My dad's life

Chapter 455 Family Reunion (Part 2)

"Dad, you are so old, let alone taking a plane, you can't take a train, what else are you going to?" Second Uncle He Daowen walked out of the house.

"Second brother." Lantian Heng greeted him.

He Xiangrong and He Weiyang also followed from behind.

"Uncle, aunt," the two greeted.

He Xiangrong's body shape is similar to that of his uncle He Daowu. He is tall and burly, wearing a military uniform. He looks very masculine and handsome, but his facial expression is a little harder.

Say hello and stop talking.

As for He Weiyang, he is more enthusiastic. Since he got the right to sell the smart sweeper overseas, he has made a lot of money, so his attitude is naturally much eager.

"I'm going." The old man's stubborn temper came up, and everyone couldn't persuade him.

"Go to the room for dinner, shall we talk after dinner?" Second Uncle continued.

"No, I won't eat if I don't let me go." The old man said angrily.

He Liuqing watched by the side, and suddenly thought of the little guy, the old man is not just like a child now, as expected, the old child is not called for nothing, the older he gets, the more he looks like a child.

"What's wrong?" The uncle walked in from the door with a bag at this time.

"Dad wants to go to Deer City, I can't persuade him." The second uncle smiled bitterly.

"Go to Lushi? Okay, it's okay to go for a walk." The uncle nodded in agreement, which surprised the second uncle.

"How to get there? Dad's body seems tough, but after all, he is too old to regret any problems on the road."

"Then charter a flight and find a few medical staff to follow. There shouldn't be any major problems, Tian Heng, you can help with this matter." The uncle did not wait for him to continue to refute, and directly addressed Lan Lan Heng.

Lantian Heng nodded when he heard the words, this matter is not troublesome, as long as there is money, everything is easy to solve.

"Really, when are we going?" The old man was happy, and he clapped his hands in excitement.

He wanted to jump up and down twice, but his body didn't allow it.

"Let's talk after dinner!" The uncle stepped forward and helped him back into the house.

In the evening, the family gathered around the big round table to eat, and the father was very moved.

"Let's have less Caiyi's family, or else the whole family will be the same." The old man looked around, he was both happy and disappointed.

I'm glad that it's rare for the family to get together, and there may not always be such an opportunity during the New Year.

Lost is not perfect without Caiyi's family of three.

He now lives one day or one less, and there are not many opportunities for such a reunion.

"Dad, this year's New Year, I will let Fangyuan bring Caiyi and children to come to you, when the whole family will be reunited, Xiang Rong, I tell you, you don't want to pick up children again." The second uncle smiled and said. .

He Xiangrong and his family are absent the most during the New Year holidays.

He Xiangrong smiled bitterly when he heard the words: "Uncle, it's not that I'm picking up, but the army has the discipline of the army, and I can't help it."

"I will definitely let you come back this year." He Daowen smiled deeply.

He Xiangrong heard that he was sitting next to him with some doubts, he Dao Wudao, who was teasing his son: "Dad, this time you let us all come back. Is there anything important?"

"Eat first, and talk after dinner." He Daowu waved his hand.

"Yes, eat, eat without talking about things."

The old man first picked up the chopsticks and picked up the two large drumsticks from the plate of braised chicken on the table, and gave them to He Zihao and He Zixuan.

"Thank you Taizu." He Zihao happily grabbed the big drumstick and took a bite.

But He Zixuan was different, frowning and said: "Taizu, I don't want to eat chicken legs."

"What if you don't want to eat it, look at your skinny, and look at how strong your brother Zihao is. The boy will eat everything." The old man said, adding a few pieces of meat to his bowl.

The little guy became more entangled, so he missed Sister Xinxin even more.

After dinner, He Xiangrong's daughter-in-law Xiao Lin and He Weiyang's daughter-in-law got up to clean up the dishes, but they were held back by the uncle: "You will do it later. I'll say something, and you can sit down and listen."

Then he sent the two little guys to watch TV, but the more so, the more curious they became.

Although there are super nice animations on the TV, their attention is not at all on it, but they are quietly sounding with their ears erected.

"Do you know what Caiyi's object is?"

The uncle said this mainly to his son He Xiangrong and daughter-in-law Xiao Lin, and they have never seen Fangyuan here.

But about Fangyuan, they heard He Weiyang's wife Yu Yushi mentioned that he was a very good young man. His words were full of praise, and everyone was very satisfied with him.

Now that He Daowu talks about him suddenly, what happened?

"Did that kid do something sorry for Caiyi?" He Xiangrong asked in a deep voice.

Although Lan Caiyi's surname is Lan, her status in He's family is the same as that of the little guy at home. The whole family is pampered.

"Jing nonsense, Fang Yuan is fine with Caiyi." Uncle said casually.

Then he continued: "You have all seen Fangyuan before. You only know that others are good and have special skills, but you still underestimated him.

This time Tian Heng invited me to Deer City. I was an eye-opener. He was a real genius."

He Liuqing looked at his elder brother with emotion on his face, and his face was full of glory and joy.

Lantian Heng was also happy. After all, it was his son-in-law, but he still said modestly: "Brother, I'm overwhelmed. How can Fangyuan be so exaggerated as you said."

The uncle shook his head when he heard the words, "I'm not talking about Dabai, but him. He can invent Dabai and he can invent more epoch-making things. Who knows where he can go in the future? The opportunity of the Lan family is also an opportunity of our He family."

