My dad's life

Chapter 469

"Well, seriously, what can you do with me?" Li Yanan asked.

"It's as if I'm asking you to do anything wrong?"

Li Yanan laughed after hearing the "poof", but Lan Caiyi couldn't help but glared at him.

"I heard Xinxin say that you have a bracelet that looks exactly the same in your house?" Fang Yuan handed the silver bracelet in her hand to her eyes.

Lan Caiyi was a little surprised when she heard this. She also knew the origin of this bracelet, and she couldn't help being a little surprised. Could anyone in Li Yanan's family be the daughter of Grandma Zhou? This is a coincidence too?

"Yes, there is one in my house. Because the shape is strange, I am still impressed. What's wrong, is there any problem?" Li Yanan asked strangely.

"No problem, what can be wrong, I want to ask, how did your bracelet come from?" Fang Yuan and Lan Caiyi looked at each other and asked in surprise.

"How did it come? I don't know it. As far as I can remember, my mother seems to have this bracelet, but she has never seen her bring it, and she keeps it in a jewelry box."

"What is your mother's name? How old is it?" Fang Yuan asked in surprise.

"Hey, what do you want to do? It's not enough to soak me, still want to soak my mother? I tell you, this is impossible." Li Yanan said seriously.

"You girl, can't you speak well?" Lan Caiyi was also amused by the crazy girl, and couldn't help but pat on her arm.

"Well, then you want to know why this is happening?" Li Yanan asked seriously.

"Do you know where Xinxin's bracelet came from?" Fang Yuan asked.

"I really want to hear her say that it was her too grandma to give it to her." Li Yanan recalled.

"The grandma in the little guy's mouth is actually a neighbor of our hometown..." Fang Yuan told her the story of Grandma Zhou.

After hearing the story, Li Yanan's rare expression became serious, "So you suspect that my mother is the lost daughter of Grandma Zhou?"

"I'm just guessing. After all, you think your mother is Grandma Zhou's daughter based on a silver bracelet. This is too random," Fang Yuan explained.

Li Yanan did not say anything, but carefully thought about some things in the past.

In her memory, it seemed that her mother had never told her about her grandparents.

I remember asking when I was a child, but told her coldly that my grandpa and grandmother had already passed away.

But now that I think about it, it feels a little weird. I don’t even have a picture of my grandparents, right?The point is that her mother never said anything about her own childhood.

"I'll go back and ask my mother about this..." Li Yanan thought for a while and was about to go home and ask her mother face to face, just to rest tomorrow.

"Well, we are just guessing. After all, bracelets of this style are rare. If there is anything presumptuous, please help me and apologize to your mother."

"Nothing..." Li Yanan walked aside absent-mindedly, picked up the champagne on the table, and took a sip.

The more she thought about it, the more she realized it was possible. If this is true, then it can completely explain some of the mother's past behavior.

And just now Fang Yuan said that Grandma Zhou’s daughter’s name was Liu Jiayan, although her mother’s name was Lin Jiayan instead of Liu.

But there is a house swallow in the name, which is a coincidence.

And the daughter that Grandma Zhou lost was about the same age as her mother.

Thinking of this, she couldn't hold back anymore. She couldn't wait to go back to ask in person tomorrow, but picked up the phone and dialed the home phone.

"Why do you remember calling me? I can't bear to come back to see me on a rest day? How about work?

Did you find a boyfriend?You are not young anymore. Don’t be like a crazy girl all day and scare the boys away. It’s really not good. I’ll ask someone to introduce you..."As soon as the call was connected, Lin Jiayan snapped on the phone.

"Mom, you just dislike your daughter so much, I tell you, there are so many people chasing your daughter, I just don't want to find it." Li Yanan said angrily.

"That's it, but whoever allows your dad to have a lot of money, he can still pick others, and in a few years, your dad will not be able to keep it with money."

"Mom..." Li Yanan groaned.

"Okay, okay, mom was joking with you. My daughter is the best. Of course, her boyfriend has to pick the best one. You haven't been back for almost a month.

When will you come back to see me? Your brother is not at home every day, and your father is at the company every day. It is really boring for me to be at home alone. You have to take care of yourself when you are alone. Is the money still enough?Do you want me to give you some more...?"Lin Jiayan went on to say a lot, and all of her words revealed her love for her daughter.

"Mom, I will take care of myself. I don't have enough money. I want it from my dad. Hehe." Li Yanan smiled.

"You girl." Lin Jiayan rebuked softly.

Then he asked: "Nothing does not go to the Three Treasures Palace, let's talk, what can you do if you call me?"

"Mom, I remember that there is a silver bracelet in your jewelry box. Is that a pair? I found one exactly the same at my friend's place. You...Where did it come from?" Li Yanan asked tentatively.

Lin Jiayan heard the words over there, and suddenly there was no sound.

Li Yanan thought that her mother had hung up the phone, and quickly glanced at the phone screen and found that she was still on the phone.

So he hurried to the phone and called "Mom."

"Finally, you... where did your friend's bracelet come from?" Lin Jiayan asked back.

Li Yanan could obviously feel her mother's voice trembling on the phone, and the guess in her heart was even stronger, so she hurriedly told her about what Fangyuan had just said about Grandma Zhou.

When Lin Jiayan heard this, the phone went silent again, and then hung up without waiting for Li Yanan to speak.

Li Yanan heard the blind tone coming from the mobile phone, and suddenly felt a sense of anxiety. Maybe his mother was really the daughter that Grandma Zhou asked for.

But she didn't call back again, and now her mother probably needs to calm down.

But I was not at ease, so I called her father Li Maocai again.

"What's the matter, I don't have any money? I tell you, you might as well come to work in my car shop, or go on a trip, walk around, have a long experience, and have to go to the deer city to suffer the crime."

Li Maosheng had two children, but his favorite was this daughter, who could be called a doting, and what he wanted, which made Li Yanan's brother jealous.

"It's not about money, you go home and see my mother now." So Li Yanan told him what had happened just now.

"You kid, such a big thing..., forget it, I'll go home first." Li Maocai hung up without finishing his words.

Li Yanan was at a loss for a while, and didn't know if it was a good thing or a bad thing, but it should be a good thing to be able to find his relatives?

And from Fang Yuan's mouth just now, Grandma Zhou didn't intentionally abandon her daughter.

"Xiaoshan, slow down, and be careful not to choke on the water." Suddenly she was awakened by a voice next to her.

It turned out that Song Xue was standing by the pool and talking to Xiaoshan.

Xiaoshan's swimsuit was lent to her by Aicai. The two little guys are about the same size and fit them well.

Xiaoshan didn't know how to swim, so she walked slowly along the side of the pool. Song Xue was a little worried about her choking on the water, and she was standing next to her and told.

The warm-hearted Li Yanan packed up and walked over, but she really liked the little girl Xiaoshan.

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