My dad's life

Chapter 448 Carton Dinosaurs (seeking monthly pass)

In order to comfort the lost little guy, Fangyuan decided to play games with her.

Distract her and let her not be immersed in this matter.

"How about Dad making you a toy?" Fang Yuan asked the little guy when he saw Dad Fang packing up many cardboard boxes in the yard.

Although I live in a villa now, my food and clothing are more refined than before, but some of my past lifestyle habits can't be changed all at once.

For example, Fang’s mother always reluctant to throw away waste paper boxes. She always collects them, and then asks Fang’s father to carry them to the waste recycling station and sell them.

What Fangyuan wanted to complain about was that the money he sold was not enough for the petrol money.

But this is the habit of the elderly. As long as they are happy, Fangyuan will go with them. Everyone has their own habits.

Why should he use his own living habits as a standard to demand others?

Besides, Fang's father and Fang's mother have lived for so many years, and many of their daily routines have penetrated into their bones, and they can change whenever they want.

"What toy?" The little guy was really interested.

"Go, let's go to the supermarket first, buy some tools and come back."

Fang Yuan stood up and found the little guy's bunny sunhat over her head.

Then let the little guy ride on his neck, and then he went out.

"Dad, can I have an ice cream?" The little guy was happy when he said he was going to the supermarket.

"I have finished eating ice cream at home?"

The little guy nodded when he heard this. Last time Fangyuan bought a box of He Lu Xue, there were about ten small boxes in it, and the little guy had already eaten it.

"That's okay, I'll buy it for you later, let's buy a little more and put it in the refrigerator. Your good friends will come over this Saturday and share with them."

Fangyuan bought a paper knife, glue and glue gun from the supermarket.

Of course, I didn't forget to buy ice cream for the little guy. In addition to carrying the five big boxes in the bag, the little guy was holding a Menglong in his hand and eating while walking.

"Hurry up, or the ice cream in the bag will melt when you get home."

Fang Yuan turned around and urged the little guy who was eating while walking.

"Good." The little guy replied happily.

Step up and run a few steps forward, then stop and continue to lick the ice cream.

Naturally it slowed down again.

In the end, there was no way, Fang Yuan walked over and picked her up.

"Eat carefully, don't drip on Dad's clothes."

As soon as he finished speaking, a drop of cream dripped on his clothes.

"Hehe." The little guy grinned at him silly.

The corners of his mouth are covered with brown chocolate, like a tabby cat.

"Look at you, little silly." Fang Yuan laughed and cursed, hugged her and walked home.

It's already like this, and she's useless.

After returning home, Fang Yuan put all the ice cream in the refrigerator.

Then he went to the yard and asked Father Fang for a few clean cardboard boxes.

Find father Fang’s tape measure and start work.

"Dad, what are you going to do for the baby?" The little guy asked while eating a popsicle.

"You'll know when you're done, and you have to eat the popsicle quickly, it's all melted, and the drops are everywhere."

The little guy didn't care, so he squatted and looked at him.

Fangyuan first unfolds the two cardboard boxes, and then uses Xinxin's watercolor pen to draw a cute little dinosaur.

The little guy next to him recognized it and exclaimed: "Little dinosaur, dad, are you going to make me a little dinosaur?"

"Yeah, you'll know when Dad finishes it. Go wash your hands and mouth by yourself."

Fang Yuan watched the little guy squatting next to him, licking the remaining popsicle sticks, a little speechless.

After drawing, Fangyuan cut out the two dinosaur shapes of the same size.

Cut a few more pieces of cardboard, bend them into an arc, and then glue them along the edge of the dinosaur cardboard.

In order to look good, Fang Yuan made a few lovely curved sword fins on the back of the little dinosaur.

"Wow, little dinosaur." The little guy who came back after washing his hands jumped around the carton dinosaur made by Fangyuan.

"Go and get your gouache and gouache, and Dad will help it color it."

Hearing the words, the little guy immediately turned back to the house and helped him take it.

So Fangyuan used black and white gouache to draw the big eyes of the little dinosaur, then painted the body dark green, and finally the sword fin on the body was painted grass green.

Such a small carton dinosaur is completed.

When the little guy saw that his father was done, he reached for it.

But Fang Yuan grabbed it: "Don't move, wait until the paint is dry."

"When can you do it?" The little guy couldn't wait.

"Put it under the sun for a while, and it will dry soon." Fang Yuan looked up at the setting sun in the sky, still very blazing.

Fangyuan put it in the sun to dry.

Then he packed his things back to the house.

The little guy squatted in the hallway, staring at the little dinosaur, as if he was afraid it would suddenly run away.

"Did your father make this for you?" Mother Fang walked over and asked in surprise.

"Well, isn't Dad amazing? The little dinosaur is super cute?" The little guy was incredibly proud.

"It's pretty, but why did you dig a round hole on both sides?" Mother Fang looked at it strangely.

"How is it like a trash can?" Father Fang also felt strange.

"Nonsense, this is set on the body, and the two holes next to it are for Xinxin to stretch out his arms." Fang Yuan walked out of the house.

"Dad, can I play now?" the little guy asked again.

"Let me see." Fang Yuan touched the little dinosaur with his finger, and found that the paint had dried out.

"Well, Dad will help you put it on."

Fang Yuan picked up the little dinosaur and slipped it in from the head.

The two round holes Mama Fang mentioned just now happened to stretch out the little guy's arms.

And in the big open mouth of the dinosaur, it happened to be the head of the little guy.

"Wow, it looks pretty good, it looks really good." Fang's mother couldn't help but praise.

"Well, such a thick cardboard, it's not too hot, so I will take it off after a while." Father Fang said beside him.

But now the little guy doesn't want to listen to them.

With the reflection of the glass wall, the little guy can see his current appearance.

It's so cute and so majestic.

"Wow, I'm a big dinosaur, I want to eat an adult now."

The little guy looked up to the sky and roared, and then ran towards Fangyuan.

"Wow, you little conscience, I'm your father." Fang Yuan ran back into the house.

"Wow, the big dinosaur is going to eat a bad father." The little guy ran after him.

"Daddy's meat is not delicious, you should eat a kid named Fang Xin, her meat is delicate and tender, especially delicious." Fang Yuan laughed.

"Wow, I don't, I'm going to eat a badass dad." The little guy chased after him.

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