, "What size do you want? Are there any other requirements?"

"There are not many people, so don't need to be too big." Fang Yuan thought about it and said.

"We have a central hall, a small hall and a VIP hall. The central hall has about 122 seats, the small hall 68 seats, and the VIP hall 20 seats." The manager explained to them.

"Then a small hall, 68 seats are enough." Fang Yuan thought for a while and said.

"That's all right, I'll help you see the arrangement of the small hall that day." The manager said and led them to the counter, "Are you going to propose in the cinema or confess? Do you need us to help play the video? You can tell me in advance. ."

"It's not a marriage proposal or a confession, it's a child's birthday. Her wish is to watch "Frozen" with her parents, so I have to trouble you. Can you play a special movie for her?" Fang Yuan explained with a smile Tao.

""Frozen"? This is an old film. It has been in theaters for a long time. I don't know if the negatives are still there." The manager was a little embarrassed.

"This is going to trouble the manager, so I can help you find it. The cost will not be less."

Hearing Fangyuan say this, how could the manager disagree.

The manager took a look in the system. On the morning of August 20th, there will be a Thai movie "Boxer World" in the small hall. Fangyuan directly pre-ordered all the seats in advance, and then gave the manager a fee. As for him If you don't turn it in, that's his business.

But looking at the happy appearance of the fat manager, you know that the money probably went into his pocket. Anyway, the movie tickets were sold, and the movie theater did not suffer. Now this extra income has little to do with the theater, even if it is impossible to check. Check it up.

"Then Manager Dou, this will trouble you. You must find the film of "Frozen". If you don't find it, you must tell me in advance. I will think of other ways." The two added WeChat to each other and they knew the manager's name. Dou, Fangyuan didn't ask for the specific name.

"Don't worry, there must be negatives. I'll go to the warehouse to look for them later. I'll give you news in the afternoon." Manager Dou, who took the money, was extremely enthusiastic.

"In this case, let's go first, so busy!"

Upon hearing the words, Manager Dou hurriedly drove them to the elevator entrance.

When he got into the elevator, Lu Shouyi was a bit dissatisfied, "There is nothing wrong with me, why would you let me follow?"

"It's just that I'm bored alone, so I can't let you be a company with me." Fang Yuan said.

"You are so old, you need someone to accompany you when you come out to do something? Do you think you are a girl? Do you want me to shit with you?" Lu Shou said indignantly.

At this time the elevator door opened and Fang Yuan took the lead and walked out.

"Hey, the exit is here, where are you going?" Lu Shouyi hurriedly shouted as Fang Yuan walked in.

"I'm going to shit? Do you want to be together?" Fang Yuan turned around.

Lu Shouyi directly raised his middle finger to him, but he still caught up. He came with a car in Fangyuan, and the key was on him.

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