My dad's life

Chapter 306: Unforgettable Pain (Part 1)

"Xinping, are you finally willing to come out of the house?"

The second aunt saw He Xinping coming out of the house filthy, and couldn't help but reprimand.

"Hey." He Xinping just smirked and didn't speak.

"I'm hungry, I'll get you something to eat." The second aunt shook her head. This is not the first time. She has said it many times, but it didn't work, but she couldn't help but say it.

"Thank you, second aunt, where is my second uncle?" He Xinping asked casually.

"He went to work." The second aunt said as she went into the kitchen.

"Working?" He Xinping was a little puzzled, what kind of work a rural man does, there is no factory nearby.

"The government wants to repair the road here and recruit labor in the surrounding villages. Your second uncle is idle at home and idle. You can also earn some extra money by going to a job." Second aunt explained in the kitchen.

"Where did Xiaohui go?" He Xinping continued to ask.

"He, I was called out by Xiao Liang after lunch. I guess he went wild again." The second aunt replied.

"Should be about to start school, did he finish his summer homework?" He Xinping took some water with a tooth cup and was about to brush his teeth, although it was past noon.

"I don't know too much. When he comes back, you can check it for me. If that kid is half as hard as you, I won't have to worry about it." The second aunt complained in the kitchen.

"When I get older, I'll be sensible. It wasn't the same way when I was a kid." He Xinping said after gargle.

"When you were his age, you already helped your sister-in-law, how wild like him." The second aunt came out of the kitchen with a bowl of hot noodles and two fried eggs on it. She Know that He Xinping does not like to eat hard boiled eggs.

"Come over and eat the noodles when the toothbrush is ready, and I will turn on the water heater later, and take a shower after eating, and pour myself upside down." The second aunt babbled authentically.

"Thank you second aunt." After washing his face, He Xinping picked up the noodles, feeling a little moist at the corners of his eyes.

What he likes most is the egg noodles cooked by his mother. But in the big earthquake that year, neither his father nor his mother escaped. The people and the family were gone. He was still in high school that year, and he almost ran away. Collapse.

Fortunately, the second uncle and the second aunt took him in, and their son, a cousin who was one year younger than himself, died in the earthquake. From then on, the second uncle and the second aunt took him as his own son. With Xiaohui, he is still the same.

He Xinping finished eating the noodles and was about to wash them. The second aunt who was sitting outside stood up and picked them up, "I will do these things. You are busy with you, but you must be careful not to stay up late."

He Xinping's image at this time is not very good, with blue eyeballs, swollen eye bags, and pale skin, giving people a very weak feeling.

"No, second aunt, I'm not going to do it." He Xinping rubbed his head, which was still feeling groggy.

"Don't do it?" The second aunt was confused first, then overjoyed.

"If you don't do it well, if you don't do it, I will ask your second uncle to ask someone to find you a job in the county town. After all, you are a college student, so you can't stay in the village to dig the ground." The second aunt began to chatter.

But He Xinping didn't feel annoying, but felt a kind of warm heart.

"Second aunt, I'll go to Xiatang Village later." He Xinping found a razor to clean the stubble on his mouth.

"Going again?"

The second aunt sighed, and then said: "It's been so many years, you should let it go, after all, you will have a long time to come."

"I see." He Xinping, who had finished shaving his beard, looked at his pale self in the mirror, and could hardly find the shadow of the past.

"Then wait, I'll pack up some things for you and take them over." The second aunt didn't persuade any more, but turned around to prepare something for him.

Every time he goes to Xiatang Village, he has to bring some things. They are not expensive things, they are made of rice, noodles, grains and oil.

"No, I don't need to bring anything this time." He Xinping took a handful of well water in the basin and wiped it on his face, as if he was more energetic.

"No?" The second aunt, who was used to it, was very surprised when he heard him go without a gift.

"Xinping, are you okay?" Seeing He Xinping's abnormality, the second aunt became worried.

"I can have anything to do, but this is the last time I went, and I won't go anymore." He Xinping was silent for a while before saying.

"It's okay if you don't go, I know Caixia is a good girl, but you should let it go for so many years. After a while, I will ask your Aunt Zhao to introduce you to a beautiful girl...." The second aunt continued her nagging. mode.

"Second aunt, no need, I want to go out in a few days, it's not a problem to always stay at home." He Xinping smiled wryly.

"What? Are you going out?" The second aunt's voice was raised high.

"Yes, I think I'm still young, and if I don't break in, I will regret it later." He Xinping said with a smile.

"You are already twenty-five, where are you still young, isn't it good to stay at home? If you don't want to be at home, you can go to the county seat. Does your second uncle know about this? Where do you want to go?" The second aunt asked again and again. After several questions, I was very excited.

"I haven't told my second uncle yet, but I should go to Qiongzhou again!" He Xinping explained quickly.

"Qiongzhou? In such a far place, what if my aunt misses you? I didn't want you to run so far when you were in school. Why do you still want to go to that place when you work now?" The second aunt said, tears fell from her eyes. Down.

"Auntie, it's very fast to fly to Qiongzhou. If you miss me, you can fly to see me. Then bring Xiaohui with him. Doesn't he want to see the sea?" He Xinping hurriedly comforted.

"Flying? Airplanes are a waste of money. Earning so much money throughout the year is not enough for air tickets." The second aunt forcibly stopped her tears and said.

He Xinping heard this and took out a bank card from her pocket and put it in her hand, saying, "Second aunt, there is some money in it. You can take it to the county town to buy a house and start a small business or something.

Moreover, Xiaohui will go to junior high school soon, and the school is too far away. He has to climb several mountains, and it will be too much for a long time."

"What can't stand it? Didn't you always come here when you were young?" The second aunt first refuted his words.

Then came the reaction, now is not the time to talk about this.

Just now, He Xinping asked her to take the money in the card, buy a house and open a shop. This is not a small sum. Where does he get so much money?

"How much money is in this card?" The second aunt glanced at the green postal savings card in her hand.

"One million." He Xinping said casually.

"It turned out to be one million! What? One million? Where did you get so much money?" The second aunt exclaimed, and hurriedly covered the card, for fear that it would fly with wings.

"Where can I come from? Of course I earned my job." He Xinping said, turning around and going to take a bath.

"Wait, I can't ask you for this money, you keep it for yourself." The second aunt chased up.

"I still have it myself. This is for you." He Xinping avoided the card that the second aunt handed back again, then turned and went into the bathroom.

The second aunt froze for a while, and there?

With so much money from him, wouldn't it be an illegal thing?

The more I thought about it, the more I got scared. After thinking about it, I ran out, went to the village entrance shop to call his second uncle and asked him to come back quickly.

He Xinping came out of the shower and saw that his second aunt was not there. He didn't care. He changed into clean clothes and went out.

Xiatang Village is about ten miles away from Hejiazhuang. There was a motorcycle at home, but the second uncle rode it on, so he had to go.

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