My dad's life

Chapter 836 Hot Air Balloon (asking monthly ticket)

Fang Yuan always thought that hot air balloons were all balloon-shaped.

But today he has gained insight.

All kinds of hot air balloons in strange shapes opened his eyes.

In addition to various solid color balloons, there are also various colorful ones.

Most of these are spherical.

But some are very cute.

Cartoon heads, small seahorses, roaring lions, angry birds, balloons in the flying house, and so on.

The two little guys feel that their big eyes are not enough. They look at this and want to look at that.

These hot air balloons are made by the contestants who come to participate in the competition.

Tourists who want to take a hot air balloon can go to the official experience center of Deer City.

You can also go to the exhibitions of major hot air balloon manufacturers to experience it.

Of course, there are some private hot air balloons for a fee.

But Daxia people have a habit, as long as it is free, there will inevitably be a bunch of people.

As there are more people, the experience will definitely get worse. Not only do you have to queue, but the time is short. Basically, you go up and down.

So if you want to get a better experience, it's best to go to those privately charged shops.

Not only the service is good, but the time is long. The only downside is probably the cost.

Along the way, the few little guys felt that their eyes were not enough. Various hot air balloons opened their horizons and yelled along the way.

Especially the little guy, taking her little camera to shoot everywhere.

And sister Yaoyao and Xiaoshan are her best models.

Sometimes I gave the camera to my father and asked him to take a photo with the three of them, which was so happy.

Lan Caiyi also took a lot of pictures with her mobile phone nearby, and selected some of them with Yaoyao in the spotlight and sent them to Ning Yuting, so that she could feel relieved.

The hot air balloon contest is held near the sea. At this time, many hot air balloons have already taken off and floated in the air, as if adding colorful embellishments to the blue sky.

Since it's here, I definitely can't watch it anymore.

Naturally, you have to sit down in person.

The little guy couldn't wait any longer, his little hand kept poking and poking on the square butt.

I urged him to take them to take the big balloon, they have seen enough.

"It doesn't matter which one is better, the safety factor is higher, and the price is more expensive," Lan Caiyi said next to her.

"Safety shouldn't matter, right? Deer City holds this event. If it's not safe, why not play?" Fang Yuan said.

What's more, there is still the sea below. Even if the hot air balloon has some trouble, it is safe to fall into the sea. It is estimated that this is the reason why the deer city government chose this place. There are many lifeboats parked beside it. I am afraid that there is an emergency.

Of course, after the hot air balloon flies, it will definitely not just fly towards the sea. What is the meaning of just watching the sea?

"It's not a big mistake to be careful, let alone with three children." Lan Caiyi said.

It makes sense for Fangyuan to think about it. There are many safety accidents in hot air balloons every year, and safety comes first.

At this moment, Liang Feibai and a staff member were talking a few words.

Then he walked over to him.

"Mr. Fang, come here, it has been arranged here." Liang Feibai said.

"Luo Jiacheng arranged it again?" Fang Yuan asked.

"Uh-yes, after all, there is a mixture of fish and dragons here, and the safety factor of the hot air balloon is not easy to control, so Luo Ge specially arranged it." Liang Feibai was a little nervous.

He was afraid that Fangyuan blamed them for too much intervention.

But Fangyuan did not blame, but said to him: "Thank him for me."

"Okay, Mr. Fang, you come with me." Liang Feibai hurriedly led the way after hearing this.

Fang Yuan called Liang Feibai the Big Brother Liang, and asked him to call himself Fang Yuan or Xiao Fang directly, but he didn't change anything, so he could only let him go.

Liang Fei led a group of people to a simple shed with only a few staff members.

There are also sizes for hot air balloons. Generally, there are three, four, five, six, and so on.

Of course, this is not the final size. Some are used for sightseeing, and there are more than 20 people.

Fangyuan had a lot of people in his party, three adults, three villains, then Liang Feibai and Zhu Zhengxiang were counted, and finally two staff members, so there were ten people.

