My dad's life

Chapter 467 Logic Error (seeking monthly ticket)

After Fang Yuan finished grilling the meat skewers on her hand, she finally understood the little guy's true intentions.

She said she wanted everything after Fang Yuan had just finished the exam.

And she also felt that she was not greedy, because she was different from the little monkey, didn't she see one for one?right?She just asked for the same.

Fang Yuan glanced at the handful of meat skewers in his hand for at least twenty skewers, and said silently to her: "It is not impossible to give it to you, but as a generous kid, should you share it with everyone, such as Dong Teacher and Teacher Wang, do they often give you delicious food?"

Fang Yuan pointed to the two teachers who were talking to Lan Caiyi not far away.

The two teachers looked very grand today, and they were especially dressed up.

It was almost like two people in normal days. After they came, they realized that they knew only the parents of Ning Xinyao and Fang Xin, which made the two of them seem a little uncomfortable.

Fortunately, Lan Caiyi quickly found them and chatted with them about the children, which gradually eased their emotions.

The little guy finally hesitated when he heard his father say this, and walked over with a large plate of meat skewers, because there were so many that she could not hold both of her small hands.

When other people saw the little guy even ran away with the plate, they "dare to be angry but dare not speak". Everyone knows who is the real "master" at this party.

The little guy found the two teachers with a plate and gave each one a bunch. The mother next to him is here, can't you just give it?

I could only watch as my mother grabbed several strings and gave them to the mothers of other children nearby.

Then Yanan passed by and gave a few strings.

Uncle Lu and Aunt Xiaoqiu must also give it.

Seeing grandparents, how could she not share with them as a good baby?

Sister Xiaoshan will also give a bunch.

Sister Ai Cai and Yao Yao, who are good friends, each gave a bunch.

Brother Shan Zecheng snatched two strings.

Brother Zhang Long learned from him and also snatched two strings.


When she reacted, she almost cried when she looked at the plate in her hand. Only a lone string remained on the plate.

All her flesh is gone.

This is because Du Tianhao's elder brother is in trouble, leaving her with the rest, otherwise there is no string.

She has been busy for a long time, busy for nothing, and the more she thinks about it, the more she feels aggrieved, tears began to roll in her eyes.

"Okay, don't cry! These are for you." I paid attention to where she was, and gave her some freshly baked skewers.

The little guy broke his tears into a smile.

This time the little guy didn't put it on the plate, and held it tightly in his hand. No one would give it or take it away.

This time Fangyuan didn't give her too much, after all, it's not good for kids to eat too much barbecue.

This is also the reason why Lan Caiyi deliberately grabbed a lot of her just now, just because she didn't want to feed her too much.

Seeing her daughter eating with greasy face and hands, Fang Yuan felt a touch of happiness in her heart.

"Is it delicious?" Fang Yuan wiped her with a wet tissue.

"Good times, Dad is great!" The little guy said, full of food, slurred.

"The meat is too greasy. After eating it, go eat some fruit by yourself."

Fang Yuan continued to grill the skewers after he was told, there are still many people who have not eaten it!

After the little guys had eaten the skewers, they were all attracted by the taste, and they all went around the oven. Xiaobai, who was surrounded by the children, was finally freed.

"Xiaobai, do you want to eat too?" The little guy watched Xiaobai standing opposite her, staring at her with wide eyes.

So he looked at the meat skewers that he had eaten halfway through, and handed it over with the saliva.

"Xiaobai doesn't eat meat." Xiaobai shook his head and refused.

"Why not eat meat, meat is delicious, would you like to try it?" the little guy insisted.

"Xiao Bai doesn't eat anything, Xiao Bai's food is electricity."

"Electricity? How does it taste? Is it delicious?" The little guy licked his lips and asked curiously.

Xiao Bai: 😳

"Children can't eat electricity, it's very dangerous." Xiaobai said in a panic. The most important thing in its system is to protect the safety of the little guy.

"So adults can eat it?" The little guy continued to eat the skewers, it was delicious.

"Adults can't eat either?" A sweaty emoticon appeared on Xiao Bai's belly.

"Then Xiaobai, are you an adult or a child." The little guy continued to ask.

"Me? I'm a child." Xiaobai said happily, and it retrieved the setting of being a child in its own system.

"Since you are a kid, why can you eat electricity?" the little guy asked playfully.

"No, I mean no one can eat electricity." Xiaobai quickly explained.

"Are you a human?" the little guy continued to ask.

"Xiaobai is a machine, the best machine." A happy expression appeared on Xiaobai's stomach.

"Is that little child a human?" the little fellow asked.

When Xiao Bai heard the words, the lights on his stomach began to flash randomly and began to fall into logical chaos.

"Xiao Bai is a child? The child is a human? Xiao Bai is not a human...?"

Xiaobai's logic was finally completely messed up. This was actually a bug in the system. Fangyuan's original intention was to make it more integrated into the child, so he arranged a child's identity for it.

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