My dad's life

Chapter 946

Li Youwei's face became very ugly after hearing this.

I raised my eyebrows and wanted peace.

But on second thoughts, she did it secretly by herself, and Ding Heping didn't even know it. Thinking about it this way, her anger a little bit.

"Xinxin, let's go to other places to play with Doudou. Auntie wants to talk to Uncle Ding."

There are some things that can't be told to the children, so they must be sent away first.

"Aunt Li, are you angry?" The little guy stared at Li Youwei and asked curiously.

"No, I'm not angry."

"But your eyes are like this... and your eyebrows are like this..."

The little guy followed Li Youwei's way, opened his eyes wide, furrowed his brows, and raised his eyebrows, shaking a few times.


Li Youwei couldn't help laughing, even Ding Heping, who was in a complicated mood, couldn't help laughing.

"Okay, Auntie is really not angry. You can go play with Doudou. Maybe your parents are already looking for you. Go ahead."


"Of course it is true, Auntie is not angry." Li Youwei showed a big smile.

"All right, Doudou, let's go."

The little guy slid down on the chair, pulled Doudou and turned around and ran away, walking quite simply.

"This..., I'm sorry, I didn't hesitate to speak." Ding Heping, who had calmed down, apologized in embarrassment as he watched the children leave.

Consider that Li Youwei has waited for him for so many years and never abandons. If she wants to put a hat on him, she will not wait until now.

There were also many people who pursued Li Youwei in Xia Jing, including the rich, talented, and handsome, and even more so.

Li Youwei glared at Ding Heping again.

Seeing her, Ding Heping suddenly wanted to laugh, because what Xinxin learned just now was really similar.

"I ask you, did you take out the small umbrella box in my suitcase?"

"Eh...?" Ding Heping was a little confused when he heard the words, but after thinking about it, he nodded.

"When I packed my summer clothes last week, I saw that there was a box in it, and I took it out. I saw it. It's not expired?"

"I blame you."

As a woman, no matter how high IQ and quality are, it's the same to first transfer responsibility to her boyfriend.

"Uh..." Ding Heping just wanted to know the reason now, as to whether it was to blame him when the time comes, and what to blame him, without losing a piece of meat.

Although it is said that Ding Heping is blamed, this matter must be made clear. It is not good for both parties to continue the misunderstanding.

So Li Youwei explained what happened.

It turned out that when Li Youwei first came to Lu City, Fang Yuan and Lan Caiyi came to pick up the plane and brought Xinxin with him.

That day Xinxin had a fight with children in the kindergarten.

So Lan Caiyi was going back to punish her, and she was fined to stand for ten minutes. The little guy felt that ten minutes was too long. He bargained with Lan Caiyi frowningly: "Mom, ten minutes is long, can you fifty minutes?"

Everyone almost laughed, but the little guy himself was very happy.

At that time, the little guy stretched out his palm to explain to everyone.

Ten is ten fingers on both hands, five is five fingers on one hand, five is one hand less than ten, which is half less. Now it only takes half the time to stand, so I am very happy.

Seeing her stupid little appearance, she was so cute as to explode.

Li Youwei thought at the time, if she had a daughter like this, it would be great.

But when I think that Ding Heping is reluctant to even get married with her, let alone having children, I feel very depressed.

But seeing Lan Caiyi in a blink of an eye, she suddenly thought of a question.

Lan Caiyi didn't get married either. She gave birth to a child without Fangyuan's consent. It's not very good now.

So she was excited, and her heart moved, and then she pierced a box of small umbrellas into small holes, wanting to chop and play.

But when something happened, she hesitated again, so she put the box of small umbrellas back in the suitcase. After a long time, she forgot about it.

After Ding Heping knew what had happened, his mood became more complicated.

There are joy, confusion, confusion, and heavy responsibility.

He is not ready to be a father, or even a husband.

The sudden child now makes him feel at a loss for a while.

Seeing Ding Heping's dumbfounded look, Li Youwei's anger rose again.

"Are you not wanting it? If you don't want it, I will go to the hospital to get rid of it tomorrow."

"Don't, don't, I didn't want it, just...that's..." Ding Heping explained hurriedly.

But I was a little at a loss, not knowing what to do.


Because of the bracelet, Piggy finds his father easily.

Mom and Dad are talking to the boss of the cafeteria.

But the little guy doesn't care about these things, he rushes over, can't wait to say: "Dad, Dad, Aunt Li has a baby?"

"Aunt Li, which Aunt Li?" Fang Yuan asked with some doubts.

More than one kid called Aunt Li.

Li Yanan is also Aunt Li, although she has always asked Xiao Zhuzhu to call her sister.

The other one is Li Youwei.

The most likely thing the little guy said is Li Youwei, because Li Yanan doesn't have a boyfriend yet.

"It's Uncle Ding's Aunt Li." The little guy explained.

"How did you know Aunt Li has a baby?"

"Of course I know, Aunt Li is just like Teacher Liu, vomiting, I'm smart..." the little guy said proudly.

But the whole story is a bit unclear.

"What about Aunt Li and others?"

"There." The little guy pointed in a direction.

Fang Yuan looked over and saw Ding Heping and Li Youwei sitting face to face.

"Go, let's take a look." Lan Caiyi was very curious, pulled the little guy and Doudou and walked over happily.

Fang Yuan could only follow it silently, and as expected, no woman didn't gossip.

"Sister Youwei, I heard Xinxin say that you have a baby?" Lan Caiyi asked excitedly when she passed by.

"Caiyi, I'm not sure yet." Li Youwei said embarrassedly.


Li Youwei explained what happened.

Lan Caiyi couldn't laugh at the words, and finally stopped.

Then he said: "You two people so old, are pregnant or not, you have to remind you of a five-year-old child."

After speaking, he couldn't help but laugh again.

Fang Yuan found it funny when she said this.

"Then what are you going to do now?" Fang Yuan asked seriously after laughing.

"Of course Mr. Come down." Ding Heping replied first.

I want to make up for the nonchalant talk just now, and he also thought about it just now. He is not too young, and it is not a big deal to have a child.

And Fang Yuan and Chen Chao are both so old, he is already the latest one.

"It's good to be born, but do you want to do the wedding first?" Lan Caiyi thought for a while and said.

She has no choice, otherwise no one wants to get pregnant first.

"What Caiyi said is reasonable, Xiaowei, or we will have the wedding first, and then give birth to the child." Ding Heping said to Li Youwei, who was sitting across from him and was immersed in the meal.

"Don't worry, let's give birth to the child first." Li Youwei put down her chopsticks, her expression flat.

"But... but didn't you always want a wedding?"

Li Youwei's answer surprised Ding Heping.

"Now I'm not in a hurry. Besides, I can't really be sure that there will be one now. And with a child, what do I want you to do?"


Dare to love that he has become a tool man.

But this shows that Li Youwei is still angry.

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