My dad's life

Chapter 437

As soon as the little guy entered the house, he threw his schoolbag down the ground without waiting for Fangyuan to speak.

I rushed to the refrigerator, and then started to pull the refrigerator door. Today's candied fruit is waiting for her.

But the refrigerator door was a bit high, and the little guy jumped up and barely reached the handle.

In order to be able to eat candied haws, she tried it too, hanging on the doorknob, lifting her short legs, and stepping on the door with her feet to pull back.

Fang Yuan was really irritated by this delicious stupid girl.

The refrigerator is a kind of double-opening door. Although she pulls one side, she steps on each of her feet. This is a waste of effort, how can it be opened.

Fang Yuan walked over and helped her open the refrigerator door, and then the little guy hung on the door for a half turn.

"Wow, it's fun, Dad, let's play again." The little guy said excitedly.

"Still playing, playing with the refrigerator door will be broken by you. If you don't close it tightly, the cooling effect will be bad, and the food inside will be spoiled..." Fang Yuan helped her take out a candied haws. Talking and talking authentic.

The little guy jumped off the refrigerator door, reached out his hand to take the candied haws, and said with a disgusting face: "Daddy is like the old man, Rory is really annoying."

"Ha, grandpa doesn't have Luo Li, it's boring." Father Fang listened and walked over.

"Well, grandpa is a verbose grandpa." The little guy pulled off the wrapper from the candied haws and swallowed the hawthorn ball on the top.

"Can't you eat more slowly? No one is robbing you. I have eaten candied haws. Give me a stink." Fang Yuan touched her little head.

"No, I don't smell bad." The little guy shook his head in dissatisfaction, then ran into the yard.

As soon as she put her head out of the glass door, there was a thunder in the sky, and the little guy immediately shrank back.

Then I realized that it was thunder. The little guy who was taken aback felt very shameless. She was very courageous, but she was not afraid of thunder.

He glanced at the thunderous sky, then went out again and ran to the corridor outside.

The little house of oranges, popcorn and rhubarb is in the corridor.

The oranges and popcorn were afraid of thunder, so they all crowded into Rhubarb's small house, shivering under Rhubarb's body.

As for Rhubarb, I am very calm and even want to sleep.

At this moment, the pouring rain poured down from the sky, and the whole world became misty in an instant.

The little guy sat down on a chair next to him, eating candied haws, watching the rain hit the treetops, grass, and eaves, converging into small puddles on the ground. For a while, the little guy thought-candied haws are so good eat.

"Why sit in the hallway, come in quickly." Fang Yuan said, sticking his head out of the door.

"No, I want to watch it rain." The little guy lay down on the rocking chair and licked the candied haws in his hand, just like his grandfather.

"What's so good about it when it rains, Dad will wipe your face when you come in, and you will become a little cat." Fang Yuan waved to her.

"No, don't you think candied haws are more suitable for rainy days?" The little guy suddenly said seriously.

Fang Yuan heard it, and felt a little familiar, so she thought about it, this is not a Dove advertising slogan.

Unexpectedly, the little guy would use it flexibly.

"Then Dad will help grandma make dinner, come in after you have eaten, and let grandma wash your face for you." Fang Yuan exhorted.

The little guy didn't say anything, didn't even look at him, just raised his little arm and waved him impatiently.

That imposing manner is so domineering, almost catching up with Lan Caiyi.

"Oh, it's getting harder and harder for the little guy." Fang Yuan sighed inwardly, turned and went back to the house.

"Mom, do you need my help?" Fang Yuan walked to the kitchen and said to Fang's mother who was busy.

"No, I can do it myself." Fang's mother shook her head and refused.

"It's your family at night, so you don't order any dishes." Fang Yuan explained that she was tired.

"I know in my heart, you go out and do your job." Mother Fang said.

"I really don't need my help?"

"It's really unnecessary. Now the housework is done by Dabai. I don't even know what to do if I don't cook it myself.

Mother Fang, who was used to being busy, really made her idle suddenly, instead of getting used to it.

Seeing her insistence, Fang Yuan didn't persuade him again.

As soon as I arrived in the living room, I saw He Liuqing and Lantianheng walking downstairs together.

"Fangyuan, I'm going back to Xia Jing tomorrow. If you have anything, just contact Li Zhaofeng directly." Lantian Heng said immediately when he saw Fangyuan.

"So fast, won't you stay for a few more days?" Fang Yuan asked in surprise.

"There are some things in the company that require me to go back to deal with it. Li Zhaofeng is not suitable to come forward. By the way, your aunt will also go back with me." Lantian Heng explained.

Since Lantian Technology put Dabai's video on the Internet, many friends have contacted Lantianheng.

Especially some friends in the Internet industry, when he was making investments, he often dealt with them. They were all bigwigs, so it was not easy for Li Zhaofeng to come forward.

"Auntie also leave? Why are you rushing back? Don't stay longer?" Fang Yuan hurriedly said.

"I have been out for a while, so I will go back to see the old man, and I will come again on the day of the press conference." He Liuqing said.

Fang Yuan heard her say to go back to see the old man, but she wouldn't be able to persuade him again.

So I found Dad Fang, who was reading the newspaper, and asked him to go out to buy some gifts at night, so that He Liuqing could bring him to his father.

Father Fang was anxious when he heard that he was going to leave, and immediately found Lantian Heng and spoke.

Seeing that there was nothing wrong with her, Fang Yuan remembered that the little guy was still in the hallway. At this time, the candied haws should have been eaten, and she called her to come back and wash her face.

The summer rain comes quickly and goes quickly. The heavy rain and the fog that have fallen are now sparse.

Fang Yuan opened the glass door and went out, and saw the little guy stepping on a puddle in the yard.

"What are you doing?" Fang Yuan felt that the veins on his head were protruding when he saw the muddy little guy.

He picked up one foot and was about to step on the little guy. Hearing the sound, he immediately became frightened and still kept the posture of holding one leg.

"Dad (long tail tone)" The little guy dropped his feet gently and said with a grin, trying to pass the test cutely.

"Don't laugh, look at you, your whole body is so wet, it's all sludge, who made you step on the puddle?" Fang Yuan walked over and asked.

The little guy pouted and shook his head, indicating that no one would let her step on it.

"Then you still step on? Come home with me to take a bath." Fang Yuan walked over and took her hand.

Look at the little guy's wet hair sticking to his cheeks, his face is stained, and his little pitiful look.

Fang Yuan's anger raged a thousand miles away, and disappeared without a trace.

"Dad, it's fun to step on the puddle!" the little guy whispered.

"What's so fun?" Fang Yuan stepped angrily into the small puddle next to him, immediately splashed with sewage, waited for his feet to be picked up, and quickly filled up again.

emmm...It's really fun.

Watch me step on...

Then Lan Caiyi, who went home early, happened to see this scene.

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