My dad's life

Chapter 975

"Brother Zhang Long said, his father took him for a drive last time, but it was fun, father, will you join me for a drive?"

The little guy hugged his round legs and looked forward to his neck.

Lan Caiyi thought that Fangyuan would refuse, and then explained to her what a true drive was.

Unexpectedly, Fang Yuan took the plastic bag in her hand, then held it high in the air and laughed: "Then, let's take a ride together."

Then ran around the yard.

The little guy happily followed behind.


It's all their laughter.

Seeing that Fangyuan is like a fool, it is fun to play.

Lan Caiyi directly covered his face, saying that he was good, whether he was a talent with high IQ or a fool with low IQ.

"I'll be back after a while, it's so hot." Lan Caiyi still exhorted, and then walked home.

"Grandma, Fang Yuan can watch here, let's go back to the house." Lan Caiyi squatted down and said when she passed her grandma.

"It's okay, I just sit here, idle and idle, watching them make trouble, grandma is happy." Grandma grabbed Lan Caiyi's hand and said with a smile.

"It's hot outside, let's go inside." Lan Caiyi persuaded again.

Although the sun has set, the ground temperature is still very high, and even popcorn knows to lie beside grandma's feet instead of running behind the little guy.

"It's really not necessary, but Xinxin has been playing for a while, let her come back and drink some water."

"Knowing grandma, you come in with me." Lan Caiyi wanted to help her up.

Grandma didn't insist on hearing this, stood up, still wanting to take her own small chair.

Lan Caiyi rushed to get it first, how could she get it.

"Are you busy at work at the company?" Grandma asked.

"Not busy, work is easy."

"That's good, but the work must be done well and not sloppy, otherwise the big boss will be unhappy."

Grandma is still thinking about it, and she doesn't know that Fang Yuan is the big boss.

"It's okay, the big boss won't be upset." Lan Caiyi said with a smile.

"I'm telling you, people's hearts are separated by the belly, and those big bosses are very bad, otherwise how do they get rich?" Grandma felt that she understood very well that big capitalists were bad guys.

"Haha~" Lan Caiyi finally laughed out loud.

"Grandma, my big boss is Fangyuan."

Grandma didn't react when she heard this.

"That's the company I work for, all of them are Fangyuan, he is the big boss." Lan Caiyi explained.

"Didn't you say that Fang Yuan is a great scientist?" Grandma was a little puzzled.

"Yes, but I didn't say that a big scientist can't be a big boss?"

"That's right, you see I'm always confused, but Fangyuan is a good boy, and he will definitely not make black-hearted money."

Lan Caiyi smiled and nodded.

But he didn't think so, Fang Yuan was also dark, but relatively speaking, he was somewhat conscientious.

"Look, Dad packed a big bag of wind for you."

Fangyuan tied the bag tightly and handed the bulging plastic bag to the little guy.

The little guy carefully held it in his hand, feeling light and light.

She looked left and right, it looked a bit like a big balloon!

So he stretched his arms into the air.

But it fell directly without accident.

"Can't fly?" The little guy was a little puzzled.

"Of course I can't fly, because the quality of the air inside is the same as the air outside. What's more, a plastic bag is added so that it weighs more than the air outside, so I can't fly?" Fang Yuan squatted down and explained to her Tao.


"Dad what are you talking about?" The little guy looked puzzled.

"Well, you didn't say anything when you were a father. In short, such a bag can't fly unless a strong wind blows it up."

"Oh, then let's take this bag of wind home."

Talking about the little guy carrying the bag, he turned and walked home.

"Hey, hey..." The little guy pretended to be struggling as he walked.

"Is this heavy?" Fang Yuan asked speechlessly.

"Of course, you see it is so big, it must be very heavy!" Little Pig continued to pretend to hum.

"How about dad help you carry it?"

The little guy immediately opened his arms to hug him.

"What are you doing?"

Fangyuan is a little confused, I want to help you carry the bag, not to hug you.

"The bag is too heavy, you hold me, I carry the bag, so that you are not heavy." The little guy grinned.

"Hehe~, are you really smart?"

But Fangyuan still hugged Little Pig.

In fact, this is her request to hug in disguise.

What a grinning little fairy.

"Grandma, look, daddy helped me with a bag of wind?" After entering the house, the little guy happily showed off to grandma.

"A bag of wind?"

Grandma too was puzzled upon hearing this.

"Look." The little guy happily passed the bag.

"Huh, why is it deflated?"

The little guy retracted his arm in doubt.

"The wind has slipped away."

He sighed as he spoke, quite regretful.

Looking at her stupid appearance, Lan Caiyi walked over to take the plastic bag, and then shook it twice in the air to make the bag bulge again.

Then he handed it to her: "Now, I've caught it again."

But the little guy seemed to be insulted, his eyes widened, and angrily said: "Do you think I am a fool?"

"Why do I consider you a fool?" Lan Caiyi asked silently.

"You obviously pretended to be air, and you lied to me that it was wind?" the little guy asked angrily, akimbo.

"Uh-, is there any difference?" Lan Caiyi asked suspiciously.

The little guy heard the words and took a deep breath: "This is air."

Then he puffed up his small mouth and blew a few times, "This is the wind."

"That's fine." Lan Caiyi opened the bag and squeezed the air away.

Then he blew a few breaths into it, blew it up, tightened the mouth of the bag and said, "Is the wind here?"

Little Pig: [○Д´○]

But how can a child admit defeat, "I don't want it, your wind is not as big as Dad just caught."

"You kid, don't make sense?" Lan Caiyi was also really tempered by her.

"Quickly let go of your wind and return the bag to me. I want my father to help me catch it again." The little guy said angrily.

"You little thing..." Lan Caiyi was also angry, and she slapped the bag flat with her hand.


"Actually, I think a small wind is also very good, a small wind is very cute." The little guy whispered.

Seeing her cautious appearance, Lan Caiyi finally couldn't help it, laughing.

The little guy was confused. He was still angry just now. Why did he start laughing again.

What a strange mother.

The little guy quietly stayed away from her, and then ran towards his father's arms.

"Dad, daddy, mom will be angry and happy, is she sick?"

"I think you are a little bit too slapped, right." Lan Caiyi chased up angrily.

"Dad help, look, look, she's angry again."

The little guy yelled loudly, while circling around to avoid his mother's pursuit.

All the laughter at home for a while.

Isn't this life?

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