Erina then complained a few more words, while Seri Matsuno had no expression on her face, and kept repeating "Sorry, please fill in" like an emotionless humanoid machine.

So the eldest lady had to give up and start filling out the forms honestly.

Basically, every form has a lot of useless blanks that don't need to be filled in, so Matsuno has to watch her write the form the whole time and keep telling her where to write next. Often you also need to point with your fingers.

Although this secretary is new, he is obviously very capable and well prepared.

Without reading any information prompts at all, I quickly pointed out all the parts that needed to be filled in those complicated forms.

It looks like she's doing it with ease, but it's actually a very difficult position.

"Speaking of which, Yida-san, you are the sister of the vice-president." Seri Matsuno looked at her filling out the form and mentioned the matter: "The president has wanted to see you for a long time, but unfortunately they just went out for a meeting."

"Well, Yusuke mentioned it to me... He said that the president is studying the underworld magic or something, right? So he wants to use me as a research subject!" When Erina mentioned this, she seemed a little frightened: "That is to say, he wants to pull out my hair. Hair, blood drawing, etc.! They even do things like pulling out entire nails and dissecting them!"

"No, Yida-san." The secretary clarified seriously: "You have misunderstood the president. She would never do anything like dissecting a person."

That means...doing other horrible things! Like pulling out your nails!

There seems to be no misunderstanding at all!

"No! I have to avoid's too dangerous!"

Erina shouted in a hurry, with a look of horror on her face.

I was so frightened that I even signed my name wrong.

Wrote Erina Yida as Yoshiyuki Yida.

"Hey, hey." Yi Xing, who was watching from the side, frowned and complained, "Miss, please don't make such an outrageous mistake, okay? Is it possible to write this wrong?"

"Whoever made the servant so arrogant has disturbed me!"

"What does it have to do with me!"

The eldest lady snorted, crossed out the word "Yi Xing" in one stroke, and prepared to write "Erina" next to it again.

However, he was stopped by Secretary Matsuno.

She took away the form on which Erina had made a typo, took out an identical blank form, and placed it in front of the eldest lady.

"Hey! Can't you even correct the wrong words?!" Erina shouted angrily: "I almost finished filling out the form just now! Hundreds of words were written in vain!"

"If you write something wrong, you can correct it. A signature is just like a seal. It won't work if you make a mistake. So I'm sorry, but please rewrite it."

"This is not like signing in a bank! Why is there any need to make it so complicated?"

"Please rewrite."


"Please rewrite."


"Please rewrite."

"Damn it! No matter what I say, is this the only thing you say?!"

"Yes, please rewrite."


Erina completely lost her temper.

She wrote a new copy listlessly.

When Yoshiyuki saw this scene, he felt very envious.

How good... Secretary Matsuno was able to defeat the eldest lady and make her docile just by repeating the reading!

If only I could use this trick too!

Unfortunately, this is not possible.

Because once Yoshiyuki dared to repeat the reading to the eldest lady like this, Erina would immediately react like this.

"Okay, you servant! How dare you deal with me like this! Are you looking for death?!"

That would be bad.

Although he would not be allowed to commit seppuku, it would be very troublesome to ask the eldest lady to forgive him afterwards. He might even be forced to wear women's clothing to apologize.

If it becomes like that, it's over!

The application form for club members has relatively little content and can be filled out quickly.

Everyone filled out the form one after another and handed it to Matsuno Seri for review one by one.

It seems that according to the regulations, in addition to him, the other two members of the three giants of the student union, the president and vice president, also have to be reviewed separately.

Although the accountant doesn't need to read it, she might be interested, so she'll take a look.

There are only three parts to this application form to fill out.

1: What club do you want to join?

2: Why should you join this society? What attracts you to it?

3: Write your name and class.

The first and third questions are no-brainers.

There is only the second question to consider.

The reason Yoshiyuki finally wrote is very real - the eldest lady likes dango, and in order to accompany the eldest lady, he joined the dango club founded by Erina.

This resulted in him being the first person to turn in the form.

The second one is Sakurayuki Chiai - luckily, it says that she likes dango so she wants to join, and it doesn't mention Yoshiyuki's photos in women's clothing. Let him breathe a sigh of relief.

He didn't see what Nao Nishida and Sae Kitajima wrote on their forms.

But Yoshiyuki guessed that Nao Nishida probably wrote it to accompany Sayaka Kitajima to join the club.

As for what Kitajima Sashi wrote, after being questioned by Secretary Matsuno, he could make a pretty good guess.

It should be something like "In order to realize your dream, you and Erina need to get to know each other deeply."

That's why Secretary Matsuno asked if this dream had anything to do with Dango.

Although Seri Matsuno said she didn't have to answer if she felt bothered, Sayo Kitajima still didn't end the topic directly, but said "That's about it."

This is an effective way to prevent the other party from asking too many questions. It can be seen that Kitajima does not want to publicize any possible future cooperation between her and Erina.

After all, this topic is too complex for ordinary people to understand.

After all the members had submitted the form, Asakura slowly appeared and handed it to Secretary Matsuno.

At the same time, he also complained.

"We really want to ask. Why does the application for joining the club need to be reviewed? You don't need a reason to join a club, right?"

"Good question, Asakura-san. In fact, I think so too, but this is a procedural rule, and I can only follow the rules." The secretary stared at the form she put down without looking up at all: "However, even if the reason is not important, But you can’t just write a ‘brief’, right?”

"Hey~ Why don't we just edit something so meaningless? What's wrong with writing a 'short'? It's a big honor if we don't just leave it empty."

"Oh." Secretary Matsuno had no expression on his face. He took out another application form for department members and pushed it to her: "Anyway, rewrite it. It's unacceptable to just write 'omitted' and then finish it."

"What are you doing! Since I don't know how to express my feelings about joining the dumpling club, of course I have to skip it! It's the same as skipping it because I don't know what to write a review after online shopping! It's not that I want to save trouble, it's just my brain. It’s empty, I can’t write anything!”

"Asakura-san. This is an application form for joining the club, not a review after online shopping!"

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