My dad's life

Chapter 937

Fang Yuan told the group that he was busy with things, and that was really busy.

Busy to catch the monkey jumping up and down at home, wearing only a pair of small pants.

Regardless of her short calf, she is flexible.

Under the table and behind the chair, it was really hard to catch her for a while.

Father Fang was beside him, holding his arms and watching the couple happily watching the couple chase in front of them.

This reminded him of the time when he was in the country, when his family still raised pigs, and when he drove the pigs back to the pen.

One block and one chase, slowly block the pigs that don't want to go back into the pigpen.

Now Fangyuan and his wife are like this. First they blocked the little pig from under the table, slowly moved away from the table and chairs, and finally managed to catch her.

"What are you making? You can hear you making noise from far away." Mother Fang walked in from the door carrying a bottle of soy sauce.

"Grandma." The little guy ran over immediately, hiding behind her.

Mother Fang was shocked when she saw her running over naked.

"Why are you running around the house naked?" she asked in surprise.

"No, aren't these panties?" The little guy tugged at the side of his panties and let out a "pia" sound.

"Ah, my little baby, you are a girl, aren't you shy like this?" Mother Fang said, covering her face.

"Not shy, many little brothers on the beach wear this way." The little guy defended.

"That's a boy, have you seen young lady dressed like this?" Fang's mother asked.

The little guy thought for a while, it seemed that there was something covering the little sister, so he shook his head: "No."

"That's not right, hurry up and get dressed." Mother Fang grabbed her from behind her.

In the end the little guy was arrested and put on clothes obediently.

"Is this little thing in the rebellious period?" Fangyuan said to Lan Caiyi with some distress afterwards.

Last time the little guy was shirtless, Fang Yuan once said she was a girl, why is she not a lady at all?

"What nonsense, she just wants to get your attention." Lan Caiyi gave him a white look.

"Is that so? Why?"

"Because the two of us talked secretly and didn't take her, she felt that she had been ignored." Lan Caiyi said.

"It seems to make sense!"

In fact, many children look like bears, but they just want to attract the attention of adults.

It is the same as when we were in school, we obviously liked a girl, but deliberately used some naive methods to bully the other party and attract the other's attention.

Fang Yuan sat down in his seat just after nine o'clock the next morning.

I received Qiu Yunji's WeChat.

"Boss, excuse me, are you free now?"

Fang Yuan glanced at the almost pinched information, couldn't help but smiled, it seemed that he was very anxious!

"It's okay, you wait, I will let the staff add you."

At this time, Cen Wanying made a good tea for Fang Yuan and was bringing it in.

"Assistant Cen, you have something to do with me..."

So Fang Yuan told her about what happened and asked her to add Qiu Yunji on WeChat.

She is Fangyuan's assistant, and it is reasonable for her to come in contact with Fangyuan's fan group.

Don't underestimate these loose fan groups. Sometimes they play a big role.

Besides, there is no need for Fangyuan to spend anything, as long as he gives priority to benefits sometimes, these resources can be firmly grasped by him.

Although these fans are nothing to Fang Yuan, they are not bad after all, and they are not expensive and effortless.

"President Fang, how many places do you need to provide them?"

Cen Wanying asked after listening to what happened.

"Two hundred places. As for how to allocate it, it's up to them. By the way, you should report this to President Lan." Fang Yuan thought about it.

"Okay, President Fang, then I'm going out to work." Cen Wanying said and turned and walked out.

Fang Yuan didn't care, took a sip from his teacup, and started his day's work.


As the days passed, although Fang Yuan was busy every day, he was the easiest for the entire Fanglan Group.

Especially Lan Caiyi, a lot of things are waiting for her to deal with every day.

Group affairs, charity funds, and closed-end betas, etc., as long as it involves money-related matters, she almost has to deal with it.

"You can't do this. You have to leave some things to the people below to do. You only need to do an audit every quarter or half a year." Fang Yuan felt so tired when she saw her.

Lan Caiyi glanced at him when he heard the words, and then said: "I am studying economics, don't I understand these? It's just that now the group is first established, I am familiar with the processes of each link, and then I can exercise my management power more efficiently. ."

"Ha, I'm the one who talks too much, I'm afraid you are too tired!" Fang Yuan scratched his head and smiled.

In terms of management, he is a second knife, otherwise he would not find Huang Haodong, a professional manager.

In terms of economic management, Lan Caiyi is professional, at least more professional than him.

"Stupid." Lan Caiyi gave him an angrily white look and put down the work at hand.

Then I packed my things and got ready to go home from get off work with Fang Yuan.

"By the way, are all the closed testers here?" Fang Yuan asked casually.

"It's about 70% of the staff, don't worry, there are still 10 days left." Lan Caiyi said casually.

Then he walked out with Fangyuan's arm.

"With so many people, it's inconvenient to manage, and I don't know how Mr. Huang handled it."

These individuals come from all walks of life, and they are of different ages, and they are not employees of the Fanglan Group. They are naturally particularly troublesome to manage.

And Fangyuan has been busy optimizing data for the three-year-old these days, so he didn't ask Huang Haodong to ask this question.

In fact, Fangyuan seldom gets involved in the company's affairs nowadays, and is basically a hand-off shopkeeper.

"Don't worry, thanks to Brother Xiang Rong, he brought a team of people over and unified management of these people, which made us a lot easier." Lan Caiyi explained.

"Then I'm relieved, but you say hello to Brother Xiang Rong. These people are not soldiers after all, and they are some older people, but don't engage in military training or something, it will be bad if there is an accident."

"You can also say that they are only responsible for maintaining order and others will not interfere."

"That's good. By the way, isn't it Saturday tomorrow? You call your sister-in-law and ask her if she is free tomorrow, and let her and her eldest brother bring Zihao to our house for dinner."

"Eating?" Lan Caiyi asked suspiciously.

Because she knows that it will definitely not be as simple as eating.

"Fatty Tian and Cui Ziheng are my classmates, and I will take care of them, let alone their sister-in-law.

Although my sister-in-law has opened a Dabai experience store, I think virtual Internet cafes are also very interesting. Let them come over and ask if they want to do it."

"Thank you." Lan Caiyi held Fangyuan's arms tightly.

"It's all a family, thank you for anything."

Lan Caiyi didn't speak any more, but felt extremely happy in her heart.

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