My dad's life

Chapter 96

When eating at noon, Fang Yuan always felt that Lan Caiyi’s attitude was a bit wrong, but when he looked closely, he couldn't see the problem. Could it be his own illusion?

After lunch, Fang's father decided to take Zhou Damin to the orchard. Su Yanyan and Fang's mother naturally also followed, and Zhou Xiaoya was bored.

"Xinxin, Xiaoshan, you also go to the orchard with grandma!" When Mom Fang left, she glanced at the blue color clothes who was helping Fangyuan clean up the dishes, and then beckoned to the two little guys playing on the sofa. .

The two little guys felt bored at home, so naturally they agreed to follow them. One person followed behind with a small bamboo basket and was not allowed to help.

So only Fang Yuan and Lan Caiyi were left in the house.......

As soon as everyone left, Lan Caiyi put the bowls and chopsticks in her hands on the table, and then sat on the sofa with her arms bulging.

"What's wrong with you?" Fang Yuan asked cautiously, and at the same time wondered where he made a mistake.

"What's wrong with me? What's wrong with you?" Lan Caiyi glared at Fangyuan.

Seeing her face with big eyes wide open, her small angry appearance, with a different style, Fang Yuan's heart swayed, put aside the work in her hands, walked over and took her hand and said: "No matter what, it's all mine. Wrong, don't you be angry, okay?"

"Then what's wrong with you?" Lan Caiyi pulled out her hand and lifted her eyebrows.

Fangyuan: "..."

"Or..., tell me what I did wrong, and I still can't change it?" Fang Yuan also looked dazed.

"I ask you, did you ever fall in love in your second year of high school?" Lan Caiyi glared at him.

Fang Yuan was shocked, did she know?No wonder mom called Xinxin and Xiaoshan away just now. Did Dad say that he missed her mouth, or did Mom say that she missed her mouth?

"Why don't you speak, tell me honestly." Lan Caiyi said angrily.

She stretched her foot and kicked Fangyuan's calf, but she was caught by Fangyuan and moved upward along her ankle.

Lan Caiyi is wearing a blue waist skirt with white dots today. The length of the skirt is just below the knee, which is very convenient for touching up with her hands.

Lan Caiyi's legs are like most northern girls, slender and round, with a fleshy feeling, soft to the touch, and feel very good.

Lan Caiyi held the corner of the skirt with one hand, and held his big evil hand with the other, "If you don't make it clear today, don't you want to touch me?"

"You can touch you if you make it clear?" Fang Yuan deliberately arrogantly asked.

"Hurry up and tell me, don't sloppy with me." Lan Caiyi said angrily.

"Well, I did chase a girl in the second year of high school, but that was all how many years ago." Fangyuan knew that he didn't explain it clearly today, and it is estimated that Lan Caiyi will not stop.

"It's the Hua Ruyi I met on the street today?" Lan Caiyi said with certainty, sometimes women's instincts are very scary.

"Yes, it's her." Since she is confessed, then it is not good to cover up.

Hearing this, Lan Caiyi looked at him suspiciously and said, "What is the relationship between the little girl today and you? Why is she called Xiaoyuan?"

"What do you think? I haven't seen her since college. I haven't seen her for almost eight years. You also saw the girl today, at most about the same age as Xiaoshan. How could it have anything to do with me? , And she is married, but someone with a husband?" Fang Yuan explained quickly, he was sure that the little girl had nothing to do with her, because he was only in the second year of high school...

In the third year of high school, Hua Ruyi was still in school normally, and it was not Nezha who was only born three years and six months pregnant.

However, Fang Yuan obviously ignored that men quarreling are all super logical, while women quarreling are all quarreling emotions.

So Lan Caiyi was not angry, but even more angry: "So you slept with her?"

"Ah!" Fang Yuan looked dazed, aren't we talking about the child?

"It's not important anymore. Tell me honestly, have you slept with her?"

"No." Fang Yuan said seriously.

He used his personality to assure that he really never slept with Hua Ruyi. Can Hetina call it a bed?

"Believe you a ghost, your big pig's hoof is very bad. I said that when I first did it with me, how did you have so much experience? It turned out to have actual combat experience. What did you lie to me about being self-taught?" Lan Caiyi Annoyed and authentic.

"Sometimes you have to believe that there are really geniuses in this world, and I am a genius without a single one." Fang Yuan looked serious.

Lan Caiyi laughed angrily by him. Is your genius used for these things?

"You're still talking nonsense to me, you big trotters."

"Don't believe me, I'm really a genius." Fang Yuan smiled, suddenly put her head to her ear, and licked her eardrop.

"Ah..." A tingling sensation rose from the bottom of her heart, making her feel a little soft, and then she was hugged by Fang Yuan, and her hands were not honestly reached from the bottom of her skirt.

"Asshole, it's broad daylight now?"

"What happened during the day? The daytime things are done at night, why can't the evening things be done during the day?" Fang Yuan couldn't allow her to refute, and kissed her directly, almost making her breathless.

Then she was sore and feeble, she was directly hugged upstairs by Fang Yuan.


An hour later, Fangyuan, who was hesitating, continued to go downstairs to clean up the dishes. If it weren't for the fear that Fang's mother and the others would come back suddenly, why he had to talk to Lan Caiyi upstairs again, she had to be convinced.

After finishing the dishes and chopsticks, Fangyuan Jianfang’s mother and the others did not come back, so they did not go upstairs to disturb Lan Caiyi to rest. Instead, they turned on the computer to check how many bitcoins had been produced in the past few days.

[Spore] was put into the network last Wednesday, and 6 days have passed until today. According to his estimation, 530 Bitcoins should have been generated.

Sure enough, he opened his Bitcoin wallet, which was more than he estimated, with a total of 565 Bitcoins.

So Fangyuan directly linked them to several reputable trading websites in batches, because the current market price is 741, and Fangyuan set the price at around 72 to 73 thousand in order to sell it as soon as possible.

Because of Fangyuan’s low-price sell-off, it was quickly taken over, and because of Fangyuan’s sell-off, the market price of Bitcoin was pulled down a bit. However, Fangyuan did a one-shot deal, and it didn’t care much.

Because it is a foreign website, according to the exchange rate of US dollars, an average of about 10,500 US dollars per piece, 565 pieces, a total of about 5.93 million US dollars in income, according to the current exchange rate, the adult is more than 40 million yuan, which is not A small amount, in order to avoid long nights and dreams, Fangyuan directly chose to settle.

Of course, it is impossible to get the account right away. The website will have to review the money, and then deduct the handling fee and taxes. If nothing goes wrong, it should be around 35 million.

With this money, Fangyuan can do a lot of things.

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