My dad's life

Chapter 489

Liu Jiayan also had a dream that night, and she came to a beach.

The blue sky is cloudless, the calm sea is rippling, and the fine yellow sand seems to be shining in the sun.

She carried a tin bucket with some small shrimps, small fishes, and small shells in it.

"Mom, hurry up, what do you see I found?" Suddenly a voice came not far away.

Liu Jiayan looked forward and found that there were two little girls in front of him, one with his back to her, bending over and picking up something, and the other turning around and waving at her.

But she couldn't see her face clearly.

So he hurried forward and made progress.

The surrounding scenery changed rapidly, and the beach was gone and the sea was gone.

They were in a field, and she finally saw the face of the little girl who waved to her: "Xiaoshan?"

"Mom, what's the matter with you? I'm Xiao Yu." The little girl held a small yellow flower in her hand, her face full of doubts.

At this time, the little girl who was bent over and shorter in stature also straightened up and turned her head, but Liu Jiayan couldn't see her face clearly.

For a while, she felt that she had big eyes, a small mouth and a small nose.

For a while, she felt that she had small eyes, wide mouth and big nose.

The only constant is her messy long hair.

"Mom, look, I also found a nice flower." She couldn't see her face clearly, but she knew she was smiling, and she was smiling happily.

"Xiaoyu, Xiaoxue." Liu Jiayan muttered.

"Mom, what's wrong with you, let's go home quickly, my sister and I are hungry." Xiao Yu smiled and took her hand.

Xiaoxue followed her sister's way, and also took her other hand.

She lowered her head and found that there was nothing white on her hand.

It's just a bundle of firewood on his back.

"Then let's go, mom will go home and cook for you." Liu Jiayan said, pulling her two daughters.

I felt very happy and satisfied for no reason.

"Mom, can I stop eating fish and shrimps?" Xiaoyu Lu said to her.

"Yeah, eating small fish and shrimps every day is ugly, I don't want to eat it either." Xiaoxue said.

"If you don't eat fish and shrimp, what can we eat?" Liu Jianyan asked quietly.

"I want to eat my mother's red fire." Xiao Yu said, swallowing.

"Sister, I want to eat too." Xiaoxue on the other side whispered.

"Oh, it's not working now. When the rice is cut, mom will go to the market to buy some meat and come back for you, OK?" Liu Jiayan said.

"it is good."

The two little guys began to cheer upon hearing this.

Suddenly Xiao Yu said again: "Mom, you sold rice, you can buy a hair rope for my sister. My sister's hair rope has been broken for a long time."

"Okay, when the time comes, my mother will buy one for each of you and a headband with butterflies." Liu Jiayan said.

"Oh, I have a new head rope." Xiaoxue cheered and ran forward.

Xiao Yu also let go of her mother's hand and ran after him.

"Run slower, wait for your mother." Liu Jiayan hurriedly chased after her.

But I can hear them laughing and see them behind, but I can't catch up.

Anxious in my heart, the scenery I saw changed again.

This time she was in her yard with a bag in her hand.

The moon in the sky is big and round, and it shines in the courtyard like daylight.

The eldest daughter, Xiao Yu, was standing at the gate wearing shabby clothes, rubbing her eyes and asked, "Mom, where are you going?"

"Mom has something to go out. Take good care of your sister at home." Liu Jiayan's tone was extremely anxious.

"When will mother come back?" Xiao Yu asked with eyes wide open.

"Soon, I will be back soon. If you have anything, go to your second uncle and second aunt." Liu Jiayan hurried out of the yard after speaking.

Daughter Xiaoyu ran after the gate of the courtyard and shouted loudly: "Mom, you come back quickly."

"I see, you go back quickly and take care of your sister." Liu Jiayan turned around and saw her daughter standing at the gate of the courtyard, waving her arms at her.

Although it was far away, she didn't know why, she seemed to be able to see the look of expectation in her daughter's big eyes.

"Mom, you come back quickly."

"Mom, you come back quickly."

"Hurry back."

"Come back."


Countless voices came into her ears from all directions.

Suddenly the surrounding scenery changed again and she appeared on the beach again.

The two daughters stood in front of her.

But their appearance has changed a lot, their clothes are tattered and they are dark and thin.

"Sister, when will my mother come back? I miss my mother." Xiaoxue asked her sister.

"Mom said she will be back soon." Xiao Yu said.

"Soon it will be too much, or will you never come back like dad?" Xiaoxue asked.

"No, my mother promised that I will come back." Xiao Yu said excitedly.

"Woo..., I want my mother, I don't want hair slings, and don't eat it. I only want my mother, mother, come back soon." Xiaoxue burst into tears.

Then Xiao Yu started crying.

"Don't cry, mom is back, mom is here."

Liu Jiayan's heart was broken, and she squatted down to hold her two daughters, but she couldn't hold her.

They didn't seem to see her presence, and they still cried loudly.

The originally cloudless sky began to cloud with lightning and thunder, and the sea began to roar, rolling up waves of several meters.

At this moment, the two little girls stopped crying, held hands, turned around, turned their backs to her, and walked forward along the beach.

"Hurry up and go home, the seaside is dangerous." Liu Jiayan chased after them anxiously, but couldn't catch up with them.

They didn't seem to hear her shout.

But amidst the lightning and thunder, the singing of the two daughters clearly came to her ears.

"Mom, mom, I'm obedient."

"Mom, mom, I'm very good."

"Mom, mom, we will wait for you to come back together."


"Xiaoyu, Xiaoxue, I'm back, I'm back..." Liu Jiayan cried and ran.

At this moment, the little rain in front seemed to hear her voice and stopped and continued to move forward.

Turned his head.

Xiaoxue still turned her back to her, standing there motionless.

"Xiao Yu." Liu Jiayan shouted happily.

Suddenly Xiao Yu laughed at her and said to her: "Mom, we don't want you anymore."

"Mom, we don't want you anymore."

"No more you."


The sound from all directions was like a sharp knife piercing her heart.

Xiao Yu turned her head after speaking, and took her sister to continue walking forward.

Suddenly a huge wave hit them and swept them into the sea.

"No." Liu Jiayan shouted sadly.

Suddenly sat up on the bed.

A flash of lightning flashed through the window, followed by a "boom" of thunder.

Immediately it rained like a waterfall.

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