
Yixing sat up from the bed, rubbed his forehead, looked at the morning light slightly shining through the curtains, and thought: I suddenly want to eat lychees.

He decided to buy some.

Litchi is a very expensive fruit in Japan. It is basically sold in a small plastic box or wooden box with one or two pieces. Even if it is cheap, it costs 500 yen a piece.

An all-you-can-eat meal like Erina's is too extravagant for ordinary people.

Yixing actually has a lot of savings.

Over the years, the eldest lady has always given him pocket money.

He basically didn't want anything for himself, and Erina never let him spend money when buying something shared by the two of them, so the money has been lying in the bank and saved a lot.

He decided to keep saving money silently in this way, in case of a rainy day.

Although Yi Xing felt that the eldest lady would never be short of money, he still wanted to be just in case. As long as he has money in his hand, even if something really happens, he can help Erina tide over the difficulties.

So from Yoshiyuki's point of view, this money is regarded as he saved it for Erina.

After all, the worrying eldest lady always spends money lavishly, and she really needs someone to save her a way out.

Last night, in order to avoid oversleeping due to a sudden change of environment, Yixing set an alarm clock after a long absence.

However, the living habit of serving the eldest lady for many years has made Yi Xing's biological clock quite accurate. He still woke up at the right time, even before the alarm clock went off.

So, what should I cook for the eldest lady in the morning?

After Yixing finished washing, he turned on the TV to play the morning news as background music, yawned and opened the refrigerator, and looked at the ingredients inside.

It's decided, let's bake some egg pancakes and serve it to Missy with her favorite banana yogurt!

Thinking of this, Yixing quickly took action.

The so-called banana yogurt is not a finished product directly bought in the supermarket.

It was Yixing himself who used a blender to crush bananas, and then blended them with a specific brand of yogurt in perfect proportions.

This is Missy's favorite flavor. Called Yixing Banana Yogurt by Erina.

Trying to evenly blend the whole cup of mashed bananas and thick yogurt without overpowering or undermining the banana flavor in one bite can be tiring. It has to be whipped with a tamper at high speed and in a specific way for half a minute to make perfect banana milk.

Suo Xingyi's arm strength and endurance are extremely amazing, which is not much of a challenge for him.

Just when he made a satisfactory banana milk and put it in the refrigerator to refrigerate, he heard a very emotional broadcast on the TV.

Another teenage girl who was about to enter high school was found dead in her apartment, leaving only a pile of bones.

Although it was impossible to confirm whether there were bite marks on the bones because the Metropolitan Police Department sealed off the scene, the reporter believes that this is basically in line with the usual modus operandi of serial killers.

It was mentioned in the news that according to gossip, the parents of the deceased were often busy outside and neglected to take care of their daughter, so they found the body of the deceased when they returned home three days after the incident.

In addition, the reporter also claimed that, although this has not been confirmed by the police, the crime scene showed no signs of violent intrusion into the residence. Therefore, it is suspected that the prisoner was brought into the room voluntarily by the deceased. This may indicate that the deceased was deceived, or even very familiar with the prisoner.

At the end of the news, parents with teenage daughters are urged to pay more attention to their children and finish work as early as possible to go home. Girls themselves must also be vigilant against strangers, and avoid going to secluded corners alone, let alone going out at night.

This is so weird... Yixing heard it and frowned: Is the crime scene the deceased's house?

So far, six victims have been identified.

The murderer must be caught as soon as possible to prevent the tragedy from happening again.

Yixing fell into contemplation of the case, but soon, the sound of the eldest lady pushing open the bedroom door attracted his attention.

Erina hugged the dumpling sleepily, yawned, and said vaguely.

"Oh, good morning, Yixing."

"Morning, master. It's so rare that I woke up today without being called."

"Hmph... isn't it amazing?" Erina was actually a little proud.

The eldest lady who always stays up late and doesn't want to go to sleep, once she falls asleep, it is difficult to wake up on time.

"Yes, Miss." In order to cheer her up, Yixing smiled wryly, but didn't talk back: "Put the dumpling on the sofa, and go wash up. It's time for breakfast."

Erina was obviously still in a daze, because just now she wanted to carry the dumpling to the toilet.

Even after brushing her teeth and washing her face, she took off her nightgown and put on her normal clothes, she still looked sleepy. Even just lying on the dining table like this, he closed his eyes, as if he was about to fall asleep again.

"Come on, miss. Be careful it's hot."

Yixing put the sizzling omelet on a porcelain plate, poured another cup of banana yogurt, and placed it gently in front of the eldest lady.

"Wow!" Looking at the golden omelet in front of her, Erina finally came to her senses, and excitedly licked her soft and crystal-clear lips, eager to try it: "It looks great! It would be even better if Yoshiyuki would feed it to me." Already!"

"No problem, miss."

Yixing didn't feel that feeding the eldest lady was a troublesome task at all.

He actually enjoyed it too.

Even if Erina asks him to serve and feed each meal, Yoshiyuki doesn't mind.

Therefore, Maekawa Yoshiyuki squatted slightly and stood beside Erina, cutting the omelette into small pieces for her, observing the speed at which the eldest lady chewed and swallowed, and passed a bite with a fork at the right time.

At the same time, from time to time, gently dry her mouth with a paper towel, so as not to let the oil stains cause discomfort to the owner.

As for the yogurt, the eldest lady drank it herself. It is impossible to get the best experience by letting others feed the drink.

If you are not careful, you will choke.

"Okay, Yoshiyuki, I'll do the rest myself. Your portion will go cold if you don't eat it."

After the plate was half empty, Erina proposed with such satisfaction.

"It's okay, miss. Egg pancakes are also good to eat cold." Yoshiyuki continued to cut small pieces from the omelet pancakes that could be swallowed by Erina's mouth, and mentioned the news just now: "By the way, Mrs. Miss, there is another news about a serial killer."

"Cough, cough..." Erina almost choked on the yogurt when she heard this, "What? Someone died again?"

Yixing then recounted the content of the report he had just heard.

As Erina listened, her expression became a little uncomfortable.

He no longer opened his mouth to eat the egg pancakes that Yoshiko brought to his mouth.

"Miss, don't be sad. Things have already happened, we can't change them." Yixing sighed and comforted her like this: "It's like the evil spirit you exorcised yesterday, isn't it? No one can change her death The fact of being in the fire. All we can do is find the murderer and kill him. After all, this guy is obviously a monster."

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