My dad's life

Chapter 848

"Children, all return to their seats and sit down. We are in class."

Teacher Dong looked at the noisy children in the classroom, patted the table and said.

The kindergarten children are still very obedient. The teacher does what they say, but there are always one or two naughty who continue to frolic in the back of the classroom.

The little guy who was already seated frowned impatiently.

So he turned his head and shouted at the back of the classroom: "Dai Zhengxin, Yang Xingyu, don't make a noise."


The two frolicking children in the back heard the dissatisfaction of the little guy, and hurriedly sat back to their seats.

Teacher Dong on the stage: o(╯□╰)o

Her prestige can't keep up with a kindergarten child, what should I do?

She is also very helpless.

"Well, today the teacher will tell you a story called "My Dad is Super Amazing"."

"Before telling this story, I want to ask, please raise your hand if you think your father is super good."

As soon as Teacher Dong finished speaking, almost all the children in the class raised their hands high, and some even stood up.

It means that Dad is very powerful in his mind.

Even Yaoyao raised her arm, because during the New Year, grandpa told her a lot about her father. Her father is amazing and a great person.

It's just going to heaven, but it doesn't hurt her father's image in her mind.

In her mind, Uncle Fang can be compared to her father.

The teacher used almost this word, which means that there are still people who have not raised their hands.

The only one who didn't raise his hand was our little pig.

Teacher Dong finds it weird. Your father is so awesome, and he's not that good. How good do you want to be, God?

So Teacher Dong asked curiously: "Fang Xin, do you think your father is not good?"

"Of course not?" The little guy shook his head.

"Then why don't you raise your hand?"

"Because the teacher you asked about my father is super super super, but my dad is super super super super... great."

The little guy said so many super words that she almost couldn't breathe.

Teacher Dong: -_-||

"Well, let's continue to tell the story." Teacher Dong felt that his inquiry was a mistake.

In fact, this picture book of "My Dad is Super Amazing" was written by a Japanese named Miyoshi Tatsuya.

This story is very interesting. It is about Little Pig being "fixed" by Daddy Pig because he grabbed toys with his brother.

The aggrieved baby pig ran to the grassland to cry, and then came many small animals to comfort him.

When every little animal's father is angry, some will yell at it.

But the fathers are very good, some are strong, some are great swimmers, and some are very humorous.

They all like their father the most, they love their father the most.

It's the same with Little Pig, and he went back to find his father.

It likes Dad the most.

This story is very simple, but it is most easily resonated by children.

Sometimes they are mischievous and their father yells at themselves and even spanks themselves, but they still like their father the most.

Including the little ones too.

When she was disobedient, her father was fierce to her, although rarely.

Dad also hit her ass, although it was very light, it didn't hurt at all.

She likes Dad the most.

The only person who didn't feel much at the scene was probably Yaoyao, because she didn't have a father.

Yaoyao looked at the children who were arguing around, and suddenly became sad.

She also wanted her father to yell at her, and she also wanted to see how it felt like her father hit her ass.

As I thought about it, tears began to come out of my eyes.

They are too disobedient, how can they run out casually.

"Yaoyao, what's wrong with you?" The little guy sitting next to her noticed it first.

Hastily stretched out her little hand and awkwardly wiped her tears.

It's okay for the little guy to say nothing. After saying a word, Yaoyao finally couldn't help crying loudly "Wow".

Teacher Dong on the stage was stunned, and she didn't quite understand why she started to cry and hurriedly walked down.

Drive the curious children back to their seats.

He put Yaoyao in his arms and asked, "What's wrong with you, why did you start crying all of a sudden?"

Yaoyao cried out of breath and couldn't answer her for a while.

So Teacher Dong looked at the little guy sitting next to him.

The little guy shook his head: "I don't know why Yaoyao is crying, is she hungry?"

Teacher Dong: "..."

Under the careful comfort of Teacher Dong, Yaoyao gradually stopped crying, and she knew from her intermittent words that she wanted a father.

Teacher Dong didn't know about Yaoyao, and didn't quite understand it. He thought that Yaoyao's parents had divorced.

Fortunately, the little guy said next to him at this time: "Yaoyao's father has gone to heaven."

She was a little surprised now, and she was a little bit self-blaming, and she shouldn't tell this story.

After Teacher Dong helped Yaoyao clean her face and gave her some snacks, Yaoyao's mood finally stabilized.

In addition, Xinxin dragged her to play games with the children, and soon she became happy again, forgetting the sadness just now.

Teacher Dong finally breathed a sigh of relief.

She thought for a while, called Teacher Wang over to look at the children, went to the office by herself, and called Ning Yuting.

"Teacher Dong, did Yaoyao get into trouble or an accident?"

Ning Yuting, who was at work, was shocked when she received a call from Teacher Dong, thinking that something happened to her daughter.

Probably the last thing all parents with children want to receive is the phone call from their teacher.

"No, Yaoyao's mother, Yaoyao is fine, you don't have to worry." Teacher Dong said quickly.

This is not the first time she has heard from parents asking like this.

The first thing that parents think of is not that the child got into trouble, or that the child had an accident.

Ning Yuting breathed a sigh of relief when she heard the words, but then asked with some doubts: "Then Teacher Dong, what is the matter if you called me?"

So after Mr. Dong said the story aside, he said: "Mother Yaoyao, I'm sorry, I don't know the situation, otherwise I won't read this storybook to them."

"It's okay, Teacher Dong, this is not to blame you, in fact, this is also a good thing. Whether Yaoyao vents out, we also understand her real thoughts." Ning Yuting saw it very openly, this kind of thing is inevitable. No wonder the teacher.

Besides, there are two sides to things. Yaoyao cried so loudly because of this, not necessarily bad.

The two chatted for a while about Yaoyao's other circumstances at school, and then hung up the phone.

After finishing the call, Ning Yuting did not work immediately, but sat there blankly, thinking a lot.

Finally sighed deeply, stood up, and walked outside the door.

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