"As long as you are with Yoshiyuki, you will feel super safe!" Erina didn't pay much attention to this report, but said very confidently: "What kind of serial murderer, we don't even know he died when we meet Who is it?"

"Yes, but don't be careless because of it." Yixing felt that something was wrong: "It says a strange death."

This kind of report only mentioned that the way of death was weird, but it didn't explain how weird it was. Let Yixing be very upset.

He hates this kind of half-talking situation the most.

It arouses curiosity, but stops abruptly at key points, without giving any explanations that allow people to truly understand the status quo.

Fortunately, he still heard the details of this case after returning home.

At that time, Yoshiyuki was preparing meals in the kitchen, while Erina was lazily lying on the sofa watching TV.

She was waiting for the broadcast of NHK's new animation, so in the process, she saw the news program first.

Among them, there is an introduction to this case by NHK reporters.

In the past week so far, five cases with the same method have occurred in Akihabara and surrounding areas. The victims are girls from junior high school and high school, as reported by the police.

The found dead were all abandoned in various remote corners, and all that remained were only a pile of bones and clothing.

Some people who witnessed the scene before the police blocked it claimed that there were traces of being bitten by teeth on the bones, and some were even bitten off directly, which was very scary.

At present, the case has been directly investigated by the Metropolitan Police Department, but so far it seems that there has been no progress.

Reporters and terrified Akihabara residents were dissatisfied with the incompetence of the police and called on them to bring the murderer to justice as soon as possible.

"This case is very wrong. The bones have been bitten? There shouldn't be beasts in places like Akihabara." Yoshiyuki Maekawa frowned slightly while stirring the egg liquid: "Could it be that a demon is causing trouble?"

"It's possible. If that's the case, then it's normal for the police to find no clues." Erina lightly pressed the pink ball in her arms, changed her position and lay on her side on the sofa, looking thoughtful .

After a while, she spoke again.

"Actually, even if I don't make a promise, I plan to solve the weird incidents around me when I go to school in Tokyo. As a witch of the underworld, although my only responsibility is to maintain the seal on the gate of the underworld and prevent the underworld from disturbing the ordinary world, but since If you have the ability to fight against evil spirits, I think you should stand up, okay?"

"Since Miss has this awareness, I will of course fully support you." Speaking of this, Maekawa Yoshiyuki paused, and then reminded: "However, safety is the most important thing, Miss It's not worth risking your own life to deal with monsters."

"You are so long-winded, of course I know!" Erina turned over on the sofa and nearly rolled to the ground: "I was thinking. There is still a while before I leave school, how about we investigate this incident? Try it Can you find out the real culprit!"

Of course Yixing expressed his support.

In fact, he always agrees with Missy's ideas.

Make an exception for his idea of ​​women's clothing.

After a while.

"Yoshiyuki, I want to eat chocolate biscuits! Take them to the refrigerator for me."

Erina didn't bother to get off the sofa, so she just leaned on it and ordered Yoshiyuki who just walked out of the bathroom.

He had just been filling the tub with water and heating it up so he could soak right after dinner.

Because the bathtub here is very big and round, Yoshiyuki couldn't help but fantasize about what it would be like to take a bath in it with the eldest lady, which delayed the time to come out a little.

Of course, Yoshiyuki is just fantasizing a little bit, it is impossible to really do this.

He would only go in to take a bath after the eldest lady finished taking a bath.

"No." Yoshiyuki Maekawa flatly vetoed Missy's request: "Master, we are going to eat soon, and snacks are prohibited. You can make dessert after dinner."

"Why, I've left my hometown, so there's no need to abide by such rules!" Erina's tone was aggrieved: "You only need to obey my orders now! Give me the biscuits."

"Miss, just because there are only two of us here, I should do my best to serve you and ensure your health. So please forgive me for not being able to obey some of your requirements in daily life and other aspects."

"Woo...Okay." Erina heard that he was so determined, so she gave up and continued to insist, muttering like this: "Hey, Yoshiyuki, you are clearly a servant, why can't you be obedient to me?"

"Master, good servants will never be obedient. Because we need to help the master become better and play a supervisory role. So if a certain order of yours will harm you, I will not Obeyed. This is the proof of my loyalty to you."

Yixing knew that the eldest lady would still listen to him in terms of eating well, so he insisted on it.

In fact, he has repeatedly tried to prevent the eldest lady from being a night owl, but all ended in failure. In the end he had to take a step back and stay up all night with her, but refused to stay up all night.

"Okay, okay, I know...don't be so serious all of a sudden." Erina squeezed the ball in her arms to bounce slightly, and completely chose to admit defeat: "Hmph, you are not afraid that I will replace you, Get a more obedient servant."

"Then change it." Yi Xing said with a smile, knowing that the eldest lady was just joking: "I'm afraid that the eldest lady will not give up."

"Cut! He won't be reluctant." Erina muttered in such a low voice, obviously she didn't have much confidence.

After all, she was so used to Yixing's existence that she never really imagined what life would be like without him.

I don't want to think about it either.

If not, she would not have insisted on taking Yoshiyuki to Tokyo with her. This is the only necessity, even a thousand times more important than her favorite dumpling doll.

In Erina's view, life in a big city would be unattractive without Yoshiyuki to accompany her.

It would be better to continue to stay in that boring countryside, and continue to be bound by the cage woven by the Yida family.

"Come on, miss. The meal is ready." Yoshiyuki placed the bowls and chopsticks, and greeted Erina who was watching the animation on the sofa with great relish.

"Oh!" She stared at the TV intently, put down the dumpling, and approached the dining table.

On the way, I almost fell because I didn't look at the road.

"Be careful, miss. Isn't the animation being recorded? Then it's okay if you don't stare like this."

"Hmph, you still don't understand, Yixing! How can you get the best viewing experience if you don't concentrate on watching the new series at the first time?"

"I think it's the most enjoyable to watch slowly after recording." Yixing complained: "Watching the first broadcast on TV is too tormented. Some details are completely missed and then broadcast. There is no way to pause and rewind."

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