My dad's life

Chapter 348 Master Lu's Little Abacus (seeking monthly pass)

After Ge Chuyu put down the paper cup and left with a look of excitement and surprise.

Fang Yuan said to Lu Shouyi with a gloomy expression: "You fellow, can't you speak well? It's misunderstanding again, right?"

"What is the little girl thinking in her mind now? It's all men and women, and it's really hopeless." Lu Shouyi sighed.

But Yuanyuan's words avoided answering.

Fang Yuan saw him pretending to be confused, and really wanted to punch him. If he hadn't asked him for something, he would have turned and left.

"Innocent courtesy, tell me well, what do you have?" Of course, Fang Yuan would not talk about the purpose of this first, but would use his words first.

"What's the matter? I'm nothing!" Lu Shouyi blinked and continued to pretend to be confused.

"If you don't tell me, then I'm leaving, and I won't be allowed to speak in the future." Fang Yuan stood up and wanted to leave.

Old God Lu Shouyi was sitting there, and he didn't stop him.

Fang Yuan couldn't help but feel a little puzzled, could it really be that she was thinking too much.

Seeing that he was about to walk to the door, Fang Yuan felt a little hesitant in his heart. Today, I came to Lu Shouyi to beg him for something. He hasn't reached his goal yet, so he just left?

Fang Yuan felt a little nervous.

But Lu Shouyi was actually more nervous than him.

Seeing Fang Yuan put his hand on the doorknob, he finally couldn't help shouting: "Wait."

Fang Yuan breathed a sigh of relief, and pretended to turn around calmly and said, "I'm thinking about it? Is there something you want to ask me for."


"Hehe, find Xiaoqiu, don't come at me." Fang Yuan walked back and sat down again.

"To be honest, don't hesitate, when did your Master Lu's face become so thin?" Fang Yuan despised.

"Brother..." Lu Shouyi said with a grimace.

"Don't, when you called your brother, there was nothing good. Hurry up, or I would really leave." Fang Yuan interrupted him.

"Then I said, you see that our Vision App is about to go live. Although I have invested a lot of money in advertising and I have found some celebrities and Internet celebrities, we still lack a heavyweight character." Lu After Shouyi finished speaking, he looked at Fangyuan with burning eyes.

"So I'm so famous? I can't help being handsome." Fang Yuan said with joy.

"Isn't the point 13 face?" Lu Shouyi despised.

"The company has something, I'm leaving." Fang Yuan stood up and said.

"Don't, don't go, brother, you are the most handsome, you are the most handsome, alright, if you play our Vision APP in the future, I will give you a month-long start-up recommendation." Lu Shouyi grabbed him and pleaded.

Fang Yuan was just playing around with him, of course knowing that he was definitely not talking about himself.

So it can only be Xinxin. His daughter is the world's most cute girl, and she is definitely a heavyweight. Whoever says no, just beat him.

"Xinxin won't work either. I don't want her to contact the entertainment industry. It's too messy, not to mention that she is so young." Fang Yuan said seriously.

"Fuck off, I'm talking about Da Bai, Da Bai." Lu Shouyi saw him pretending to be confused, angrily.

"Oh, it turned out to be Dabai, no." Fang Yuan pretended to be a dare.

"Big brother, don't do it, please, I have no retreat. This is the opportunity to bet all of me. If I fail, I can only go back and inherit my father's hundreds of millions of fortunes." Lu Shouyi pleaded crying.

Fang Yuan suddenly wanted to kill him again.

So in order not to let him go back and inherit his father's billions of fortunes, Fang Yuan decided to help him.

"It's not forbidden, but it's not possible now. The advent of Dabai will not be as hasty as the previous smart sweeper. There will definitely be a grand launch ceremony at that time." Fang Yuan said to him solemnly.

Lu Shouyi sighed when he heard the words. He wanted to use Dabai's epoch-making invention to launch the Vision APP exclusively.

"Don't sigh, in fact, this is good. After the global release, Dabai can instantly increase its popularity and become a topic of global discussion, but it will definitely take a while before it goes public.

During this period of time, I can lend you the Dabai prototype and let you shoot some videos of daily life. With this shareholder style, you are not going to heaven!Fang Yuan comforted him.

When Lu Shouyi heard the words, his eyes lit up again, and the more he thought about it, the more he felt reasonable.

And after the official release, the topicality will definitely spread to the world instantly. There will definitely be media verification at the press conference. If it is released on the Vision APP first, everyone just thinks it is a special effect, and no one will believe it.

"How about it, don't you worry now?" Fang Yuan asked with a smile.

"Don't worry, it's really good enough, this time it's more than heaven, it's almost flying out of outer space!" Lu Shouyi circled the house excitedly, and the more he thought about it, the more he thought it was better to pay attention.

Dabai had seen it before, and it really existed, so this incident was naturally safe, and there was absolutely no possibility of accidents.

"Fangyuan, do you know? Every time I go home, my old man talks about me, saying that I am a trash. This is not as good as him, and there is not as good as him. When he was his age, it was already mixed and made me I didn't want to go back, because I was afraid of seeing him.

Now I can straighten my waist and go back and tell him confidently that although I am inferior to him in everything, the brother I have made is a hundred times stronger than him, ten thousand times stronger."The more Lu Shouyi thinks, the more beautiful.

What is "quick call", what is "water mountain", what is "division", what is "big Yali", let's all go ashes.

As soon as the horizon comes out, who will compete?

"Okay, okay, look at you beautifully, although I borrowed this shareholder's style, but the users who are not retained later, it is definitely not enough to rely on Dabai."

"You can rest assured that as long as there are users coming in, you are not afraid of not being able to keep them. Does the Matthew effect know? The Internet is like this. Winners take all. Some people are not afraid of no work, and Manager Fan eats plain rice? Shouyi is very confident and authentic.

"Just think carefully." Fang Yuan felt that there was some truth after hearing the words, so he didn't say more.

"By the way, Fangyuan, how about one share of the company's shares?" Lu Shouyi said suddenly.

"Go, why do I want your company's shares? I have Fanglan Technology." Fang Yuan gave him a white glance.

"Don't regret it, I'll tell you, when the horizon is really hot, it will be billions, or even tens of billions, your little broken game..."

As Lu Shouyi said, he suddenly stopped. Fangyuan can make a big deal, so can his game company's game be simple?

I heard him bragging about the development of an engine before, and he never cared about it. Is there really something special?

"Fangyuan, how about I swap my company's shares for you, two to one, and I use 40% of the company's shares for 20% of you?" Lu Shouyi typical.

"Go away." Fang Yuan only gave him one word, thinking so beautifully.

"Are you stupid? Give you such a big bargain, don't you want it?" Lu Shouyi bewildered.

"Besides, it's a blatant matter..." Fang Yuan threatened.

"Don't, big brother, don't change if you don't change it, you iron cock, miser, brave beast..." Lu Shouyi whispered dissatisfiedly.

"Also?" Fang Yuan glared at him.

"If you don't say it, don't say it, but you have helped me so much, I don't know how to thank you anymore." Lu Shouyi said seriously.

"Now I give you a chance." Fang Yuan took out the ring drawing he designed last night.

"What's this? Handcuffs?" Lu Shouyi took it over and took a look, then asked doubtfully.

I really want to kill him again!

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