My dad's life

Chapter 870

"Welcome." As Fangyuan pushed in, Xiao Ai said without raising her head.

"Hey, you are all here today." Fang Yuan looked around the cafe and found that the three sisters were all there, including Jun Fu.

"Xinxin, Yaoyao." Seeing Yaoyao and Xinxin, who was feeding a fat cat's favorite dish, they ran over immediately.

Fangyuan let go of the two little guys and let them play with Ai Cai. There is still a while before class.

"Mr. Fang." Seeing Fangyuan, Jun Fu put down the coffee cup in his hand and greeted him.

"Call me Fangyuan, I will listen to it more comfortably." Fangyuan said with a smile.

He is very familiar with Sister Lei and Xiao Ai, but Fang Yuan is relatively unfamiliar with them.

"That's fine, call Fangyuan and I'll be more comfortable, sit down, what would you like to drink?" Junfu hurriedly called Fangyuan to sit down.

"Brother Jun, aren't you busy today?" Fang Yuan was not polite, and sat down at the bar.

Then she said to Sister Lei in the bar, "Give me a cup of black coffee."

"Black coffee is very bitter, can you get used to it?" Sister Lei asked casually.

"It was quite bitter when I first drank it, but it's pretty good when I get used to it." Fang Yuan said with a smile.

But he usually drinks tea and rarely coffee.

"I can't get used to it." Jun Fu said next to him.

Fang Yuan leaned toward him, seeing that he was dressed up in a suit and leather collar even at home, a little funny and authentic: "Everyone has different tastes, but Brother Jun is so busy every day, I guess he should drink a lot of coffee."

"That's true. Two cups of coffee a day have become a habit." Jun Fu said, reaching out to loosen his necktie.

"By the way, Jun Fu hasn't answered my question yet."

"I just finished a case, so..." Jun Fu said, looking at his daughter who was playing with the children next to him.

"You really have to accompany love dishes. Although Sister Lei takes good care of her, father is an indispensable part of the child." Fang Yuan said with a smile.

"I'm also considering this issue. My firm is preparing to promote a partner, so that I will be more relaxed in the future." Jun Fu sighed.

Sister Lei put the brewed coffee at the Fangyuan table.

While they were talking, guests came in one after another, and in a short while the entire cafe was filled.

"Brother Jun is really hard at work." Fang Yuan took a sip from the coffee cup, and then gave a thumbs up to Sister Lei.

Sister Lei smiled triumphantly while covering her mouth.

"Man, you have to work harder." Jun Fu scratched his head and laughed, looking a little silly.

Sister Xiaotong brought a glass of water in front of him, and smiled slightly at him.

Juno worked so hard to make money, as a wife she knew better than anyone else.

To put it bluntly, Jun Fu is a bit inferior, because the three sisters are standard white and rich.

It is said that Junfu doesn't do anything, he will not worry about eating and drinking all his life, but he is not that kind of person, and work is his pride.

"However, if you can come to me for coffee every day, I don't think I have to work so hard." Jun Fu glanced at the customers in the cafe and said with a smile.

Fang Yuan said slightly, but did not answer.

Junfu could see how Fangyuan could not see it. Except for Liang Feibai, these people were all secretly protecting Fangyuan's security personnel.

They often wander around Fangyuan, and many of them are even familiar.

But they never took the initiative to respond to Fangyuan, just playing various identities around him.

Fang Yuan is not disgusted with this. Without them, it is estimated that his life would not be so easy now.

Although they are the security personnel who protect Fangyuan, the coffee shop's business does the same.

Xiao Ai asked the guests one by one what they wanted, and then began to get busy.

Jun Fu also stood up and helped bring coffee and some small snacks to the guests.

Sister Lei also brought out a plate of freshly baked snacks and greeted the three little guys: "Don't play, come over and eat some snacks."

The three little guys are teasing the cat with screaming pigs.

Hearing the sound, they all ran over.

The little guy stretched out his hand and was about to grab it. Sister Lei hurriedly passed over with the plate and said to her, "You have to wash your hands to eat."

"Oh, it's really troublesome." The little guy sighed.

"Xinxin, Yaoyao, come and wash them together with me." Affectionately took them to the back of the bar to wash their hands.

Sister Lei put the plate on the counter, and the other party said roundly: "You can try it too, how good is it than your craft."

Fang Yuan was not polite when he heard the words, reached out and took a piece in his mouth.

The little guy who was washing his hands saw it and immediately shouted: "Dad, don't finish eating, save us some."

"Understood, Dad only ate one piece, and there is so much more."

"It tastes good, it would be nice if it could be more crispy." Fang Yuan tasted a piece and didn't eat it again.

"Because I gave them food, I didn't bake it too hard, but it still tastes incomparable with the one you made last time." Sister Lei said as she helped the three little guys dry their hands.

Although Little Hitomi hadn't spoken, she silently made a glass of milk for the three little guys, each of them on the bar.

Fang Yuan hugged the three of them and sat on the high chairs in front of the bar.

"Xinxin, you and Yaoyao also eat a little too much, eat so much at noon, and will have to dance later, if you eat too much, your belly will hurt."

Yaoyao nodded obediently.

The little guy agreed with a loud voice, and reached out his hand to grab the small snack on the plate next to him.

"Thank you two aunts?"

"Hee hee loves clothes." The little guy's mouth was full of food, and his speech was unclear.

"Eat slowly and be careful not to choke."

The little guy took a sip of the milk glass, and then said, "This way you won't choke."

"You, you have used all your cleverness on this." Fang Yuanman touched her little head dotingly.

"Yaoyao, slow down too." Fang Yuan said to Yaoyao next to her.

"Okay, Dad Fang." Yaoyao agreed happily.

"Huh?" Ai Cai widened her eyes in surprise.

"Yaoyao, why are you called Uncle Fang's father?"

Both Xiao Ai and Sister Lei surrounded them with gossiping expressions. Sister Xiao Tong didn't feel embarrassed, but stood by with ears erect.

"Fangyuan, have you finally started?" Sister Lei patted Fang Yuandao's shoulder and said.

"Yes, yes, does Caiyi know?" Xiao Ai also asked quickly.

"Sister Lei, what are you guessing? And please don't look at me like a scumbag, okay?"

Fang Yuan told them roughly what happened.

Finally, he said jokingly: "That's why Yaoyao called me Dad Fang. You said that you two seem to be serious people, so why are you thinking so impure?"

"We just want to ask you, when did you take Yaoyao as a goddaughter, what do you think? You are not pure, right?" Xiao Ai immediately slapped her back.

Then the two sisters laughed together.

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