My dad's life

Chapter 461 Holographic Projection Communication

As He Liuqing pressed the button, countless blue rays shot into the air from the holographic projector.

It fired in all directions, up and down, left and right.

It lasted about ten seconds, and then shrank back abruptly.

Various colors flashed on the originally black holographic projector.

"This is really not the spherical light in the disco?" He Weiyang asked in confusion.

Now that I’m missing music, I can dance.

"You think Fangyuan is like you, so unreliable?" Second uncle scolded beside him.

"Dad, I'm just talking about it." He Weiyang said with a smile.

But there was a whisper in my heart, you don't have much contact with Fangyuan, how do you know if he is reliable?

Not to mention He Weiyang, in fact, the other people present also murmured in their hearts.

However, Lantian Heng, who had seen Fangyuan use it, knew that this thing was true, so he said to He Liuqing next to him, "Is it the wrong way to use it, or would you call me again?"

He Liuqing heard this and was just about to call Fangyuan again, and the holographic projector moved again.

This time the light spread fiercely in all directions like water.

Then they appeared on a sandy beach.

"Fuck." He Weiyang exclaimed.

The two children, He Zihao and He Zixuan, were even more frightened and quickly grabbed their mother beside them.

The old man was frightened, but fortunately his uncle nearby helped him in time.

"Dad, are you okay? These are all projections."

Seeing a large family around him, the old man was relieved and was really taken aback just now.

"Is this a fairy spell?" The old man looked around at this time.

The blue sky, the sparkling sea, the seagulls flying in the sky, the golden sandy beach...

It feels very real.

Everyone seemed to have traveled through time and space and really came to the beach.

"I haven't seen the sea for a long time." The old man sighed, staring at the distant sea.

The uncle was a little worried, but still supported him.

Others are explorers cautiously looking around.

They swept the sand on the beach with their feet, and a burst of dust was raised, and then dissipated in the air.

He Zihao and He Zixuan also looked around carefully.

They saw colorful shells on the beach, so they bent over to pick them up, but as soon as they passed their fingers, they couldn't pick up anything.

"Awesome, really amazing. What's the difference between this and the fairy spell in the fairy tale?" The old man exclaimed.

"This is the power of science and technology. To the ancients, aren't many things like fairy spells?" Second uncle said with a smile beside him.

A few women in the distance came to the beach and touched the sea cautiously.

There are countless water splashes, but there is no sense of weightlessness of buoyancy.

"Grandpa." Suddenly everyone heard a cute voice shouting in the distance.

Everyone followed the child's voice and looked towards the sea.

I saw a little girl, stepping on the sea, running towards them, and every time she landed her foot, the surface of the sea would be rippled like a fairy.

"Xinxin." The old man also found him and waved at her.

This little fairy is not just a little one, Fang Yuan and blue color clothes follow her behind.

The same step on the sea, but as if stepping on the ground, slowly walking towards them.

But their speed is the same, giving people a very strange feeling.

"Xinxin." He Zixuan rushed out of the crowd to greet him.

But when he got close to the water, he tried carefully with his feet, and found that as soon as the splash of water passed through, the seawater covered his feet, but he felt a kind of down-to-earth.

So he ran towards the other side.

"Zixuan, don't run around." Although he knew they were still at home, his mother Yu Shiyu still yelled worriedly.

"These are all fake, are you serious?" He Weiyang smiled beside him.

But as soon as he finished speaking, He Zixuan who was not far away rushed forward fiercely.

"Zixuan?" He Weiyang was also worried now.

He Xiangrong even ran forward.

He Zixuan himself was taken aback, then stretched out his hand and squeezed on the sea, finally got up and sat on the sea, laughed and said, "So it was the sofa that tripped me over!"

Everyone suddenly realized that it was the sofa at home, but they were even more surprised by the reality of the scene.

"Brother Zixuan." At this time, Xin Xin had already ran up to him and circled him.

"Sister Xinxin." He Zixuan stretched out his hand to pull her, but the palm of his hand passed through the other's palm.

"This is Dad's magic, you can't pull me." The little guy smiled happily.

