My dad's life

Chapter 397 Waiting (seeking monthly ticket)

Waiting is the most painful thing. I entered the operating room at ten in the morning and didn't come out until almost three in the afternoon.

The three of them, who were relatively calm, were already anxious like ants on a hot pot.

Fang's mother, Fang's father, and Lan Caiyi all made several calls in succession.

As for lunch, the three of them are still in the mood to eat.

Fang Yuan looked at the time and said to Song Xue: "Xiaoshan will be over from school in a while, no one can pick her up. You should go back and pick her up first. It's not a way to wait here all the time."

Song Xue was embarrassed when he heard the words, but nodded.

Although Chen Chao's operation was not over yet, she couldn't let her go, but Xiaoshan had to pick it up, or she would be worried if she couldn't see her mother after school.

After Song Xue left, Fang Yuan and Ding Heping waited for a while. Finally, there was movement in the operating room, and a nurse walked out of it first.

"How is it? Did the operation succeed?" Fang Yuan stepped forward and asked urgently.

The nurse nodded.

Fang Yuan and Ding Heping both breathed a sigh of relief. After this operation lasted for more than five hours, their two nerves had been tight and suddenly relaxed, and there was a feeling of exhaustion after strenuous exercise.

"But..." the nurse suddenly said again.

The two people who had just let go of their hearts raised their hearts again.

"But the patient must wake up within 12 hours, otherwise it will be very dangerous." The nurse continued.

"What if you can't wake up?" Fang Yuan asked tremblingly.

"If you can't wake up, it is very likely that you will be brain-dead." The nurse dark color said calmly.

Because she was used to seeing life and death parting a long time ago, much worse than them.

But after Fang Yuan and Ding Heping heard the words, they seemed to be exhausted and slumped on their chairs.

At this time, the door of the operating room finally opened. First, Director Cai took the lead and walked out, followed by other doctors one after another.

Finally Chen Chao was also pushed out.

Fang Yuan and Ding Heping hurriedly stood up. The matter was over. They could only pray that God would bless Chen Chaofu in his fate and survive this hurdle.

Because the scalpel was on the back, Chen Chao was wrapped in thick gauze half of his body, lying prone on the hospital bed like a mummy, his face was very pale because of blood loss, and he was in a coma, with no signs of being awake. .

"You must keep guarding the patient within the 12 hours. If he wakes up, notify me immediately." Director Cai who followed over said.

"Thank you, Director Cai, for your hard work." Fang Yuan hurriedly said politely.

It was really hard to do the operation for more than five hours in a row.

"It should be." Director Cai nodded, then turned and went out. He was thirsty, tired and hungry now.

"Is Sister You Wei in the hotel alone? No, you can go back first. I can stay here alone." Fang Yuan watched sitting on Chen Chao's bedside and said silently.

"It's okay, I'll let her go out by herself, and she will come directly later."

Ding Heping finished speaking and stood up and said, "I'm going out to smoke a cigarette, and I will be called if something happens."

He didn't wait for Fang Yuan to agree, and went straight out of the ward.

Fang Yuan sat down where Ding Heping was just now, looked at Chen Chao who was still asleep, and sighed, "Brother, you must wake up!"

Just then, his phone rang.

"Brother Fang, how is my brother-in-law, is the operation finished? Was it successful?" Song Xue asked hurriedly as soon as Fang Yuan answered the phone.

"It's over. The operation was very successful. To be specific, let's wait until you come over. By the way, did Xiaoshan receive it?" Fang Yuan asked.

"The car should be coming soon."

"When you arrive, you can directly bring Xiaoshan over." Fang Yuan hung up after speaking.

Then they called Fang's mother and Lan Caiyi separately, and told them the general situation so that they don't have to worry.

When he hung up the phone, he sighed again, all words were to comfort her, and he couldn't put it on himself, and he couldn't help thinking wildly.

At this time, Ding Heping walked in from outside, smelling of smoke on his body and red eyes.



Fang Yuan nodded and did not penetrate him.

Ding Heping sat down beside him, and then began to talk.

I don't know if it was for Fang Yuan or Chen Chao, who was not awake.

"Remember when I was in the third grade of elementary school? That was when I just transferred to another school. One day my mother made me fried chicken drumsticks. You two guys just grabbed them and beat me.

At that time, I really wished to kill you two little rascals, but I couldn't beat you two, so I wanted to find a chance and wait until you were alone to beat you up.

But I didn't expect you two to be inseparable, so I later used the pocket money my mother gave me to find a few guys in Wucun to beat you up. You don't know this until now, right?Haha...Ding Heping smiled triumphantly when he said that, but his laughter was as unpleasant as crying.

Fang Yuan reached out and patted his back lightly, without making a sound.

"But after that incident, those guys in Wu Village thought I was rich and often blackmailed me. If you don't see it, you help me with them. Every time we are beaten by others...

You also said that we are brothers. Brothers don’t want to be born in the same year and the same month, but they want to die in the same year and the same month. I am not married yet. I don’t want to die, so I must wake up. You must not die!Ding Heping muttered authentically.

Following Ding Heping's words, Fang Yuan's childhood events slowly emerged in his mind, because he often fought with a few in Wucun, and over time, they became friends.

Hong Kong movies were very popular at the time, so the three of them followed the Hong Kong underworld and became brothers.

Although they worshipped the big willow tree in front of the door.

Drinking blood wine because of fear of pain, one person spit out and dried a bottle of AD calcium milk.

Ding Heping nagged and said many things from his childhood, but Chen Chao still did not respond.

In the end, his voice became smaller and smaller until he stopped talking, just staring at his bandaged back in a daze.

"Dad?" Suddenly a voice sounded from outside the door.

Fang Yuan and Ding Heping looked at each other and stood up, barely squeezing out a smile, pretending to be relaxed, turning their heads and saying, "Xiaoshan, have you finished school?"

"Good Uncle Fang, good Uncle Ding." Xiaoshan greeted them with some doubts.

Then his gaze fell on Chen Chao on the bed and saw him lying on the bed with thick gauze wrapped around him. He immediately ran over and shook his arm and shouted, "Dad, what's wrong with you? Are you hurt? Does it hurt? ?"

"Your father is fine, the doctor performed an operation on him today, and he will be able to stand up soon." Fang Yuan hurriedly put her in his arms and said.

Xiaoshan heard the words, her face was full of surprises, and she turned around and asked: "Uncle Fang, are you telling the truth?"

"Of course it is true. When did Uncle Fang fool you?"

Xiaoshan believes in Fangyuan very much. After hearing the words, she happily said to Song Xue behind, "Mom, is Dad's illness cured? Can he stand up and play with me?"

Song Xue barely smiled upon hearing this, and nodded.

Fang Yuan and Ding Heping's expressions can fool the little guy, but how can they fool her.

I was up and down, for fear of any accidents.

"Is that father asleep? When will he wake up?" Xiaoshan asked doubtfully looking at Chen Chao who was unconscious on the bed.

"Soon, he is too tired, when he rests, he will naturally wake up." Fang Yuan comforted.

But Xiaoshan is a very clever little girl, she is also a little girl who knows what she says, she always feels something is wrong.

"Don't bother your father to rest. Come here to sit. Didn't Uncle Ding buy you a picture book last time? You can sit here and read!" Song Xue pulled her over.

Xiaoshan didn't say anything, she just raised her head to look at Song Xue, and then set her gaze on Fang Yuan's face. After confirming that she hadn't seen anything, she nodded silently.

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