The eldest uncle did not shy away from it, speaking straight in front of Lan Lan Heng.

Lantian Heng didn't mind, because the Lanhe family had been tied together a long time ago. Besides, Fangyuan still needs the support of the He family.

There is no shortage of geniuses in this world, but geniuses without power or capital support will basically have no good end in the end.

"Dad, what are you talking about, and what happened to the Caiyi object?" He Xiangrong asked in confusion.

He has been in the army, the news is still relatively closed, and many things are still unclear.

"Big brother, look at this?" He Weiyang took out his mobile phone next to him, opened the official website of Blue Sky Technology, clicked on the Dabai video and passed it to his hand.

Xiao Lin, wife of He Xiangrong, also came over.

"Wow, what a cute girl!" Xiao Lin was attracted by her cute appearance when she first saw this girl.

"This is the girl of Caiyi's family, called Fang Xin." Yu Shiyu said with a smile beside her.

"This is...?" He Xiangrong was very surprised when he saw Dabai appear behind him.

He knows that many governments, companies, and individual laboratories invest a lot of money and manpower in artificial intelligence research every year.

I heard that Ali invested more than US$3 billion last year.

However, he listened to his father's opinion. This was developed by Caiyi's boyfriend alone. This is almost a fantasy, and it's too exaggerated.

"Is this true?" After watching the video, He Xiangrong was still a little unbelievable.

"Of course it's true, all the promotional videos are out, and on September 22, we will hold a global press conference in Boao, when Dabai will officially meet with you." Lantian Heng said by the side.

"But I'm still a little unbelievable." He Xiangrong smiled bitterly.

We must know that the development of artificial intelligence is not even at the initial stage, and there are countless problems waiting for humans to overcome.

Therefore, countless countries, groups and individuals around the world have invested countless financial and material resources to research.

But now suddenly one day, a person suddenly jumped out, came out with a mature artificial intelligence, and directly entered the advanced application stage, which is unbelievable to anyone.

"When Tianheng showed me the video, I couldn't believe it, but when I saw it with my own eyes, I have to say, the world of genius is really hard to imagine for us." The uncle smiled bitterly at the words.

"So, Dad, you called us back just to say this?" He Xiangrong asked with a serious face.

Although the Dabai in the video is stupid and cute, such technology, whether used in military or civilian use, will bring huge changes to mankind.

The era of robots replacing humans is no longer far away.

Seeing his son’s serious expression, He Daowu knew what he was thinking, so he smiled and said: “Fangyuan told me that this is not really artificial intelligence, but after my test, it is indeed a bit spotty, sometimes too much. Mechanically dull.

But this does not affect its use. Besides, I think that kid has reservations about me?"

"Reserve?" Lantian Heng was a little surprised when he heard this.

"Don't you think Xiao Bai looks smarter than Da Bai?" Uncle said with a smile.

Lantian Heng fell into memory when he heard the words, now thinking about Xiao Bai's performance, it seems that he is really smarter and smarter than Da Bai.

"And since Fangyuan can invent artificial intelligence like Dabai, I believe he can invent real artificial intelligence in the future." The uncle said firmly.

Lantian Heng nodded when he heard the words, and he had no doubts.

"Fangyuan told me that he did a special treatment for Dabai's program. With current technology, it is completely impossible to crack.

I believe what he said and I believe in his technology, but he is the biggest security hole in this technology. As long as you master him, you will naturally master this technology. So at this stage, his safety is also the top priority. Seriously," the uncle said with a serious expression.

"By the way, when it comes to this, I remember, brother, can you arrange a few more powerful people to protect Fangyuan's home." He Liuqing remembered the airport.

"Little sister, don't worry, as soon as I come back, I have arranged someone to go to the deer market. You don't have to worry about these things." The uncle comforted.

Then he continued to Lan Lan: "You should pay more attention to yourself during this period. After the press conference, I believe these things will be taken over by the state."

"I know Big Brother." In fact, it doesn't need He Daowu to say that Lantian Heng has already begun to increase the security team.

And hired full-time drivers and bodyguards.

The uncle nodded when he heard the words, and then said to his son: "I greeted your leader and will temporarily transfer you to the Qionghai Fleet..."

The uncle explained the matter one by one, and asked the second uncle to arrange some government media to participate in the press conference that day.

The general idea is to hope that the He family will seize this opportunity, and ensure the personal safety of Fangyuan and his family, and smoothly spend time with the country.

After hearing the words, everyone gradually understood the uncle's ideas. Whether in politics or business, it can bring them great achievements and benefits. I hope they will seize the opportunity.

The reason why he did not shy away from Lantian Heng and He Liuqing is because this is not a conspiracy, but an upright and arrogant scheme.

The uncle said so much, but the old man was a little impatient. He was old and couldn't think about so much. He wanted to see his great-granddaughter now.

"So when are we going to Deer City? I want to see the little guy," the old man shouted.

"Dad, you really want to see Xinxin. I will have a video call with Caiyi and let the little guy come and talk to you." He Liuqing really has no choice but to pay attention.

"Well, you can fight now." The old man said immediately.

I missed the little guy a bit, but after seeing the two great-grandchildren, I missed it very much, and gradually became a little impatient.

He Liuqing had no choice but to call her daughter's phone immediately.

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