My dad's life

Chapter 345 Funny little guy (seeking monthly pass)

After playing outside until almost nine o'clock, the little guy reluctantly went home with his parents.

When I arrived home, I found out that my grandparents and grandparents hadn't come back yet, so I was a little unhappy. Why did they still want the children to come back while they were all playing outside?

"It's because you are a child, so you have to come back to bed earlier, otherwise you will be a little dwarf in the future, and your brothers and sisters are not willing to play with you, do you want to play with your brothers and sisters forever?" Fang Yuan smiled beside him Said.

The little guy is a little scared when he hears this. Little kids are like this. The little ones want to play with the big ones, and the big ones want to play with the bigger ones. Being short really affects the interpersonal relationship of the children.

"Besides, it's long enough for you to go out to play after dinner, right? Seeing you are all sweaty, go and take a shower with your mother." Fang Yuan took off all the protective gear from her body.

Lan Caiyi also took down from upstairs and changed her clothes, preparing to take the little guy to take a bath.

But as soon as Fang Yuan untied her protective gear, the little guy went to the toy box to look through her toys.

"Xinxin, come take a bath." Lan Caiyi called.

"Can you not wash it? I want to play for a while?" The little guy said dissatisfied.

"No, come here quickly. It's already nine o'clock and I'm going to bed." Lan Caiyi said.

"Well, I'll come right away." The little guy agreed casually.

"Well, mother will go in and wash first, you will come over later." Lan Caiyi said and went into the bathroom.


Lan Caiyi finished washing by herself, and there was no sign of the little guy, so she shouted in the bathroom: "Xinxin, where are you?"

The little guy who was playing with the little train heard this and raised his head and looked at Fang Yuan, who was sitting on the sofa playing with his mobile phone, and said, "Dad, Mom is so loud, yelling, not a lady."

Radius: 😒

"I think if you don't take a bath anymore, your mother will definitely be even more unfair when she comes out. She will get angry and beat your ass." Fang Yuan said with a smile.

The little guy was stunned for a while, and then felt that the consequences were a bit serious, so he hurriedly got up and ran to the bathroom.

"You haven't cleaned up your toys yet, didn't we say it? You have to put them back after playing with them." Fang Yuan said maliciously in the back.

The little guy turned his head when he heard the words, glared at him with an angry puffed mouth, then rolled his eyes, and ran back to pack all the toys into the toy box.

Fang Yuan was surprised.

The little guy gave him a triumphant look, and then went into the bathroom without rush.

Fang Yuan felt a little strange, walked outside the bathroom door and listened to what the little guy said.

"Mom has called you several times, and I told you before taking a shower, why have you only come in now?"

"It's all Dad. Dad made me slow down after letting me clean up." The little guy said confidently.

"All Dads?" Lan Caiyi

"Well, it's all fathers." Xinxin

"All fathers? (broken tone)" Lan Caiyi

Fangyuan: "..."

Fang Yuan thought Lan Caiyi would say something more, but suddenly she lost her voice, and instead showered the little guy.

Fang Yuan then returned to the sofa to continue playing with his mobile phone.

Although Shan Tianyun said something about Gerrard's history in the evening, he still learned about it on the Internet, and it was really awesome.

By the way, I also took a look at the Chaumet Paris brand. As Shan Tianyun said, many actresses like this brand, and the price is mostly between 2 million and 8 million.

This price is also within the acceptable range of Fangyuan, regardless of the hundreds of millions in the company's account, but the money cannot be moved.

It's not that I can't get it, it's just that Lan Caiyi is in charge of the company now, so I can't get around her with this money.

So what I can do now is the private money I made before, which is only tens of millions. Buying a wedding ring or something is enough.

At this time, the little guy came out of the bathroom after taking a shower.

The little guy is wearing short-sleeved bear cotton on his upper body and shorts with bear prints on his lower body.

This summer pajama is a parent-child suit. The blue color clothing and Fangyuan are also available. It is also one of the harvests of the blue color clothing these days.

Unisex style, cute and cute.

The little guy thought his father hadn't found her out, so he tried to run upstairs like an egg thief.

In fact, Fang Yuan had spotted her a long time ago and looked at her deliberately in silence.

When the little guy was about to reach the top of the stairs, he finally couldn't help but glanced in the direction of the sofa again.

But I found my father staring at her with a smile.

The little guy smirked with a guilty "hehe", pretending that he didn't know anything and wanted to run upstairs.

At this moment, I heard Lan Caiyi in the bathroom say, "Xinxin, let your father dry your hair for you."

Fang Yuan immediately stood up from the sofa and walked over with a smile.

"Dad." The little guy tilted his neck back, his little face full of flattery.

"Come here, go up and blow your hair with Dad." Fang Yuan took her little hand.

"Yeah." Seeing that his father didn't say anything, the little guy immediately happily followed a deer and jumped up the stairs.

Going upstairs and returning to the room, Fang Yuan asked her to sit on her mother's dressing table first, and turned around to get her a hairdryer.

The little guy looked at his wet hair in the mirror, then stretched out his little hand, and rolled the hair on his forehead into a small sharp corner.

"I am a big rhino." The little guy posed a pose in the mirror, happily.

Then I made a circle of hair on the forehead.

"I'm a puffy odor, haha..."

The little guy entertained himself and laughed out of breath.

It didn't bother her to find the area of ​​the hair dryer, to see what other tricks she could play.

Then she smoothed the hair on her forehead, and made two horns of the hair on the left and right sides of her little head.

"I'm the Bull Ferdinand🐮."

Seeing Fang Yuan standing nearby, he immediately lowered his head and rushed towards him.

"Ferdinand is going to hit Dad's belly."

"Hey, I didn't provoke you, this little cow, why are you hitting me?" Fang Yuan avoided going over and asked.

"Because you are wearing red clothes, of course you are going to hit you."

Fang Yuan is wearing a red red crocodile short-sleeved T-shirt today, so it is natural to be hit by a bull.

While the little guy was talking, he lowered his head again and bumped into Yuanyuan.

Fang Yuan twisted her body and dodged like a bullfighter, "I can't hit the fool."

Fangyuan is proud and authentic.

The little guy didn't admit defeat, and kicked his right foot on the ground several times, breathing heavily and snorting deliberately, imitating the appearance of a cow, and bumped towards Fangyuan again.

"Hehe, I can't hit it." Fang Yuan evaded another elegant twerk.

The little guy couldn't stop, continued to rush forward, and then hit a soft spot before stopping.

"Ha, I hit you." The little guy raised his head happily.

Then I saw Lan Caiyi with her waist in her waist, looking at her angrily.

"Dad...Dad..." The little guy screamed and ran back, then hid behind Fang Yuan.

"Hey, you're done washing. After the bath, your skin is really supple and tender. I think you still look the best without makeup." Fang Yuan said very dogmatically.

"Don't think you can get confused by saying something nice. I asked you to blow her hair dry. What are you doing?" Lan Caiyi said dissatisfiedly.

"Well, am I about to blow this? You just came up." Fang Yuan quibbled.

"So, I wronged you?" Lan Caiyi said with a smile.

"If you didn't wrong us, you can't say anything about us? Your thoughts like this are wrong." Fang Yuan said in a natural tone with his eyes wide open.

When Lan Caiyi heard this, she couldn't help but laughed "pouch", "Okay, that's right, let's dry the baby's hair, you are like a child."

"Where am I like a child?" Fang Yuan muttered dissatisfied.

"You look like a child everywhere." Lan Caiyi replied.

"Auntie, I want to hug." Fang Yuan opened his arms.

Blue color clothes: 😠

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