My dad's life

284 Draw together

"Dad, drink tea." Fang Yuan handed the cup in his hand to Dad Fang and sat down beside him.

Father Fang reached out and took it, looking at him strangely.

This is so big, it was the first time that he took the initiative to pour tea.

"What's wrong today? Can you tell me something?" Fang Yuan sat down and said.

Father Fang was stunned when he heard the words, and then a little angrily said: "What can I do, do your business, don't have it all day long."

Fang Yuan watched Fang's father feel uncomfortable and his mouth was strong.

He smiled and said, "Just now Mom told me everything about your past, what do you think?"

Hearing this, Fang's father seemed a little excited, and said in a low voice, "This broken-mouthed woman."

Then opened the cup, ready to drink a sip of water to cover up his emotions.

"Bah, why is it so hot? Do you want to burn me to death?" Father Fang was absent-minded, his mouth was burnt all of a sudden, and then he began to get angry.

Fang Yuan didn't speak, just looked at him with a smile.

"Don't worry about adult matters." Seeing Fangyuan's persistence, Fang's father finally sighed.

"Dad, don't always use these words to deal with me, Xinxin is so old, I am no longer a child." Fang Yuan said with some distress.

Whenever something involves them, I always like to use this sentence to deal with myself, and it has been like this since childhood.

Father Fang was obviously shocked when he heard the words, because in their minds, no matter how powerful or powerful they were, they subconsciously felt that he was a child.

But when he said it, he realized that his son has grown up.

"Since your mother told you everything, what else can I say?" Father Fang lowered his head and blew the floating tea leaves on the cup.

"Then have you ever thought about going back and taking a look?" Fang Yuan Jian Fang's father finally spoke and quickly asked.

Father Fang didn't answer directly, but said: "When I was young, I didn't want to, but when I am at my age, when will I still be indifferent?

But I was afraid that I would really go back, but the person was gone.In that case, why go back, leave a thought."

This is the first time that Fang's father confided in Fang Yuan.

Fang Yuan understood Dad Fang’s thoughts in his heart and said that he was timid about the hometown. Although Dad Fang did not live near the hometown, he was already timid. They all had the same mentality.

"Dad, if I say, I'd better go back and have a look, even if grandma is gone, uncle and they must be there, you can be regarded as understanding the knot."

Fang Yuan knew that Fang's father said so, but he could tell from his behavior that he actually wanted to go back and his psychology was very complicated.

He hated grandma for giving up on him.

He was afraid that grandma had passed away.

He didn't actually let go.

He looks forward to seeing his mother back,

But he was timid, afraid to hear the news.

So these complicated emotions made him dilemma. After so many years, it has become a knot in his heart that cannot be solved.

What he lacks is a person who supports him and gives him the advice he wants, and Fangyuan is just the most suitable person, even his mother is suitable.

After all, his surname is Fang, and the recognition of his ancestors is the Chinese people's seriousness and awe of blood inheritance.

"Since you want to see your grandparents so much, shall we find time to go back?" Father Fang raised his head again and looked at the starry night sky.

Fangyuan: "..."

Do you seem to say anything?

But this is the character that Fang's father should have.


"Dad, where did my dear daddy go?" Fang Yuan was sitting in the yard, and he heard the little guy shouting in the room in a so sweet voice.

Father Fang, who was in a bad mood, heard the little guy's voice and couldn't help showing a happy smile.

"I'm here again." Fang Yuan replied, stood up and walked into the room.

"Aren't you painting? What are you calling me for?" Fang Yuan watched the little guy jumping up and down at home holding a drawing, popping popcorn and oranges running around.

Seeing Dad come in, they let go of the dog and the fat orange, and the two little things immediately hid away from the little devil.

"Dad, look at the baby's drawing, isn't it pretty?" The little guy ran over and showed off the drawing paper in her hand.

Fang Yuan reached out and took it. There was a little girl on the drawing paper, dressed in Princess County, holding a magic wand and wearing two ponytails. There were two four-legged animals squatting under her feet, as if listening. The little girl speaks.

Behind her is a big triangular tree, the sky is full of irregular white clouds and a few crooked birds.

Generally speaking, the whole painting is outlined with twists and turns. Although flat and weird, it is full of childishness.

Especially the little girl's princess dress has made a lot of effort, especially gorgeous and delicate, with lace edges, small ribbons and so on.

"The painting is really good. When you grow up, you will become a great painter like Picasso." Fang Yuan praised.

Appropriate praise will increase the child's self-confidence.

"Is the baby great?" Although she doesn't know who Picasso is, she must be great.

Dad's compliments made the little guy happy, and he was proud of it.

Seeing the little guy in the same posture as a teapot, triumphantly, he said, "Although the painting is very good, but there is no color, it is not very beautiful, I think you can go and color your painting."

The little guy has a set of 36-color watercolor pens and a set of 24-color crayons, and the painting tools are very complete.

The little guy was moved by the words, especially the baby princess dress, color it, it will definitely be more beautiful.

But painting is so troublesome. The little guy rolled his eyes and took Fangyuan's hand and asked, "Dad, can you paint? Is it good-looking?"

"Well, Dad has never learned to paint, and his paintings are not as good as your mother and grandma."

Thinking about it this way, since childhood, Fangyuan didn't seem to have any talents except programming, and he felt quite useless.

"Then baby will teach you." The little guy drew Fang Yuan to the long case next to him.

This long case was originally used by the old professor to write calligraphy, but since Fangyuan moved in, it has become a toy table for the little guy.

She puts the toys she often plays with on weekdays so that she can take them at any time. Only when she needs to use them, she will tidy up these toys.

Mother Lan and Lan Caiyi are sitting at the table and painting without disturbing each other.

Mother Lan drew a picture of Jinlin playing with lotus, while Lan Caiyi drew a picture of a lady.

Because they didn't have professional tools, they all used the little guy's watercolor pens. Although they were not suitable, they had a good foundation and the charm was expressed.

"Baby teaches you how to paint now." The little guy pulled Fangyuan and told him to sit down, then put the drawing paper in front of him and said confidently.

Fangyuan: "..."

"Since you taught me, you have to show me the picture first, otherwise how can I learn it?" Fang Yuan turned his mind and said.

When the little guy thought about it, Dad was right.

"Okay, baby first paint it for you, you have to learn it carefully."

The little guy also climbed onto the stool and sat down, then pulled over the drawing paper in front of Fang Yuan, painted it seriously, and said in his mouth, "Don’t just sit there and look at it. Take a piece of paper with me. Coloring."

"When painting, the pen should be tilted, the lines drawn should not be too large, and should be evenly applied..."

The little guy dared to say something that sounds very professional, which surprised Fang Yuan. Did the little guy have a painting class before?

Fang Yuan glanced at the blank drawing paper in front of him and the watercolor pen in his hand. He was about to listen to the little guy's urging to paint with her. When he looked up, he saw Lan Caiyi who was sitting on the opposite side focused on painting.

Lan Caiyi's rocker is straight, his forehead is slightly hanging, his right hand is volley, and his left hand is holding his right wrist. His expression is focused, and his whole body exudes a gentle and gentle temperament.

Fang Yuan couldn't help being attracted by her. Under his concentrated expression, everything around him disappeared, and only the blue color clothes appeared before his eyes like a painting.

"Dad." Suddenly the cry of the little guy made him retreat from this state.

When he lowered his head, the long blank drawing paper in front of him immediately appeared, and a series of virtual lines divided it into countless small grids.

With a move in Fang Yuan's heart, the watercolor pen in his hand touched one of the small grids.

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