My dad's life

Chapter 973 New Energy

Time flies quickly, and it will be until the end of June, when everyone is checking the official website forums every day to find some internal beta information.

Fang Lan broke several big news in a row.

First of all, Fanglan Group opens virtual community interfaces to all platforms.

Major companies can apply through the official application, and then they can move their websites and applications into the virtual world.

This invisibly gave people in the Internet industry a reassurance.

Originally they were worried that after the virtual world became popular, they would be eliminated by the new system.

But now Fanglan Group has opened up the virtual interface and allowed major Internet companies to settle in, which means that he will still be needed.

However, Fanglan Group is not a philanthropist, and 15% of the income will be collected as the operating expenses of the virtual community.

15% For many small and medium Internet companies that do not have their own channels, this is simply too conscience.

Apple tax is still 30%. As for the tax from other domestic channels, at least 40%. Fang Lan only needs half of the apple tax. What else can you say?

But the big Internet companies with their own channels are not happy.

Originally, how much I earned and how much I received, but now I'm being distributed 15% for no reason, no one feels comfortable.

But there is no way if you are uncomfortable. Virtual networks must be the future development trend. If you do not join, you will be eliminated or replaced. This is no one wants.

Therefore, we can only accept the overlord clause like Fanglan Group.

If it is a small business, they may unite to knock it down or annex it.

But Fanglan Group is different from other companies. It is a high-tech company, and every product can be said to lead an era.

Besides, there is a great god like Fangyuan, who is the greatest wealth. For him, the country can give up any enterprise.

So there is no company that is dizzy and dare to compete with Fang Lan.

Don't underestimate the 15% rake. After the global virtualization, this 15% will be a very large number.

Of course, Fangyuan has an advantage. It is self-aware and will judge the situation and never feel complacent.

This is also the second thing that Fanglan Group does. It opens the interface to the national tax system, and all virtual taxes are completely transparent.

In this way, the country has taxes, and the radius is rich. He is not greedy.

The third thing is to give away 100,000 sets of handheld portable 3D scanners to the whole people for free.

This 3D scanner is somewhat similar to a barcode scanner in a shopping mall.

But it's even more compact, and is linked via Bluetooth and the "Everything App" developed by Shangfanglan Group.

Every time an item is scanned, the user can get a certain amount of points according to the size of the item.

After entering the virtual world, the points can be exchanged for virtual world items in a certain proportion.

All users can claim one piece by virtue of their ID card, and cannot apply repeatedly, first come first served.

Of course, users who haven't grabbed it don't have to be sad, as long as they spend 199 yuan, they can buy one on Fanglan's official website.

And you don’t need an ID card, just buy it.

It's 199 yuan. It's so cheap. It is estimated that all the tattered ones on the street can be taken out, so users are shouting the conscience of Fanglan Group.

But is Fangyuan really conscience?

The few who knew the truth felt that Fangyuan was too black-hearted.

Why do you say that, because these people are helping Fangyuan work for free, helping him improve the game.

Not to mention helping him work for free, but also paying him back.

If you want to model everything in the world through art, or the Fanglan game team to scan the items by yourself, let alone spend a lot of money and resources, time is also a big issue.

But now, all the people are working for him. It may take less than a month, and the entire world's existing item data will be uploaded to Fanglan's server.

Of course, items cannot be submitted repeatedly, as long as others have submitted them, it is useless to submit them again.

So if you want to get points, you have to scan first.

So many idle and boring people scan everywhere with 3D scanners.

Among them, the store tally staff probably enjoy the greatest convenience.

Directly hold the scanner in one hand, and hold the scanner in the other, so you can scan both.

Therefore, players who have been in closed testing these days suddenly found that there are many kinds of items in the game.

The original game world is equivalent to a crude primitive society, just a big frame, and many objects in reality are few.

But now it suddenly increased.

Fang Yuan also checked the database every day, and was stunned by the rapid increase in speed and variety.

Knives and screws, as large as airplanes, cannons, guns and ammunition, they all have them.

Because this sale is for the whole world, that is to say, in addition to Daxia, foreigners can also buy.

The upload of these data has caused Fanglan's storage capacity to increase sharply.

But it did not exceed Fangyuan's expectations.

Because of the storage method of Fangyuan, it is not a picture or a 3D model at all.

It is a string of numbers.

Someone took the scanner apart, trying to figure out how it works.

The principle of the scanner is very simple, but the system inside is very complicated. What it scans is uploaded to the "Wanwu APP" as a string of numbers.

So many companies want to crack it and use it, but it's no use at all.

Actually, each item has a string of data belonging to it, which is both the item ID and the item string code.

This is Fangyuan's solution to operation and storage, a completely new algorithm.

Anyone who has studied 3D modeling knows that 3D is nothing more than the stretching of points and surfaces.

As for the colors, patterns, and text of objects, they can all be classified as colors and layouts.

Those who have studied PS know that no matter which color has its chromaticity, all colors are based on the extension of the three primary colors.

So after the scanner scans the item, it records this data.

When these data are transmitted to Supercomputing, the three-year-old can directly generate corresponding items according to the algorithm given by Fangyuan, which is convenient and does not occupy storage space.

But even so, Fangyuan has never stopped upgrading its supercomputing center.

That is, the monthly energy consumption is too great.

Fang Yuan started to feel pain.

So during this time, he has been soaking in the laboratory, researching new energy.

In Fangyuan’s memory, "The Principles and Maintenance of Agricultural Machinery Construction" is a race belonging to the Sun civilization.

This civilization has achieved interstellar colonization, and the so-called agricultural machinery actually refers to the agricultural development machinery on a planet.

This civilization first worshipped the sun, using solar energy, and in the end it was no longer limited to the sun, collecting the energy of stars everywhere in the universe.

They have also made a portable artificial sun long ago.

When it comes to portable artificial suns, the first thing that comes to mind is Dr. Octopus in Marvel.

Moreover, Fanglan Industrial Park is close to the sea. Deuterium and tritium, which are abundant in the seawater, will undergo nuclear fusion under high temperature conditions like the sun, providing a steady stream of clean energy for mankind.

This kind of fusion is also called thermonuclear fusion, with violent energy and difficult to control.

Therefore, scientists have proposed a reverie about whether it can lower its temperature and carry out nuclear fusion at relatively low temperature or normal temperature, so it is also called cold nuclear fusion.

The Iron Man’s Ark reactor is a fantasy product of cold nuclear fusion reverie.

This sudden change will greatly reduce the reaction requirements, more common and simple equipment can be used, and it will also make the polynuclear reaction safer.

But is this really just a reverie?

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