My dad's life

Chapter 950

Although tomorrow is the wedding of Fang Xinbin and Hu Xiaorui.

But it was the two of them who came to pick up the plane.

To put it bluntly, there is no radius, it is estimated that there is no them now.

So even if it’s busy, the Fangyuan family is ranked first.

Except for the two of them, Hu Xiaorui's eldest brother Hu Hongwei and sister-in-law Yu Yunjin accompanied them.

Where Fang Yuan's status is, he can pick him up, and it's a face-saving thing to say it, and not everyone can pick it up.

There is also Kong Lingchun, who came with Fang's father and Fang's mother in advance, and helped arrange Fangyuan's itinerary.

"Xinxin, cute, here, here..."

Hu Xiaorui saw the little guy looking around at first glance, and immediately danced his arms to greet.

"Auntie." Seeing Hu Xiaorui, the little guy ran over happily.

"Slow down, be careful of falling." Hu Xiaorui opened her arms and picked her up.

"Xinxin, starting from tomorrow, I can't call her aunt, but Erniang." Lan Caiyi walked over and said with a smile.

Erniang is just the name in some places. In fact, the official name should be Auntie. Fang Xinbin ranks second. In order to distinguish, he can be called Auntie Er.

Everyone laughed, but Hu Xiaorui felt a little embarrassed.

"Fangyuan, are you really going to live with us?" Fang Xinbin asked after taking the luggage in Fangyuan's hand.

"No, go directly to the hotel and wait until tomorrow when your wedding is over," Fang Yuan said.

"That's all right, let's go to the hotel now, and we have to do the final rehearsal in the afternoon."

Fang Xinbin’s wedding and Fangyuan’s hotel were chosen at the Sofitel Ginza Hotel, where Fangyuan and Hu Xiaorui’s parents first met.

Later found that the environment and facilities here are quite good.

So this time I came here and chose to live here, and Fang Xinbin's wedding was held in the hotel, and it was convenient to attend the wedding.

"Mr. Fang, you are welcome to stay in this hotel." It was the last hotel manager who came out to greet him in person.

"Excuse me." Fang Yuan also greeted him politely.

Fang Xinbin and others greeted Fang Yuan, and then left and went to the wedding hall first.

And Fangyuan and his team led by the hotel manager to the family room on the 12th floor, with all facilities in a room of more than 70 square meters.

As soon as the little guy entered the room, he looked around to find her sister Jiajia.

"Dad, what about sister Jiajia."

"Sister Jiajia isn't here, she won't be able to come here until tomorrow." Fang Yuan put down his suitcase and said.

"Why wait for tomorrow? Let's go find Sister Jiajia now." The little guy couldn't wait.

"Now we are going to eat, aren't you hungry?"

Although I ate the in-flight meal on the plane, to be honest, I could only put my stomach a little, let alone the little guy, Fang Yuan was hungry.

When the little guy heard that he was going to dinner, he temporarily forgot about looking for sister Jiajia.

So I ate directly at the hotel, and then in the afternoon the group went to the nearby Baotu Spring Park to stroll around.

The last time Little Pig came with his mother, it was snowing and white.

This time it was a big summer, with lush greenery and a different scenery.

The piglet who was full and drunk finally thought of sister Jiajia again.

But her parents didn't take her there, and she had no choice but to call sister Jiajia and plan to meet tomorrow.

As for Fang Xinbin, he rehearsed again with the host in the wedding hall, and after confirming that there was no problem, they went back to each house.

According to the wedding's itinerary, tomorrow morning, the convoy will depart from Fangjiacun, then pick up Hu Xiaorui at Hu Xiaorui's house and head straight to the hotel for the wedding.

As for the people attending the wedding in Fangjiacun, two coaches were arranged and pulled over directly.

Since Hu Xiaorui's family is in Quancheng, he can just take a taxi.

As for Fang Yuan not with the team, he appeared as a witness and just waited directly in the hotel.

Fang Xinbin came home and met his father in the yard.

He was helping grandma to make a flowerbed, and grandma made a small bench to sit next to and talk to him.

"Uncle San, just let us get these things, you can rest." Fang Xinbin hurriedly walked over.

"It's okay, idle and idle, your grandma likes rose, I bought some seedlings for her to plant."

Although Father Fang said he didn't need him to do it, Fang Xinbin squatted down to help.

"How about it, have you received them from Fangyuan?" Father Fang asked casually without rejecting it.

"I got it. People are already in the hotel. In the afternoon they happened to go to the nearby Baotu Spring to stroll around." Fang Xinbin said.

"Fangyuan and the others are here, where are they, I think Xinxin?" Grandma heard the words next to her.

"Come on, you can see it tomorrow." Fang Xinbin quickly replied.

"You go to Xinbao, Xin and them, and see tomorrow's team, as well as the arrangements of fellow personnel, are they all done?" Father Fang said.

"That's OK, Sanshu, then I'll go in first." Fang Bin didn't refuse.

Marriage is a major event, and there must be no mistakes. To be honest, he is already feeling a little nervous now, for fear of something wrong tomorrow.

And Hu Xiaorui was also nervously preparing at home at this time.

Especially for Wang Xia and Yu Yunjin, they are both responsible for basically everything.

As for Hu Dasheng and Hu Hongwei, it would be nice to not help.

"Xiao Rui, your bridesmaids and friends, let them come here early tomorrow, but don't be too late."

"I know Mom, I have already told them."

"Call again to confirm, and make sure you are safe."

"I know, I know."

"If you know, don't hurry up, hey, you girl will be married right away. How can you be safe at all? How can I rest assured that your dad and I..." Wang Xia started nagging while packing her things.

In order to clean the ear roots, Hu Xiaorui ran back to her room long ago.

"Mom, Xiao Rui is so old, so don't say a few words, besides Fang Xinbin, I think he is good, and he is quite stable." Sister Yu Yunjin persuaded.

"Oh, I know what you said. By the way, old man, Xiaowei, you can decorate the house, and paste all the words "Happy"..."

Wang Xia did not nag Hu Xiaorui, but started nagging her husband and son.


Yu Yunjin can see it, Wang Xia is nagging, but she is reluctant to bear Xiao Rui.

As for Hu Dasheng, his face was stinking all the time, and he didn't smile much today.

"Mom, sit and rest, and leave the rest to me." Yu Yunjin said.

"Let's do it." Wang Xia hesitated and nodded.

But before sitting down, he ran into Hu Xiaorui's room again.

After a while, I heard her say loudly and authentically: "You girl, I asked you to call your friends to confirm, not to let you chew on the apple and play on the phone..."

"Hey~" Yu Yunjin sighed again.

When I turned my head and saw that the son in Hu Hongwei's arms was looking at her with big eyes, he couldn't help but feel better again.

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