My dad's life

Chapter 465 Family Banquet (Part 2)

Following Fangyuan's gaze, everyone looked at the door of the house.

Then there was silence, and nothing happened.

"Haha." The little guy took the lead and laughed.

The others wanted to laugh, but they were a little embarrassed.

At this time the little guy shouted: "Xiao Bai, come out and play with me."

"Come here, Xinxin, what are we playing?" There was a childish voice that everyone had never heard before.

Then everyone saw a Dabai who was one size smaller than they thought ran out.

It really matches what the little guy said before, the big fat man and the little short man.

"Wow, there are a lot of guests at home today. But you stare at me like this, I'm really embarrassed." Xiaobai covered her eyes with her hands, opened her palms, and peeked through her fingers.

Everyone laughed loudly when they heard it, and seeing its movements, it really looked like a child.

The adults crowded around curiously.

There was a scared expression on Xiaobai's stomach, her shoulders shrunk, as if frightened.

Li Yanan, who had always been daring, stretched out his fingers curiously, touched Xiaobai's body lightly, and then screamed excitedly, feeling like he had done something extraordinary.

Xiao Bai was startled by her, the expression on her stomach changed to a frightened look, and then took a step back.

"Fangyuan, is this your new production, or did you reduce the size of Dabai?" Lu Shouyi asked Xiaobai curiously.

He has seen Da Bai.

"This is a new one I made, mainly for playing with Xinxin." Fang Yuan explained.

At this time, the children got in from behind the crowd. They were more courageous than the adults. They felt and pinched.

Of course, adults are more reserved.

Looking at the group of small hairs surrounding it, Xiaobai showed a helpless expression on his stomach.

Looking at its emotional expression, everyone was surprised and at the same time very interesting.

"Xinxin, is this Dabai?" Xiaoshan asked.

Back then, the movie of "Big Hero Hero 6", but Uncle Fang took her to watch with her sister. Uncle Fang said she would make a show for her sister, and she also knew it.

"This is Xiaobai." Xinxin said proudly.

"It's my good friend, my father made it for me." The little guy hugged Xiaobai's bulging belly, proudly.

Xiaobai reached out and hugged her gently, but the other children were envious.

"Okay, everyone, be quiet, let Xiaobai introduce yourself." Fang Yuan tapped the goblet in his hand with a spoon again.

"Hello everyone, I'm Dabai's younger brother, Xiaobai..." Xiaobai greeted everyone with his chubby arms.

Then turned around and said roundly, "Next, what should I say?"

And a yellow question mark face emoticon lit up on his stomach.

"That's it, you can go play with the children, what about Dabai? Didn't I tell you just now, do you come out when I call you?" Fang Yuan asked.

"Dabai is cleaning up the room, the room has not been cleaned up yet." Xiaobai replied.

Fang Yuan just remembered that after going to the basement to start them, it was too messy to see the basement, so she asked Dabai to clean up.

So he turned his head and shouted into the house: "Dabai, don't clean up anymore, come to me."

"Okay, I will come right away." At this time everyone finally heard the voice.

Then I saw a fat white man walk out staggeringly.

"Hello, I am Dabai. I am glad to meet you." After Dabai looked around, a yellow smile appeared on his stomach to greet everyone.

Everyone no longer surrounded Dabai, and gave it to a group of children, but instead surrounded Dabai.

"What is Dabai's material made of?" Jiang Tao poked Dabai's arm with his hand, and rarely said a long sentence.

"Very ordinary polyvinyl alcohol fiber, the strength is good, as long as it is not too sharp, it does not matter, and it is light and corrosion resistant, non-toxic and harmless to the human body and the environment." Fangyuan explained.

The women curiously touched Dabai's arms, belly and other soft bulging places.

Da Bai lowered his head and looked at the women's hands, turning into a shy emoticon on his chest.

"It's very intelligent, and I know that it can express different emotions according to the external situation. This is probably the most intelligent artificial intelligence in the world today, right?" Jin Yao exclaimed.

"Then you are wrong. It is not artificial intelligence. The premise of artificial intelligence is the ability to learn and think by itself.

Dabai does not have such ability. Everything comes from the system's logical judgment, and its skills come from pre-written program chips."

Fang Yuan opened the chip slot on Dabai's chest cavity and pulled out its chip. Dabai stood still and completely turned into a doll.

"This chip is both a great start-up program and a great skill chip.

The Dabai in the movie is a private health consultant with more than 10,000 medical procedures.

