"How can Yukikaze Maru express so many meanings just by shouting?" Yoshiyuki suddenly felt that there was something suspicious here, so he asked in confusion.

"Humph~ What Yukikaze Maru wants to express has nothing to do with the number of screams!" Asakura said with a smile, talking about how she got these buns just now.

Just as Yoshiyuki thought.

She bought one, but the purchase limit was only one. I didn't want to eat such a good thing just for myself, and it was too little for each person, so I wanted to get some more for them, so I had an idea and proposed a duel.

The rules are simple. Those who are willing to participate in the duel will engage in a melee, and whoever is still standing at the end will take all the buns.

The four people who were willing to fight her were all powerful, but Asakura quickly defeated them one by one. A large number of onlookers gathered along the way.

What happened after that was what Yoshiyuki and others saw.

After saying this triumphantly, Asakura looked at everyone expectantly, as if waiting for everyone to praise her.

Yoshiyuki was the first to realize this, so he took the lead in praising Asakura, and immediately made her feel happy with a simple and easy rainbow fart. Even a little embarrassed.

"Hehehe...we're not that powerful either!"

"No way! Don't be modest. I say these words from the bottom of my heart! You definitely deserve these compliments!"

"Really? We actually think so too~ Hey, hey..."

So coaxing!

Easier to coax than the eldest lady!

It’s only a few sentences and I’m lost!

Yoshiyuki suddenly became emotional.

At this moment, Asakura suddenly broke out of his complacency as if he remembered something important, and shouted quickly.

"Ah, yes, this is not the time to talk about this! There are still other things to do!"

Before he finished speaking, Asakura took out the buns and placed them in front of a table.

"Just sit here! Help me look at the buns, we have to buy food!"

"Ah, I'll go too!" Kodera Makiko quickly followed.

It seemed that she didn't bring a lunch box at all and planned to buy food in the cafeteria from the beginning.

Since Yi Xing and others had no need to buy food, they sat down and waited for the time being. The same goes for Yukikaze Maru.

Erina looked around curiously, catching the figures of the two Asakuras.

"Hey, servant Tan. Thinking about it this way, this is my first time eating in the cafeteria."

"After all, there aren't many students in the village, and basically every family brings food, so there's no need to build a canteen."

"Ah, speaking of the cafeteria..." Sakurayuki Chiai touched Yukikaze Maru's big face and spoke softly: "This is also the first time I have seen this kind of free ordering."

In Sakurajima Academy's cafeteria, you can order by paying money to buy coupons from a machine.

Just like such machines in ordinary restaurants.

After paying and issuing the coupon, the corresponding window will receive a notification and start cooking.

After that, when the dish is served, it will prompt you with the number of the dish. After your food arrives, just take the coupon to pick up your meal.

Therefore, Yoshiyuki asked Sister Yingxue whether the cafeterias in her elementary school and junior high school were the kind of school catering.

The answer she got was that both her elementary school and junior high school paid for meals.

The lunch fee for elementary schools is 5,000 yen a month.

In the middle school, it is 5,500.

Because my family was in a poor financial situation, I got a lot of relief.

That kind of lunch is nutritionally balanced, but not optional. You can only eat whatever is given to you today.

For each lunch, the staple food is randomly selected from the following types.

Onigiri, rice, udon, pasta and curry rice.

Side dishes include fish, boiled vegetables, stir-fries, stews, fried foods, etc. There will be no pickled food.

Fish is usually grilled.

Fried food is usually croquettes, fried chicken, fried shrimp, etc.

In addition, there are three things that are essential.

That's miso soup, real milk and fruit.

Milk comes in bottles, and every student must drink it after meals. It cannot be taken away or thrown away. It is a rigid rule and must be checked every day.

You can handle the fruit however you like.

Yingxue usually takes it home and eats it with her mother.

If it is cheaper fruits such as oranges and bananas, then one will be given.

If you give more expensive fruits such as watermelons, apples and pears, give each person a piece or a few small pieces. Occasionally, canned fruit is given, which is the cheapest and the quantity is larger.

When Yoshiyuki first arrived in Japan, he was shocked at how expensive pears here were.

Because in the city where he had been living before traveling, pears were one of the cheapest fruits.

But after arriving in Japan, its price has increased rapidly, making it difficult for ordinary people to enjoy it casually.

To give an exaggerated example, there is a classmate in another country whose parents broke up because of pears.

It is said that the best time for pears is when you drink too much and wake up thirsty and hungover the next morning.

At this time, take the pears out of the refrigerator! After one sip, the sweet and refreshing juice immediately flowed from the mouth into the throat, and then spread throughout the body!

It is said that it really couldn’t be more enjoyable.

You will feel refreshed and no longer thirsty. All the cells in the body seemed to wake up, and the discomfort was swept away!

This is how my classmate’s father eats pears.

Such expensive fruit cannot be eaten open, so it can only be cut into slices. His mother would cut four slices of pears according to the number of people in the family in advance in the evening, put them on a small plate, wrap them in plastic wrap, and put them in the refrigerator to refrigerate, waiting to be eaten the next morning.

He originally wanted one slice for each person, but his father often ate all four slices of pears when he woke up in the morning after drinking too much.

It is said that although he knew very well that he should keep a portion for his family, he felt it was too smooth after eating one piece. He couldn't help it and would eat more every time.

As a result, his wife's dissatisfaction accumulated over a long period of time, and she finally took this as an opportunity to have a big quarrel and divorce his father. Custody of the two children was awarded to her.

A family cannot break up just because of this little thing. There must be a deeper reason, like always being drunk.

But he could eat the whole family's pears time and time again, so he must have failed his family in other ways.

From this point of view, divorce is an inevitable outcome.

Yoshiyuki actually wanted to try out whether it was really that good to wake up and eat pears after drinking too much.

But that would have to wait until he was twenty years old, and he was still a little afraid of getting drunk.

After all... it would be terrible if the eldest lady took the opportunity to dress him in women's clothes and do whatever she wanted!

With Yoshiyuki thinking this, he also started to look around.

He saw Kitajima Sayo and Nishida Nao sitting together to eat from a distance, and suddenly became curious.

"What do you guys think of lunch in junior high school, Bei Dao-san?"

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