My dad's life

Chapter 421: Da Bai and Xiao Bai (seeking monthly pass)

The optimized Dabai is not much like the previous changes, but it is closer to the image in the movie.

A chip socket has been added to the chest.

You can insert chips with specific functions to give Dabai more capabilities.

Such as first aid, nursing, driving, etc., chips with professional performance.

If there is no chip, Dabai can also be activated, but only the most basic escort function.

Do not have any professional knowledge.

In order to save trouble, Fangyuan wrote a chip for housework skills.

Its function is to clean, wash clothes with a washing machine, tidy up the little guy's toys and so on.

Of course, to be safe, Fangyuan removed its cooking ability and stayed away from the kitchen. He was afraid that if one was not careful, he would burn it himself.

As Fangyuan inserted the chip, Dabai was finally activated again.

"Hello, Master, it's been a long time." Dabai looked around for a while, then the other party said roundly.

"Don't call my master, you should call me Fangyuan!" Fangyuan smiled.

"Okay, Fangyuan, I'm glad to see you again." Dabai said very humanely.

"I am also very happy. I updated your system for you and made changes to your body again. What do you think now?" Fang Yuan asked.

When Da Bai heard the words, he walked two steps forward, opened his arms, and turned his chubby body twice on the spot before saying, "I feel great."

Fang Yuan said in his heart: "Of course you are excellent, because even if it is not good, you don't know."

Fang Yuan followed Lan Caiyi's suggestion. In addition to optimizing Dabai's permission logic, Fangyuan even reduced the utilization of the fuzzy algorithm.

Fuzzy algorithm can be said to be the embryonic form of artificial intelligence. Through fuzzy algorithm, Dabai can judge some things autonomously, which is equivalent to our human self-thinking.

And if the utilization rate of the algorithm is reduced, its probability of self-thinking becomes smaller, and it doesn't seem to be that smart.

But in some cases, this is not necessarily a disadvantage, because it can more perfectly execute the master's command.

"Fangyuan, do you need any help?"

Da Bai turned around a few times, then scratched his bald head feeling boring, and followed the other side roundly.

"Help?" Fang Yuan was stunned when he heard the words, and then reacted. It seems that the fuzzy algorithm probability has been activated.

"I'm quite messy here, please help me sort it out." Fang Yuan looked around the basement.

After these days of his tinkering, things have been messed up, and they haven't been carefully sorted out.


Da Bai didn't sort it out immediately after hearing this, but turned around and checked it around before starting to sort it out.

This behavior is actually entering the size, type, material, etc. of surrounding objects into the system.

Then calculate the best classification method in the system.

In many cases, it is the brain that restricts human behavior, not the hands.

For example, the author at a certain point, some people can code ten thousand characters an hour, and some people can only code a thousand characters an hour.

Many street writers think that their hand speed can't keep up, but most of them can't keep up with their brain speed.

Only by knowing well can you write like a god, and the same is true for code words.

Dabai first entered the surrounding environment completely, which is equivalent to knowing well, so it is very fast to organize.

Then it found another large white device box.

"What is this? Another Dabai?" Dabai was very interested in this, and Yuanyuan asked.

"It's not Dabai, it's Xiaobai." Fangyuan motioned Dabai to open it and inflated it.

Then a Xiaobai who was only half the height of Dabai appeared, about the same height as Xinxin.

The appearance is almost the same as Dabai, but there is no chip slot in the chest.

After opening the flap of the heart mouth, there was only a red switch inside. After pressing it down, Xiao Bai's billowing belly lit up.

"Hi, how are you guys, I'm Xiaobai, I'm very happy to meet you."

Xiaobai looked around, then stretched out his hand to greet them.

Its voice is not as vigorous as a Dabai adult, but a childlike voice full of vitality and more humane.

It is the highest embodiment of the existing Dabai technology.

"Hello, I am Da Bai, and I am also very happy to meet you." Da Bai said stiffly.

"Your name is Dabai? My name is Xiaobai. Are you my brother?"

Xiaobai circled Dabai, and then said: "You must be my brother, we two are very similar in length, and I can link with you."

As Xiaobai said, the light on his belly lit up like a marquee, and then Dabai's belly lit up too.

"Brother? I'm not sure." Dabai said.

"Master, is it my brother?" Xiaobai said roundly.

"Oh, why do you think I know." Fang Yuan asked with interest.

"Because you are our creator, the ultimate authority holder, we will unconditionally execute any of your orders." Xiaobai said immediately.

Fang Yuan laughed at the words, this is also one of the permission logic added after the modification.

In the future, whether it is Dabai or Xiaobai, as long as it is a robot produced through his intelligent program, he will have the highest ultimate authority.

This authority overrides all authority, even the self-destruction of robots.

But usually this function will not be activated, the owner will only think that the first level of authority is the highest authority, and will not know that there is an ultimate authority above this.

For example, Dabai just executed his order to clean up the room, which is actually an order under the first level of authority. It does not even know the existence of the ultimate authority unless Fangyuan activates it.

Xiao Bai is different. Fangyuan does not impose any restrictions on it, so it knows that Fangyuan is their creator and ultimate authority.

"Then I tell you now, Da Bai is your brother."

Fang Yuan thought to himself, Da Bai was created before it, and it is not wrong to say that it was its brother.

"Brother, brother, wow, I have a brother, thank you master, can you play with me, brother?" Xiaobai kept spinning around Dabai.

It's really like a child.

Da Bai turned awkwardly, unable to keep up with Xiao Bai's rhythm at all.

"Don't call me master, call me Fangyuan!"

"Fangyuan? Does it seem a bit disrespectful to call your name directly? You are our creator. Should we call you father or daddy more appropriate?" Xiaobai stopped spinning, and the light on his stomach flashed Said for a moment.

"Oh, you still know this?" Fang Yuan was a little surprised, he didn't plant such logic in Xiao Bai's system.

"Because Xiaobai can connect to the wireless network and search through the Internet, saying that it is not good to call others' names directly. I synthesized all the answers and came up with the best answer." Xiaobai said proudly.

Fang Yuan was satisfied with Xiao Bai's answer.

"But you still don't call me father, just call me Fangyuan, I don't mind."

"Well, if you insist."

Xiao Bai shrugged very humanely, but it was a pity that Fang Yuan was too fat to feel it.

Fang Yuan continued: "The test is over, now you are in a dormant state for now."

"Okay, Fangyuan." After Dabai heard this, the light on his stomach went out, leaving only a red light on his chest. It is now in standby, waiting for Fangyuan to wake it up next time.

But Xiaobai is more humane when he hears this.

It said: "Okay, Fangyuan, thank you for creating me, good dream!"

Then he stretched out his stubby arm and swung it towards Fangyuan before entering the standby state.

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