But obviously, I currently don't have so much professional medical knowledge and no time to write so much code.

And this chip in my hand is a housekeeping assistant. To put it bluntly, it can help you with all the housework except cooking.After Fang Yuan finished speaking, he inserted the chip back into Da Bai's chest cavity, and Da Bai was activated again.

"Yeah, since I have Dabai, I feel a lot easier every day. It can help me share a lot of things." Fang's mother took the stubbornly.

"Thank you for your compliment, Dabai is your most loyal assistant." Dabai activated again, a happy expression lit up on his stomach after hearing the words.

"Why can't you cook? I think cooking is the most troublesome of all the housework." Li Yanan said beside.

Zhou Xiaoya and others nodded in agreement.

These girls, not to mention Li Yanan's family conditions, even the others are all treasures of the family, their ten fingers do not touch Yang Chunshui.

It's really hard for them to cook by themselves.

When you are in school, you can eat in the cafeteria and take out.

But after they came out to work, cooking became their pain point.

"It's not impossible, but I didn't write this function into it, I'm afraid it will light myself up." Fang Yuan said with a smile.

Everyone laughed when they heard the words, but this is not a problem, as long as the material of Dabai is changed to fireproof material.

In fact, the polyvinyl alcohol fiber itself has a certain degree of fire resistance, the thermal decomposition temperature is 200-220 degrees, and the melting point is 225-230 degrees.

However, the temperature of household gas when it burns is usually between 800 and 1700 degrees, or even higher, so it is still very dangerous as far as this material is currently known.

"In this way, many housekeeping companies are probably going to close down." Shan Tianyun sighed beside him.

Of course he just sighed.

When a certain industry is completely replaced by technology, it also means that countless people have lost their jobs. There are countless such examples in history, and he doesn't need to worry about it.

"I'm afraid it's more than that. Didn't Fangyuan say it? This is just a housekeeping assistant. Naturally, there can also be medical assistants, financial assistants, mechanical assistants, traffic assistants, etc." Xiao Ai thoughtfully and authentically beside her.

Shan Tianyun was shocked when he heard this, and quickly thought about whether his job would be smashed, and Zhang Hu did the same.

But after thinking about it for a while, I felt that this was impossible. After all, he was in a jewelry business, which could not be replaced by a machine.

However, if Dabai can be used for sales in his store, is this a highlight?

Thinking of this, his eyes lit up. This may be an advancement to his current career.

But after another thought, I felt that it was not very practical. He could do it, and others could do it.

His face is not big enough and he only sells Dabai with sales ability to his family.

But then I thought, what if it is the exclusive image endorsement of one's own jewelry industry?

This is completely feasible.

What Zhang Hu thinks is not so complicated, because he is a boxer and cannot be replaced. Is it a man-machine battle?That's too much, right?

After hearing this, everyone thought about it. Does this mean that the era when machines completely replace humans has come?No worries in my heart, is this good or bad?

"Well, you don't have to worry. As I said just now, Dabai is not really artificial intelligence.

It does not have the ability to think and learn, everything is logical operation, so it can only replace some simple logic or repetitive tasks, and cannot completely replace humans."Fang Yuan looked at the people's thoughts, and he also roughly understood what they thought.

"It will only become a good partner and a good assistant in your life or work, but it will not completely replace you." Fang Yuan concluded.

Everyone felt relieved after hearing this.

"Even so, it's already very powerful." Ning Yuting looked at Xiaobai who was playing with the children in the distance, exclaiming.

"Fangyuan, you are really a genius." He Xinping said, who was silent beside him.

Everyone nodded in agreement.

He Xinping has always been proud of his computer technology.

But when I saw the "Fanglan Engine" written by Fang Yuan, it was still white.

Only then did he know how big the gap between people is. When he went to school, why didn't he find that Fangyuan was such a genius?

"Facts have proved that I am a genius." Fang Yuan reached out and stroked his hair, playfully and authentic.

"Let's see if you can." Lan Caiyi patted his arm lightly, and groaned.

"Well, now I'm free to move, I'll bake something, who of you will give me a hand?" Fang Yuan clapped his hands.

But no one responded, and everyone was curious now, who would take care of him.

"I'll give you a hand." Lan Caiyi said with a smile.

"Forget it, smoky, not good for the skin." Fang Yuan refused.

"I'm coming." Jin Yao walked over.

Of course, he is not just to lay hands on Fangyuan.

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