My dad's life

Chapter 926

"Dad, are you on holiday today?"

The little guy suddenly thought that the teacher said that everyone was on vacation.

"Yeah, not only my father is on holiday, but my mother is on holiday. Today we are all at home."

Fang Yuan reached out and stroked her somewhat messy hair.

"Then father took me out to play."

"Okay, where do you want to go?"


Hearing this, the little guy tilted his head to think.

But before she could tell where she wanted to go, Lan Caiyi said, "What are you going to play? We have been on vacation for these two days, and there are people everywhere, and we look at people where we go to play."

"That's right." Fang Yuan also remembered this.

Deer City is a well-known tourist city, as long as it is a holiday, there are crowds of people everywhere.

The locals are reluctant to go out for a stroll at this time.

"Then you can't always stay at home, right?" Fang Yuan said after thinking about it.

"Then let's go to the library. The library should be less crowded." Lan Caiyi thought for a while and said.

"Library? This is good." Fang Yuan was also surprised when he heard this.

In fact, Fangyuan read an article before saying that a qualified parent must take his child to three places.

The first one is to go to a large library.

The library can let her experience the atmosphere of reading and help her children develop some good characters.

For example, not yelling in public, keeping quiet, observing the rules, and influencing her through the atmosphere are more useful than adults saying that the church is.

And you can also learn some new knowledge.

So after breakfast, Fang Yuan and Lan Caiyi drove to the library.

And the father at home is not idle. Although there are many tourists in Deer City now, it will be much better if you leave Deer City.

So they drove to Wuzhishan as a group.

Wuzhi Mountain has four or five places in Daxia. In addition to Wuzhi Mountain in Qiongzhou, there are Wuzhi Mountain in Sichuan and Sichuan, Wuzhi Mountain in Jizhou and so on.

Due to its special geographical location, Wuzhi Mountain in Qiongzhou is warm in winter and cool in summer, free from cold waves and typhoons.

And it belongs to the tropical rain forest, and the materials here are also very rich.

Therefore, many inland people who want to move to Qiongzhou should never buy a house in Lushi or Yecheng.

Although they are famous, the climate is not the best, and they are often hit by typhoons.

You can go to some cities on the back of Wuzhishan to buy a house and settle down, such as Dongfang City. These places have never been typhoons, of course, there is very little rain, and the climate is very dry, especially suitable for friends who like sunny days or summer.

Fang Yuan and Lan Caiyi said they were taking the little guy to the library, but they actually went to the Xinhua Bookstore, not the kind of library run by the government.

Unless people search for information or read a lot, they will go to the old library to borrow books.

In general, you will come to Xinhua Bookstore for children's books or learning materials.

Books can also be read here, so after a long time, when everyone talks about libraries, they will default to Xinhua Bookstore.

As for the original library, an old character was added to it to distinguish it.

Fangyuan and his party are not too late, but the bookstore is already full of people, mostly parents with children.

The little guy was also surprised, so many little brothers and little sisters.

There are books that are out of sight.

In addition, all kinds of cute learning tools are also sold in the library.

The little guy is very interested. Let's take a look at this one, and take a look at the other.

Fang Yuan and Lan Caiyi didn't urge her to read a book or anything, but silently followed her while answering some questions to her.

"My mother has already made a children's play room for Xinxin. Do you think our play room is still necessary?"

"What do you mean?" Fang Yuan asked in surprise.

Because of the large number of rooms in the house they lived in, one room was specially reserved for the little guy as a play room.

Of course, it's definitely not as good-looking as grandma's side, just a layer of cushions on the floor.

But little guys rarely play in it, basically it is used as a toy storage room.

"Since the play room is not available, we want to turn that house into a small study room. The children's study room, bookshelves, tables, and chairs are all according to the size of children, so as to slowly cultivate her reading habits." Lan Caiyi explained.

"This is a good thing, I think it's OK." Fang Yuan also agreed very much.

In fact, Fangyuan had this idea before. Reading is a good habit, and reading more can increase people's wisdom.

The little guy can't always make her play crazy and watch TV.

"Dad, what is this?" The little guy suddenly picked up a small bottle and asked.

Fang Yuan glanced inside. They were all fruit-shaped erasers.

"This is an eraser."

"Huh? There is such an eraser?" The little guy was surprised when he heard this.

Of course she knows that there is an eraser at home. Grandma sometimes uses it for painting, but they are all that long and white. How can they be so beautiful.

"Of course, you see, all over there are erasers."

Fang Yuan pointed to the next item table, the upper and lower floors, were all kinds of erasers.

"Dad, I want this." The little guy held the eraser bottle in his arms and looked up at him expectantly.

"Of course you can, but the eraser can only buy this one, and the others are not allowed." Fang Yuan rubbed her little head and said.

The little guy nodded happily after hearing the words, then took her eraser bottle and continued to browse.

But she quickly lost interest, because later, there were some homework books and so on, and she was not very interested.

"Let's go, let's go over there to read a book." Lan Caiyi just stepped up and took her to the children's book area.

This side is much more lively, not as quiet as other areas.

Because many parents with children are reading stories to the children around them. Although they have lowered their voices, they can still feel a kind of noise when there are more people.

Children's books are all colorful and attractive, and the little guy was shocked when he came in.

Wow, she hasn't seen so many baby books yet.

She also saw Disney princess books, as long as they were Disney cartoons.

The pattern above is exactly the same as the one in the movie, so the little guy is very interested.

Picking and choosing, finally took a picture book of Rapunzel and asked her father to read it to her.

Fang Yuan found a pony za for her to ride nearby, the pony za is really a pony za.

Because it was a plastic pony, the little guy hugged the pony's neck and rode on it, Fang Yuan sat directly on the ground, and gently read to her.

Lan Caiyi quietly filmed this scene.

Little guys are usually very focused and serious when listening to stories.

After reading a book, Fang Yuan feels dry.

They had known that they had brought a glass of water when they went out, but now they only brought the little guy a small kettle.

Regardless of whether he is thirsty or not, the little guy happily took another book, which is very interesting, called "Unveiling the Secret Ocean."

This is a series of books, as well as popular science books such as "Uncovering Space" and "Uncovering the Earth".

Why is it interesting, because the pages of this book are very thick, and there are small windows on it that can be opened.

For example, in the first chapter of "The Origin of Life" in "The Secret of the Ocean", there are six or seven small windows on it. After opening it, you can see another painting. Marine animals change from a peaceful swimming state to a hunting state.

There is also text on it, which roughly introduces various marine animals, which is interesting and content, especially suitable for children.

Fang Yuan glanced at Lan Caiyi, and wanted her to come. Lan Caiyi pretended not to notice, and quietly turned sideways.

"Dad, read it quickly," the little guy urged.


Fangyuan can only continue obediently.

But when Fangyuan finished reading, he didn't know where Lan Caiyi got a cup of coffee and brought it over, which surprised Fangyuan.

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