So arranged a big hot air balloon.

Luo Jiacheng was very considerate, because he brought the children out to play, he also made a few special-shaped balls specially.

Special-shaped balls are the general term for unconventional hot air balloons. The special shapes that Fangyuan saw before belong to special-shaped balls.

There are Donald Duck, motorcycles, puppies, little white rabbits, SpongeBob squarepants, big pumpkins, etc. These are collectively called alien balls.

Fangyuan asked them to discuss for themselves and choose which one to ride.

According to his guess, they are most likely to choose Little White Rabbit.

Unexpectedly, after they discussed it, they unanimously chose the big pumpkin.

Because of the big pumpkin, they thought of Snow White's pumpkin carriage.

Although they are not pumpkin carriages, they can fly in the sky, which is very interesting to think about.

When they choose, the staff in the rest shed will start to work.

These people said it was arranged by Luo Jiacheng, rather than arranged by the emergency team arranged above. Regardless of the fact that there are not many people in this group, but the rights are not small.

They are equivalent to the invisible secretarial team behind Fangyuan, in addition to protecting all travel safety of Fangyuan, they will also provide Fangyuan with some identity convenience.

After all, Fangyuan is valuable now, and the above is counting on Fangyuan to come up with more things.

When the hot air balloon ignites, the sphere starts to expand.

They can get on the gondola.

The hanging basket is woven from rattan. Like our country, it generally uses materials imported from Southeast Asia. The structure is light and flexible, and it can cushion the impact when landing.

The hanging basket is more than one meter high. After Fangyuan carried the little guys in, they went directly to the top of their heads, without seeing the outside.

Fortunately, there are holes in the hanging basket, so they can look out through the holes.

Then the hot air balloon slowly lifted into the sky amidst the cheers of the little guys.

Then Little Pig shook, looking at the smaller and smaller ground shivering, hugging Fangyuan tightly without letting go.

Yaoyao was also a little frightened, she shrank into Lan Caiyi's arms, not to mention, one hand was still pulling Fangyuan tightly.

Only Xiaoshan is not afraid, and even wants to eat something.

"Dad, what should I do if the big balloon leaks?" The little guy put his arms around Fangyuan and shrank into his arms.

"How can it leak? This balloon is very strong." Fang Yuan couldn't laugh or cry.

"Then what should I do if it catches fire? I think it looks like it's going to be burned." The little guy looked at the flames rising above, and began to worry again.

"Don't worry, no, these uncles are all professional, how could they make the balloons burn?" Fangyuan pointed to the two staff members.

"Then is this big basket strong? Will we fall." The little guy looked at his feet again.

Then he rushed directly to Fang Yuan's body, sandwiched Fang Yuan's leg with his calf, and hung on him like a little sloth.

Fangyuan: "..."


Every time the little guy asked a question, he was not scared, but he was afraid that Yaoyao next to him would turn pale with scare.

When the hot air balloon rises to a certain height, it will not rise again. At this time, everyone can enjoy the beautiful scenery with peace of mind.

Under the comfort of Fang Yuan and Lan Caiyi, the two little guys first gathered the courage to grab it for a while, and gradually became bolder.

Not as nervous as before, but still holding their clothes and dare not let go.

So the little guy's plan to take photos fell through.

Fortunately, Xiaoshan was courageous and took Xinxin's camera over for a "click".

The staff first floated a hot air balloon on the sea and then flew to land.

Viewed from a high altitude, the entire ground is curved, and today's air is particularly good, and the vision is wide and clear.

The beautiful scenery, the calm sea, neat buildings, low villages, brilliant sunshine, etc., make people feel like they are in a fairy tale world.

"Wow, it's so beautiful." The little guy exclaimed.

Yaoyao, who was staring at the ground intently, also nodded, agreeing very much with her, it was really beautiful.

PS: Glory Campaign, please vote for everyone, thank you.

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