My dad's life

Chapter 377 Hundred Beasts (seeking monthly ticket)

Parents praised the little guy in the class group, Fang Yuan couldn't control it, after all, there were so many people.

But in another group, he specifically explained that when he came out to play at night, don't praise her when you see the little guy. After all, beating is wrong.

Lin Qiaoyun and others all expressed their understanding that they have children. They still don't know what virtue they are, and they will drift off with a few words of praise.

Fang Yuan chatted with everyone casually in the group, saying that the fight was wrong, but still feeling happy.

Regardless of fighting, at least it can be seen from this matter that the little guy is really a very brave and daring kid.

In this society, bravery and decisiveness is a very good quality, and most successful people basically have this quality. Of course, it does not mean being foolish.

Moreover, being too cowardly will suffer a lot. After all, the whole society is full of wolves. How could the little sheep be pleased?

After a few polite words, he went downstairs to see how dare the little guy.

Those who have never brought a baby don’t know. The most feared by those who have brought a baby is not the child making noise, but the child’s silence.

The child is quiet, must be a monster.

Fang Yuan came downstairs, watching the little guy still drawing with grandma, finally let out a long sigh.

So curiously walked over to see what the little guy has drawn for so long.

The little guy sat side by side with his grandmother. Because of her short size, Mother Lan specially moved her "exclusive" seat for dinner.

In front of the little guy is a sheet of A4 size sketching paper with small animals painted on it.

Fang Yuan took a look. There were popcorn, oranges, bunny, giraffe and so on.

Although the painting is too abstract, the characteristics of each character are clearly expressed, and it is not too confusing.

"Wow, you little animal has a good picture." Fang Yuan exaggeratedly exaggerated.

"Dad, you are wrong, this is not a small animal picture." The little guy raised his head and looked at him.

"This is not a small animal picture?" Fang Yuan said silently.

"Grandma said, this is called a picture of beasts, don't you understand? Oh...!" The little guy shook his head and sighed, as if despising him for his ignorance.

Fangyuan: "..."

"You are such a mighty picture of a beast!" Fang Yuan said against his will.

Mother Lan, who had been listening to her silently, let out a "poof" laugh.

In fact, the little guy knew in his heart how he was painting. At this time, listening to his grandma's laugh, he immediately turned his head and bulged his mouth, looking at her dissatisfiedly.

"Grandma didn't laugh, grandma didn't laugh at you." Mother Lan hurriedly suppressed her smile.

"Wow, Auntie, your pictures of the Eight Horses are so good." Fang Yuan glanced at Mother Lan's painting and exclaimed.

This time, Fang’s mother did not use the little guy’s watercolor brushstrokes, but special tools, which she later bought back for leisure time from shopping.

In addition to various pens and inks, there are papers, including the A4 sketch paper that Xinxin uses now, which was also bought by Fang's mother.

Fangyuan praised Mother Lan for her good paintings. Although she was suspected of flattering, it was really good. At least from Fangyuan's eyes, she didn't see anything bad.

After all, Mother Lan has also been mentored by a famous teacher and has decades of painting experience.

"Auntie, you can give me this painting. I'll find someone to mount it, so it can be hung in the study." Fang Yuan continued to flatter.

"How can it be so good?" Mother Lan said modestly, but smiled on her face.

"It's really good, Auntie, just give it to me!" Fang Yuan continued.

"It's okay to give it to you, but I didn't bring it this time when I came to Lushi." Mother Lan looked at her painting again.

It seems that after listening to Fang Yuan's words, looking at this painting seems really good.

"It doesn't matter, Auntie, you just need to sign a payment."

"That's OK." Mother Lan didn't hesitate after hearing the words, she reached out her hand to drop her signature at the end of the picture and wrote the time.

"Me too." The little guy suddenly shouted beside him.

"What do you want?" Fangyuan was a little confused.

"I want that...that, and then hang it there, hang it there?" The little guy suddenly pointed to the side of the TV background wall.

There was originally a landscape oil painting for decoration.

"You mean, frame your painting and hang it there?" Fang Yuan asked in surprise.

"Well, why, can't it?" The little guy pressed one hand on the painting and clenched his small fist with the other.

"Haha, okay, then you finish painting quickly, and my dad will help you get a frame to hang up." Fang Yuan laughed at her small appearance.

"Don't laugh." The little guy said angrily.

"Okay, I'm not smiling, you should finish the drawing as soon as possible." Fang Yuan urged, holding back his smile.

Hearing this, the little guy was relieved.

Then she quietly asked Mother Lan: "Grandma, the picture of animals, do you want to draw one hundred small animals? There seems to be a lot of one hundred, alas, has the baby drawn one hundred now?"

Mother Lan saw that she had painted seven or eight small animals, and sighed, "Of course, but you are a child, so there is no need to draw a hundred."

The little guy breathed a sigh of relief.

Then asked: "Grandma, how many have the baby painted now?"

Fang Yuan and Lan mother: "..."

So under the supervision of the little guy, Fang Yuan carefully put away the paintings of her and Mother Lan.

The little guy is very satisfied with Dad's cooperation.

Then he jumped out of the "private seat" and ran to find food, but there were basically no snacks at home except for fruit.

"Why, you didn't have enough food at noon, are you hungry?" Fang Yuan asked casually.

It's almost five o'clock now, and there is excuse for the little guy to be hungry.

"Well, my belly is deflated, I want to eat." The little guy patted his belly.

"But the grandma's rice hasn't been cooked yet, and your mother hasn't come back yet." Fang Yuan raised his head and glanced outside the door. The sun had just set.

"How about dad peel an apple for you?" Fang Yuan asked.

"No, I don't want to eat apples." The little guy shook his head and refused.

"What about mangoes and bananas? Bananas. Bananas are delicious and have a laxative effect. You haven't gotten stinky for a few days?" Fang Yuan said, the topic was a bit crooked.

The little guy is extremely dissatisfied, the baby wants to eat some snacks, how can you talk so much?

So turned around and ran, looking for grandparents.

The little guy is very smart. Instead of looking for grandma first, he went to see grandpa first.

"Grandpa, I'm hungry."

Grandpa was playing with his fishing rod in the yard. It was from Lu Shouyi's boat. Lu Shouyi gave it to him after Xiaoshan's birthday last time.

These are all sea fishing rods, and they are all fine products, so Father Fang cherishes them extremely.

"Your grandma is cooking, if you are hungry, you can eat some fruit mat to cushion your stomach." Father Fang put down the fishing rod and hugged her on his lap.

"But I don't want to eat fruit!" The little guy fluttered at his grandpa with big eyes.

Fruit, fruit, fruit every day, is there nothing better than fruit?Such as the snacks in the drawers of big sisters.

But last time I took a lot of them to my mother, and she had already eaten the remaining seaweed and bear biscuits.

"Then go, grandpa will take you to the supermarket to buy delicious food." Father Fang said without wanting to stand up.

"Good!" The little guy was immediately happy when he heard the words.

Hey, she wanted to go to the supermarket when she found her grandpa!

Is the baby very smart?

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