My daily routine of exorcising demon love with Miss Miko

Chapter 260: Where were you looking just now?

Looking at the suddenly quiet group, it was a hot day in Yi Xing, and I suddenly felt chilled all over.

So, he quickly got the air conditioner remote control and adjusted the room temperature from 23 degrees to 24 degrees.

"Uh, Nishida won't come to our house too, right?" Yoshiyuki was frightened: "Asakura seems to have been hacked to death by her."

"I don't think so!" Erina was also a little nervous: "Because Nishida and Hime are familiar with each other and have a good relationship... so they should be able to accept a certain amount of jokes!"

Yoshiyuki decided not to care about this matter for the time being, but to play games for a while and then see the situation.

Ten minutes later, Yi Xing sent another message in the group.

Yoshiyuki: [Asakura, are you still alive? 】

Asakura: [Ah haha... Of course we are fine. 】

Yingxue: [Ah, great! 】

Yingxue: [There wasn’t a fight, right? 】

Asakura: [Of course not! Let’s just promise not to scare Bei Dao in the future! 】

Asakura: [But it really scared us! She happened to be nearby...]

Nishida: [Oh, am I that scary? 】

Asakura: [Of course! It’s so scary! 】

Asakura: [(The white-haired girl’s frightened expression)]

Asakura: [By the way, where is Beidao? Are you still working? 】

Nishida: [Yes, it’s almost time to get off work. 】

Nishida: [The boss of the store where she works is really outrageous... He actually doesn't allow me to sit there with Sayo-chan all the time... He actually says that I will scare the customers or something! 】

Nishida: [How is this possible? 】

Ah no, it’s very possible!

Yoshiyuki imagined the scene.

Kitajima Sashi brought a bowl of beef bowl to the guest and said with a smile: "Guest, the beef bowl you ordered is here! Please enjoy."

The guest nodded, and when he was about to eat, he glanced at the waiter and realized that this girl was so cute!

So I couldn't help but take another look.

Nao Nishida saw this and thought he was interested in Saye-chan.

As a result, Nishida's expressionless figure immediately appeared in his sight.

Her eyes lost focus and had no reflection. She just stared at the guest, walked closer and whispered.

"This guest...where were you looking just now?"

"Ah? I, I didn't watch it?!" the guest explained hurriedly.

"You're lying..." Nao Nishida's expression remained unchanged. She just took another step closer, lowered her body to the table, leaned into the guest's ear, and whispered softly: "You are staring at Sayo-chan, right... …I’ve seen it all…how do you think it looks? Do you think it looks good?”

If the answer to this question is good, Nishida will probably say, "You really saw it, right? Why did you lie just now?", and then hack you to death.

If you say you don't look good, Nishida will say "How dare you say Saye-chan doesn't look good, go to hell" and then hack you to death.

So I can only insist that I didn’t see it!

Only in this way is it completely safe!

All in all, it’s really scary just thinking about it.

Yoshiyuki decided not to think about this problem and focused on the enjoyable game at the moment.

The hour came quickly.

After that, Yoshiyuki went to sew dumplings.

Late at night, because the eldest lady complained that she was hungry, she and her daughter made a midnight snack - cheese pasta with basil sauce.

That's the classic style of pasta.

Its basil sauce is also called pesto. The color is just like the name, it is green. Mixed on the noodles, it looks very appetizing.

Made from a variety of ingredients including basil leaves.

The basil sauce used in this meal was bought directly from the supermarket by Yi Xing. But he himself has also studied how to make this kind of thing.

Since he doesn't eat pasta very often, and the basil sauce he makes is nothing special, Yi Xing hasn't made his own sauce for a long time.

"Hey, this noodles is delicious!" Erina was eating spaghetti and drinking Coke, and curiously looked at Yoshiyuki who was washing the pot: "Master, don't you want to eat it?"

"You can just eat. I don't care." Yi Xing said as he rubbed his itchy forehead with the back of his hand.

"Hey~ We can still afford the money for one more person's late-night snack." Erina said with a smile, "There is no need to scrimp on food and clothing to save food expenses."

"I don't eat to control my weight!" Yoshiyuki looked at the eldest lady and complained: "Wait a minute, when did you get the Coke? You must have drank too much today! You have consumed so much sugar. Don’t you understand how the pancreatic islets feel?”

"It doesn't matter! It's okay to indulge in a day of indulgence once in a while! Islet will definitely understand me!"

"Is this just an occasional day? It's basically like this every day!" Yoshiyuki shouted helplessly: "Xiaoji, help supervise mom from now on! Don't let her drink so many drinks!"

Demon Sword Girl nodded.

After that, Yoshiyuki felt itchy on her back again, so she asked Ji-chan to scratch it for her.

Since Yoshiyuki is much taller than Hime-chan, he has to squat half down to allow Hime-chan to easily scratch every corner of her back.

Xiaoji's little hands pressed on her back, feeling so comfortable.

Yoshiyuki thought of such a thing while enjoying the feeling of the itching being dispelled.

In fact, it is obviously not easy to itch on my body.

But when your hands are covered with grease, detergent, etc., and you can't scratch them at will, it's especially easy to itch.

It's really incredible.

He felt that this was probably a psychological effect.

When I think that I am not in a state where I can scratch my itch casually, I will pay special attention to whether there is any slight itchiness on my skin.

Once you capture that feeling, you can amplify it infinitely.

Even if there is no itching sensation at all, there are always negative psychological implications, and the itching feeling just appears out of thin air.

Moreover, there is another strange phenomenon.

Originally there may only be one itching spot on the back.

But once someone scratches it there, although it relieves the itch, it may cause the itch to spread to other directions on the back or even the arm.

It will only feel comfortable if you scratch it once.

Why this happened is very difficult for Yi Xing to understand.

After mother and daughter finished their supper, it was almost time for Erina to pray.

Yi Xing specially reminded her that she should pray early today.

Because, today is not only the first day of high school in Tokyo with great significance...

It was also a day when I made many friends.

Then there must be a lot that can be said to Erika.

I must share this joyful mood with the first-generation Miko-sama of Underworld. This will surely make her deeply gratified.

Every time Yoshiyuki thinks about it carefully, he will be impressed by the greatness of Lady Erika.

Because one can feel relief and joy, but also jealousy and resentment when hearing that one's successor lived such a happy life.

Erika never chose the latter.

It is with her blessing that they can live such a happy daily life.


Every seemingly ordinary day should be cherished with gratitude.

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