My dad's life

Chapter 481

Early the next morning, as soon as everyone had breakfast, packed up their things, and put enough food in the cat and dog pots, they drove happily to the countryside.

Even Lan Caiyi didn't have the unhappiness of last night.

Last night, Lan Caiyi was the master bedroom with two little guys sleeping, and the guest room for one person.

In the middle of the night, Fang Yuan took Lan Caiyi to the guest room and talked to her about the truth, and finally "said" to convince her and became submissive again.

In fact, how could Lan Caiyi be really angry? It's just some small pleasures in life, Fang Yuan knows it well.

In reality, there are many such examples, for example, daughters are not allowed to touch their mothers and fathers, or sons are not allowed to touch their mothers.

Many parents say that they are jealous, but in fact they don't mind. They just take advantage of this to act like a baby so that the other person feels that they mind, and therefore they are nervous about themselves and care about each other.

This is also the way a family gets along, maybe only the kind of real steel straight man will take it seriously!

Today is another good weather. Fangyuan drove the car, carrying Lan Caiyi, Fang's mother and two little guys.

Father Fang followed behind alone, which made him extremely dissatisfied, but no one wanted to get in his car, what could be done.

I drove two cars because Fangyuan didn't come back with them tonight, but needed to take a trip to Boao.

Lan Caiyi and Father Fang thought they were about the press conference, so they didn't ask any more questions.

"Grandma, when will we get there."

The car had only been driving for half an hour, and the little guy writhed on the children's chair like nails under his butt.

"I'll be here soon, can't you sit down? Learn from your sister?" Lan Caiyi said dissatisfiedly beside her.

Xiaoshan sat in the car obediently and looked out of the car without knowing what she was thinking.

"Sister, what are you looking at?" the little guy asked curiously.

"What do you think of that cloud in the sky?" Xiaoshan asked, pointing to the white cloud in the sky.

"Marshmallow." The little guy said without thinking.

"It's a little dolphin." Xiaoshan corrected silently.

"It's the little dolphin marshmallow." The little guy immediately changed his words.

Xiaoshan chuckled when she heard the words, then pointed to another cloud and asked, "So what does that white cloud look like?"

"Like a cookie." The little guy said.

"Like a little bear." Xiaoshan was covered with her forehead.

"Oh, oh, it's like a bear biscuit!" the little guy suddenly realized.

When Xiaoshan was said by her, she became more and more alike.

Mother Fang and Lan Caiyi sitting next to them couldn't help but laughed out loud.

"Who in the world are you little thing like? How do you look at everything like eating? Didn't you just have breakfast in the morning?" Lan Caiyi squeezed her fleshy little face.

"Ah, I'll bite you." The little guy opened his mouth and bit towards Lan Caiyi's hand, treating himself as a little dinosaur.

Because of the existence of the little guy, the atmosphere in the car finally became alive.

The cute voice of the little people made everyone laugh.

The two-hour drive is not short or long. When the car entered Donghu Town, it was almost half past nine.

Fangyuan and Li Yanan agreed that it was ten o'clock and waited at their entrance to the town.

One goes from north to south, and the other goes from south to north, but it's much closer from north to south, and it will arrive in about an hour.

So Fangyuan drove directly through the town and went to the northernmost end. Fortunately, the next episode had already begun at this time.

Pedestrians on the street will sell vegetables in twos and threes, otherwise they may be blocked.

Father Fang didn't go with them. Instead, he parked his car on the side of the road and happened to buy some food to take home. Or else, what to eat for lunch?

Fang Yuan drove the car to the north entrance of the town. From a distance, he could see Li Yanan walking irritably by the side of the road.

There was a young man squatting in the shadow of the car body behind her, talking to her.

Fang Yuan honked his horn.

Li Yanan glanced over, she recognized Fangyuan's car and happily waved to him.

The young people behind her also stood up, and got out of the car, a man and a woman. Depending on their age, they were Li Yanan's parents.

Fang Yuan set his gaze on Li Yanan's mother and couldn't help but let out a "Huh".

"What's the matter?" Lan Caiyi asked curiously, sitting behind.

"I just think Li Yanan's mother is a bit familiar, as if I have seen it somewhere." Fang Yuan asked in confusion.

"She lives in Yecheng. You went to college in Yecheng for four years. Maybe when you met on the road." Lan Caiyi said casually.

Fang Yuan thought about it, so he didn't care about it.

Fang Yuan was going to turn around and lead them directly, but now that Li Yanan's parents got out of the car, they couldn't drive away.

So after turning around, he followed.

The little guy who couldn't sit still got out of the car eagerly, so everyone followed.

"Fangyuan, if you don't come again, I will call you again." Li Yanan greeted him.

"Isn't it time yet?" Fang Yuan checked his watch. It was only nine to forty, twenty minutes earlier than the agreed time.

"How do you talk, you girl."

Lin Jiayan scolded her, and then the other party said roundly: "Don't mind, this girl can't speak, we are causing you trouble, I am Yanan's mother Lin Jiayan, you must be Fangyuan?"

"My okay auntie, I am Fangyuan, and I am glad to meet you." Fangyuan greeted.

He didn't have such a small chicken belly, because he knew what kind of temper Li Yanan was. The reason for saying this was probably because he was waiting anxiously.

"The young man is so generous, are these two lovely little girls your daughter?" Lin Jiayan looked at the two jumping little guys behind him.

"Yes, these are my daughters Xiaoshan and Xinxin, come and call grandma." Fang Yuan greeted the two little guys.

"Hello, grandma." Xiaoshan and Xinxin stepped forward upon hearing this, and greeted them politely.

"Hello, how old are you?" Lin Jiayan asked kindly.

Then she turned her gaze on Xiaoshan's face, her expression was so dazed and confused that she didn't understand what the two little guys said.

"Mom?" Li Yanan yelled while pulling her arm, and she reacted.

"Look at me, it won't be useful when you are old." Lin Jiayan said apologetically.

Then the two introduced each other and met one by one.

"I don't see any delay, let's go straight ahead." Fang Yuan suggested looking at the anxious look on Lin Jiayan's face.

"Okay, okay, thank you Fangyuan, Sister Liang, thank you." Lin Jiayan not only thanked Fangyuan, but also thanked Fang's mother by the way.

"Auntie, you are too polite." Fang Yuan drove the two little guys back into the car.

Lin Jiayan feels very good to him, knows how to be a man, understands etiquette, and looks like a very kind person.

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