My dad's life

Chapter 425: Da Bai's Performance (Part 1)

"Do you know? When Tianheng showed me Dabai's video, I didn't believe it very much. After all, the whole world is doing robotics research and development.

It has spent countless resources and manpower, but no Guojian has dared to announce the invention of a real intelligent robot.

Although I have seen your technology and Madoka, it is still unbelievable. It is hard to believe that you have developed a real intelligent robot by yourself.

But I believe in Tianheng, and I believe in you even more, so I came."On the way to the basement, the uncle said roundly.

I have to say that when an official is able to speak, Fang Yuan was moved by this.

Even in the daytime, the lights in the basement are dim.

In addition, the eyes haven't adjusted for a while after coming out of the light. Although it can't be said to be black or black, it is basically not clear.

Fang Yuan hurried forward a few steps and turned on the light.

Then two robots, one large and one small, came into everyone's eyes.

"Huh, did you make a small one?" Lantian Heng cast his gaze on Xiaobai.

"Yes, this is specially made for Xinxin. It is called Xiaobai." Fang Yuan explained with a smile.

"So, this is Da Bai?" The uncle pointed at Da Bai, who was standing still.

Fang Yuan nodded.

"Sure enough, it looks quite similar to the movie. After I watched the video you sent to Tianheng that day, I also looked for the cartoon and watched it. Then the movie you invented is exactly the same as the movie in the movie. ?"

As the uncle said, his eyes seemed to emit light.

Although he cares about the intelligence of Dabai in the film, he cares more about Dabai's combat effectiveness in the second half of the film.

If it can be popularized for military use, then the country's military strength will not increase by a little bit.

"How is it possible? Let me talk about the degree of intelligence first. The Dabai I invented cannot be regarded as artificial intelligence in the true sense. It does not have the ability to learn and think on its own. It only simulates to a certain extent through algorithms.

The other is the issue of energy battery life. I can't get a high-performance rechargeable battery like in the movie.

If the energy is not solved, the battery life will not be too long, let alone the load.Fang Yuan explained with a smile.

The uncle nodded thoughtfully upon hearing this.

"Nanotek Instruments of Ohio, USA, invented a graphene battery that has a power density 100 times higher than that of lithium batteries.

The power storage is three times that of the best products on the market. In recent years, the country has also studied this aspect, but the price of graphene is too expensive to be mass-produced."The uncle is quite regretful and authentic.

"Therefore, it is totally unrealistic to want to use Dabai for military purposes. Those military weapon pendants will directly consume all of its power and cannot move far." Fangyuan also considered this issue.

Energy constrains everything, but this problem is not impossible to solve, but now, he does not want to solve this problem, nor can he solve this problem.

"The same cannot be said. Even if it cannot be used for military purposes, there are actually many other uses, such as firefighting, border mine clearance, medical and epidemic prevention, high-altitude operations, long-distance driving and so on.

All kinds of high-risk occupations can be replaced by robots. Of course, the premise is that your master is smart enough to execute various commands perfectly."Uncle smiled.

"Fangyuan, start Dabai, let your uncle see and see." Lantian Heng laughed proudly beside him, as if Dabai was invented by him.

"Because I started it before, and now it's in standby, just wake it up."

Fangyuan explained to them while saying: "Dabai, get it up and running."

With his voice, a circle of blue lights on Dabai's belly lit up, and the head that had been lowered also raised.

"Fangyuan, I only waited for two hours, thirty-four minutes and twenty-five seconds, so you wake me up, is there anything wrong?" Dabai said roundly.

"It's okay, I will introduce two people to you." Fang Yuan pointed to Lantian Heng and his uncle behind him.

"Oh, I remember you, we met before, and it's nice to see you again."

Da Bai saw Lantian Heng, walked over and stretched out his chubby palm.

Lantian Heng was stunned for a moment, and then exclaimed: "I am also very happy to see you again."

Then he shook his hand with Dabai.

After Dabai greeted him, he turned to his uncle and said, "New friend, I am glad to meet you. I am Dabai. How do you call him?"

" also.... My name is He Dao... Wu, I am also glad to meet you,"

Although he was mentally prepared, the uncle was still a little bit incoherent in shock.

Because in terms of Da Bai's dialogue or behavior, Da Bai is no different from a real person, at least he hasn't noticed any difference so far.

"Don't you shake hands with me? In my program, when friends meet, they need to shake hands to show friendship." Dabai stretched out his hands in the air, tilting his head and asked.

"Okay, okay, nice to meet you." The uncle hurriedly held the soft inflatable hand that Dabai stretched out with both hands.

"Dabai is cute, I know everyone will be happy to meet me." An orange smiley emoticon appeared on Dabai's belly.

"How did this happen?" Uncle asked in surprise.

"Very simple, just a small projector."

"Dabai, blink your eyes." Fangyuan said to Dabai.

Upon hearing this, Da Bai blinked its black eyes.

Uncle at first thought it was a fake painting.

He has calmed down now. After all, he has seen Dabai's video a long time ago. After the shock, he quickly calmed down. Of course, this is also related to his professionalism.

In his mind, he began to think about the wide range of uses and the maximization of benefits.

But first, he needs further understanding of Da Bai's abilities.

"Da Bai, what else do you have?" Uncle asked.

"Dabai's basic chip contains dancing and karate skills, and peripherals are loaded with housekeeping skills." Dabai said immediately.

Not to mention it, Fang Yuan almost forgot the dance and karate skills on the basic chip.

At the beginning of the design of Dabai, on the one hand, it was to fit the film, and Dabai in the film had these two abilities.

On the other hand, as Xinxin's partner, these two skills are also skills that the little guy wants to learn, so I added them.

"Oh, then you show me your karate." The uncle was very interested and authentic.

"You are not a person with Da Bai authority, and you have no right to order Da Bai to do anything." Da Bai suddenly became very cold and honest.

This made the uncle finally realize that he is still different from others.

"Dabai, I now authorize He Daowu as a first-level authority." Fang Yuangang said busy beside him.

When Da Bai heard the words, the light on his stomach flickered, and then he said: "The loading is successful, the first-level authority person, according to the system record, before you become the authority person, there is a karate performance order, may I execute it now?"

The uncle nodded and said: "Execute."

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