Then he ran out of the sea, to the beach, to the father's side.

"Grandpa." The little guy threw directly into his arms, but he was empty.

Then she staggered and almost fell, and then she felt that she was being held by someone. Looking back, it turned out that her father was holding her.

In fact, in the basement of Fangyuan's house, the little guy just keeps running in place, moving only the scenery, so whether he runs or walks, the speed depends on how fast the scenery moves.

This is also the weird feeling that everyone felt that the little guy was running again, Fang Yuan and the blue clothes were walking, but they maintained the same speed.

"Grandpa, eldest uncle, second uncle..." Fang Yuan and Lan Caiyi shouted.

The only person Fangyuan didn't know was He Xiangrong's family.

But soon everyone talked to him.

"Fangyuan, this thing of you is really powerful, too real, just like the illusion in ancient myths."

The old man watched the three little guys picking up shells on the beach. Although they passed through each time, they were happy and laughed extremely happily.

"Grandpa, I just made this thing, it's pretty rough, and many details need to be optimized." Fang Yuan said with a smile.

"This is still rough? I think it's pretty good." The old man hadn't spoken yet, but He Weiyang took the conversation next to him.

"Didn't you notice, there is no sound from such a big sea surface? In addition, there is no feeling of sea breeze blowing." Fang Yuan explained.

Everyone was a little surprised when they heard this, because they were too shocked just now, everyone did not notice this detail, it was indeed too quiet.

Not only was the sea quiet, but the seagulls flying in the sky also made no sound. Now that it is said to be broken, it really feels weird.

"But it shouldn't be troublesome to make it. Just add a few speakers and blowers?" Xiao Lin said next to her.

She took her son to Disney and did a project called "Flying the Horizon". People were hung in the air with a spherical screen under their feet. Then, through the surrounding speakers and the air and water devices on the chairs, people felt a sense of oneness. A real feeling of flying around the world.

"Yes, but this restricts the use of scenes, so in order to prepare for airborne sound transmission, in fact, this function has already been realized abroad, which is to use the principle that the sound communicator will be absorbed by light... "

"Okay, don't say it anymore, you say this, the old man, I don't understand, but can this scene change other things?" The old man interrupted him.

"Of course, there are eight buttons on the remote control sent to grandpa. Except for the open and move buttons, the remaining six buttons correspond to six scenes.

This sea belongs to scene number one. If grandpa gets bored with the next six scenes, I can remotely load new scenes for you..."

Fangyuan took out a tablet computer, which can remotely manage the holographic projection system and naturally load various scenes.

The scenes currently used by Fangyuan are all captured through the Internet, which is certainly not a formal way.

Most of them come from inside some post-production companies, especially some foreign special effects teams, whose servers store a large number of 3D scenes.

There are real scenes and illusory ones. He can use them directly after processing them, which is very convenient.

"Say something I don't understand." The old man whispered.

But everyone actually heard it and laughed.

Fang Yuan also smiled and clicked on the tablet in his hand.

Immediately the light began to flood, and countless lines were intertwined in the void.

The three little guys were so scared that they immediately ran back to their mother and hid them in their arms, but couldn't help but peek.

But they are no longer on the beach, but in a field of golden wheat.

This wheat field is not on the plain, but on the hillside. You can see houses, trees, and undulating mountains in the distance, like a vast paradise.

"Waizi." The old man stretched out his hand and stroked the wheat ears, passing his palm.

The little guys also curiously grabbed the ears of wheat, and passed by in the same way.

But He Zihao and He Zixuan soon realized that they were different. The younger sister was different from them. The younger sister really pulled the wheat ears.

Right now they yelled and yelled, which also attracted the attention of the adults.

"What's going on?" Lantian Heng asked in surprise.

Everyone looked towards Fangyuan and waited for him to explain.

"I call this holographic replenishment. For you, you are entities and the scene is a virtual scene.

But in fact, we are also a virtual scene. The holographic projector transmits our influence to you through a remote network.

So there is a supplementary function here, such as the action of Xinxin pulling wheat just now.

