My dad's life

Chapter 380 The baby is about to explode (seeking a monthly pass)

"You came here suddenly, and Auntie didn't cook any dishes. You will just do it.

Anyway, you have been in Lushi these days, so you can go out to play during the day, and come to Auntie for dinner at night, and Auntie will cook for you."

Waiting for dinner, Fang's mother greeted Ding Heping and Li Youwei.

"No, auntie, today's food is very rich, you are too polite." Li Heping looked at the table full of dishes, thinking that Fang's mother was speaking modestly.

"Today I wanted to celebrate Xinxin's first day of school officially, so I made all the dishes. When I come next time, let Fangyuan cook for you, he will make it delicious." Mother Lan said as she greeted Li Youwei. You're welcome, take your own dishes.

"Fangyuan?" Ding Heping glanced at him with some confusion.

Fang Yuan understood what he meant, and he didn't make a sound when he saw nothing.

"He can cook vegetables? Can't eat dead people?" Ding Heping asked in surprise, he didn't care about it bluntly.

"Then you don't know. Since Xinxin came to our house, Fangyuan has learned how to cook. I didn't expect him to be very talented. If he found out early, let him learn how to cook." It seems to be joking, but secretly touted a son.

Haven't you seen both Lan Mama and Lan Caiyi smile happily?

Especially Lan mother, who is both happy and admired, feels that her daughter did not choose the wrong person, Fang Yuan is indeed a good man and a good father.

Even the little guy yelled at the venue, "Daddy's dishes are super delicious."

Although she said that, she didn't eat less of the dishes that grandma cooked.

"In this case, I must try it." Ding Heping said rudely.

"Okay, I'll make dinner tomorrow, and you will come back then." Fang Yuan did not decline.

"In two days, I want to take Xiaowei around in these two days. It will definitely be late in the evening." Ding Heping hesitated.

In fact, he doesn't want to always disturb others, so he can just visit him once, what's the matter every day?

"Just call me whenever you want to come." Fangyuan didn't care.

At dinner, Ding Heping could only accompany him to drink a little after Fang's father was so kind.

So he opened a bottle of the special Wuliangye he had brought. This was a good wine for the army, or Ding Heping's father's collection. This time he came to Lushi and was sent a box by him.

Originally, Ding He Ping Ping Club was going to drive back, so he definitely couldn't drink.

But I didn't expect that Father Fang was very cunning. First, he came up and asked Li Youwei if he could drive.

Although Li Youwei was a little confused, she nodded and said she could drive. How many people can't drive this year?She has a scooter when she goes to work and drives it every day.

So this matter is settled, not to mention that it really doesn't work. I won't go back today, and there is no place for them to sleep.

So Ding Heping couldn't make any excuses, so he had to admit it obediently, and naturally he wouldn't let Fangyuan go when he was unwilling, and pulled him up.

Although Fang Yuan doesn't like to drink, it doesn't mean that he can't drink at all. In addition, Ding Heping came here today, it is not easy to refute his face.

Wuliangye is the representative of Luzhou-flavored wine, with strong aroma, so when it is poured into the glass, the aroma can be smelled throughout the table.

The little guy sniffed his nose and stared at the cups of the three people with big eyes, thinking that they were stealing some delicious food again, not taking her, the grown-up is really bad, the little guy thought.

"Don't look, children can't drink, and I tell you, the wine is spicy and bitter." Fang Yuan knew what she was thinking when she looked at her small appearance.

"Liar, does Grandpa like to drink?" The little guy immediately exclaimed in dissatisfaction. This is not the first time she has said it.

What she meant was that if it doesn't taste good, how could grandpa like it? Grandpa is not a fool.

"Grandpa is an adult, and drinking is bad for your health." Fang Yuan didn't know how to explain to her.

Hearing this, the little guy squinted and watched him silently. Since he is not healthy, why does Grandpa like to drink?

Anyway, she just grabbed her grandpa and liked to drink this, it must be no problem.

Lan Caiyi listened to her anger, stretched out her chopsticks and dipped it in the round wine glass, and then stuffed it in her mouth before the little guy could react.

Then the little guy's whole little cheeks wrinkled together.

"Wow, Mom, I'm going to breathe fire in my mouth!" The little guy breathed out, opening his mouth.

"Aren't you going to drink? The wine just tastes like this, do you want to drink it?" Lan Caiyi asked.

"Stop drinking." The little guy shook his head quickly. It turns out that the wine is so terrible!

"Mom, save me, my mouth is going to explode!"

The little guy feels that his little mouth is getting hotter!

Everyone at the table was amused by the little guy. Only the little guy screamed. I was about to explode. You guys are still laughing there.

"Just drink some soup." Mother Fang put a bowl of soup that she had prepared in front of her.

Just now seeing Lan Caiyi stretch out her chopsticks, she knew it would happen.

Tons and tons, the little guy held the soup bowl and filled it several times in a row, which made it feel better.

Then she raised her head and the other father said: "Grandpa, wine is so bad, why are you drinking?"

The little guy finds it weird, and there are people who like to drink bad things, which is a fool.

"Yeah, why are you drinking?" Mother Fang looked at Father Fang and learned the little guy's tone.

"Everyone has everyone's preferences. You think green peppers are not tasty, but your grandma likes to eat them. For the same reason, you think they are not tasty, but grandpa likes to drink them!" Father Fang gave the little guy indifferently. Explanation.

But his eyes looked at Fang's mother.

Fang's mother gave him a dissatisfied look.

"Okay, eat quickly, you see that the rice in your bowl is almost cold." Fang Yuan reminded her when he saw the little guy talking endlessly here.

The little guy only remembered when he heard the words, and hurriedly held his little rice bowl and took a few big mouthfuls, then raised his head and smiled stupidly at everyone, his face was still covered with rice grains, and everyone was amused by her.

After eating and chatting for a while, Ding Heping asked to go back.

Today they ran for a day, Ding Heping was fine, but Li Youwei was a little tired.

Don't look at Ding Heping's carelessness on weekdays, but he is very careful, and he quickly noticed this, so he took the initiative to say goodbye.

Fang Yuan and Fang's father took him outside together.

"It's really not possible, just stay at my house tonight. Anyway, there are rooms available, which is very convenient."

"Forget it, we are all in the hotel for washing, and it's not far away, so there's no need to trouble." Ding Heping shook his head and refused.

Although I drank alcohol in the evening, I didn't drink much. The three of them drank a bottle. It was nothing like the previous one, so Ding Heping was naturally not drunk, but the car was definitely not allowed to drive.

So Li Youwei still came to drive.

"Just walk along the coastal road, a little slower on the road, when you get to the hotel, remember to call us." Father Fang said.

"Uncle Fang, I know, you go back!" Ding Heping waved his hand at them, and the vehicle slowly pulled out of the courtyard.

"Unexpectedly, you three brats, Xiaoding is the best." When the car moved away, Father Fang couldn't help sighing.

"Is your son bad?" Fang Yuan said uncomfortably.

"Anyway, it's no better than Xiaoding. If you listened to me, it would be great to be a soldier." Father Fang said dissatisfiedly.

Fang's father came out of the army himself, so he especially hoped that Fangyuan would join the army, but Fang's mother didn't agree, and in the end the matter was gone.

I saw Ding Heping today and heard that he had been a soldier, and now he is still working in the security bureau. It feels like finding a confidant.

Father Fang didn't just have this attitude towards Ding Heping, but also the security guards in the community.

Fang Yuan didn't understand his mentality a little bit. As long as he had been a soldier, he would be a brother and a friend, and his senses would become particularly good.

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