In fact, on our side, it is also passing through the ear of wheat, but when this action is passed to your side, the holographic projector will optimize the action and distort the image of the ear of wheat.Fang Yuan said, using his hands to separate the wheat field in front of him.

Sure enough, in the eyes of the old man, the wheat was separated, but on the basement side, the palm of the hand actually passed through the wheat.

In the same way, the old man's gesture of touching the wheat just now seemed to pass through his palm, but for them, they saw the wheat ears swinging with his palm.

This is also just now when Fangyuan and the others came over from the sea, the sea was under their feet.

When He Zixuan ran into the sea, the sea was on his feet.

Picking up shells should have been the same, but their posture was wrong and their little fingers were put together. This action was judged that the shells were crushed, so they felt that they had passed through.

If they can leave some gaps in their fingers, maybe the compensation will help them complete this action, so that in each other's eyes, they all pick up the shells.

Although everyone can hear it, but the general idea is clear.

Fang Yuan finished speaking and clicked on the tablet again.

This time, they appeared on the bottom of the sea, surrounded by countless schools of fish.

Fangyuan reached out and grabbed a clown fish. On Fangyuan's side, the fish was passed through by Fangyuan's palm, then disappeared and regrouped.

But in the eyes of the old man, they saw a clown fish that was caught and quickly struggled to swim away.

"Fangyuan, change another one. Although this seabed is beautiful, it is quite depressing." He Liuqing looked around.

So Fangyuan changed another scene again.

This time it was in a scenic park.

With the mental preparation of the previous few times, everyone didn't feel any more shock, and the rest was curiosity.

"Is this scene fixed?" The old man watched happily for a while, a little dissatisfied.

"Of course it can be moved. I have set up three modes in total, one is to move in place by the bound person, the other is to use the remote control, and the last is to move the image at a uniform speed by itself.

However, because the function is not perfect, it is easy to wear molds when moving.Fang Yuan said and clicked the tablet.

Then the scenery of the park began to move. Although everyone stood still, the big trees and bushes rammed head-on. It looked scary, and after the movement, all the furniture covered by trees and bushes were also revealed. .

The park and home form a strange junction.

"The holographic projector transmits images through the air, so after you block it and move it, it will be what it is now. If you hang it up high, from top to bottom, this problem won't exist." Fangyuan explained.

Everyone was a little surprised when they heard the words, let the holographic projection behind them, and soon the surrounding scene turned into a park again.

"Grandpa, wait for me to solve the problem of mobility, you can travel around the world while sitting at home." Fang Yuan smiled to the old man.

"Okay, okay." The old man applauded with excitement.

At his age, there are not many places to go. Now he can travel around the world while sitting at home. It's so happy.

"I'm afraid that you can not only travel around the world, but also travel around the universe, movies and TV?" The second uncle thought about it next to him.

This principle is a 3D scene. Naturally, it cannot be just a scene in reality, there are many virtual scenes.

"The second uncle is right, such as this." Fang Yuan clicked on the flat screen.

Everyone immediately saw golden light and a thousand spirits, four big pillars in front, and a plaque above them with the four characters "South Heaven Gate".

Look at the sea of ​​clouds rolling under your feet.

"It's a fairy trick." The old man said dumbfounded.

"Wow, marshmallows." The little guy stuck out his little tongue and licked a cloud of clouds lightly.

" taste, not good time." The little guy frowned.

Everyone heard the words and laughed happily by her.

"Another example is the dream of a little guy." Fang Yuan clicked the tablet again.

Then everyone came to a dreamy candy world.

This is the "Sweet Sprint" world where Winnie Lopu lives in a Disney animation "Invincible Destruction King".

This world fits the little guy’s dream very well.

This is a world of candies, everything is made of candies, lollipop trees, chocolate swamps, jelly hills, etc., coupled with gorgeous colors, is simply a perfect world for little girls.

Sure enough, the little guy was like a Coyote, licking everywhere.

Of course she touched the air and licked the air, but she still enjoyed it.

Everyone laughed again because of her small appearance, but Fang Yuan and Lan Caiyi covered their faces and felt ashamed.

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